Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1016 Development of Zongmen

This is also normal.

The more powerful the sky thunder is, the greater it is.

Xu Huier used the secret technique of the source again, this time it took [-] breaths. Fortunately, after the thunder came, she recovered to the peak state again.

As a result, Xu Huier only blocked five ways.

After five times, it was abolished again.

In desperation, Xu Hui'er had no choice but to summon a formation scroll.

Under the formation scroll, Xu Huier used the secret technique of the source to restore to her peak state again.

It has to be said that this formation scroll is very powerful.

Because it forcibly blocked 65 sky thunders before it was declared broken, and at this time Xu Huier had already resisted 270 sky thunders.

Xu Huier shot again.

This time she was even more unbearable, and she was useless if she blocked two.

Xu Huier didn't take the elixir to restore her cultivation after summoning a formation scroll.

No need.

She knew very well that the thunder that came next, she couldn't stop even one.

The scroll withstood 45 thunderbolts before it was declared broken.

Xu Huier took out another one, which blocked thirty thunders.

In desperation, Xu Hui'er took out another one. After blocking the last one, this one still exudes a faint luster, and it seems that it can block one or two more.

Xu Huier was rewarded by heaven after successfully crossing the catastrophe.

Xu Huier felt that she was more than ten times stronger than before.

"I don't know if I can fight against Emperor Realm now?" Xu Huier thought to himself.

But Xu Huier has no reference.


Lin Caihan has great emperor-level potential, which she cannot compete with. As for Zhao Yang, forget it.

After returning to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, Zhao Yang took out the formation scrolls that were previously refined in the small world, "Caihan, Hui'er, you should look at the arrangement of these formation scrolls. In addition, the level of crossing the robbery can be improved, but the ultimate Heavenly Tribulation, don’t try it.”

Such a waste of scrolls.

And relatively speaking, the price/performance ratio is not high.

If it wasn't for Xu Huier's special status, Zhao Yang would really not consider it.

After Lin Caihan and Xu Huier shared the array scrolls, Xu Huier left.

"During this time, you should be busy with the affairs of the sect first, and also take time to improve your supernatural powers." Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan and said, "We will go to Yaowang Mountain in a short time."

"How long?"

"About half a year."

"Half a year is enough time."

"I'm going to practice first." Zhao Yang said softly.

Zhao Yang has a lot to do.

In a sense, he is a pioneer. He must first research and upgrade the supernatural powers of the quasi-emperor realm, and then he will pass on these insights to Lin Caihan and Xu Huier.

And this is bound to consume too much time.

Huangliang a dream!

Zhao Yang spent a lot of time raising his supernatural powers to the first level of quasi-emperor realm, and at the same time his Huangliang Yimeng also broke through to the second level of the second stage.

At this moment, he could let a hundred monks enter Huangliang Yimeng at the same time.

So Zhao Yang asked Lin Caihan to arrange for all the senior leaders of the sect to enjoy this benefit.

One hundred places is already quite a lot.

On this day, Lin Caihan informed Zhao Yang of the achievements of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce during this period after the end of her practice.

"The Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has me, Yiren, Jianchen, Xiaomi, and Xiaoluo." Lin Caihan said softly, "There are 160 in the early stage of the holy realm, 380 in the quasi-sage peak, and one high-level quasi-sage. There are 42 and 400 statues, [-] for the middle-level quasi-sages, and more than [-] for the early-stage quasi-sages."

The reason why the number will show explosive growth is because of the investment of resources during this period.

"Now there is a problem." Lin Caihan said softly after a while.


"I used to think that the resources would last for 100 years, but judging from the current consumption level, we can only use them for 30 years."

"30 years?" Zhao Yang was startled when he heard this number, and then he said with a smile, "Isn't Yaowang Mountain about to be opened? I have a hunch that it will be able to earn a lot of resources by then." At that time, many emperors will go, How can Zhao Yang believe that there is no conflict?

"If I go there then, I will be exposed." Lin Caihan thought of something again.

"Couldn't we not even want chances in order not to be exposed?" Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "Those old guys won't do anything in a short time."

"I think there are already a lot of quasi-sages in the sect, and I don't think about adding more in a short time." Lin Caihan expressed his opinion, "If it continues to expand, the control of the sect will weaken."

"go on."

"The sixth district, the fifth district, and the fourth district, the quasi-sages in these three districts combined are not as many as the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, but the tentacles of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce have not yet reached the fourth district?" Lin Caihan said softly, "Not enough However, maintaining a large-scale business group, something will happen sooner or later.”

"Does the Pure Yang Sect have such a problem?"

"I don't know." Lin Caihan shook her head.

From Lin Caihan's point of view, Chunyangzong also has such problems, but Lin Caihan is unwilling to get involved in the matter of Chunyangzong.

"Then we will train step by step in the Golden Immortal Realm and Jade Immortal Realm, except for the top Tianjiao of course." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"it is good."

"The opening of Yaowang Mountain should be this month. You are going to hand over the work in your hands."

"How long?"

"I don't know either. Be prepared for the long term."

"it is good."

Then Zhao Yang went to Chunyangzong.

In Xu Huier's study, Xu Huier reported to Zhao Yang the development of Chunyangzong during this period.

"I, Jin'er, Leng Qingqiu, Blue Crucian Carp, Mingyue, Xiaoxia, and Xiaojin are the only sects that have reached quasi-emperor status." Note that the holy beast Xu Huier is not mentioned anymore, because the top sects don't count as this.

"There are 110 statues in the early stage of the holy realm, 310 statues in the peak quasi-sage, 920 in the high-level quasi-sage, 760 in the middle-level quasi-sage, and 8000 two hundred and forty-seven in the early stage of the quasi-sage." Following Xu Huier's eloquence, Zhao Yang said softly, "Is there any disadvantage in the development of Chunyang Sect?"

When Zhao Yang said this, Xu Huier, Yuan Jiner, Leng Qingqiu, Blue Crucian Carp, Mingyue and others looked at each other in blank dismay.

After a while, Leng Qingqiu said, "It's no longer suitable for Chunyangzong to stay in the sixth district."

Leng Qingqiu's words stunned everyone.

Isn't it suitable to stay in the sixth district?

"With the size of the Chunyang Sect today, not to mention the major holy places in the sixth district, even the major holy places in the fourth district, we are capable of sweeping away, right?" Leng Qingqiu said in a deep voice, "My The suggestion is that we go out and learn from the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce."

"Continue." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"The sixth district can be used as the headquarters of Chunyangzong, but we need to establish a branch of Chunyangzong. For example, we will establish a branch of Chunyangzong in the fifth and fourth districts. In this way, we can not only absorb more In addition to talents, we can also snatch local resources." Leng Qingqiu said loudly, "We have been relying on the suzerain's support for these years, and to be honest, the Pure Yang Sect doesn't have much ability to make money, so it's not an option if things go on like this in the long run."

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