Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1009 I Don't Know

Ruoxi came over at this time, "Is there only a time bug on you?"

"and also."

"Then why don't you take out a few more time bugs? This can greatly save time." Speaking of this, Ruoxi suddenly realized that she shouldn't say such things in her own capacity, "I'll go to the Palace Master to borrow time." insect."

"No need." Zhao Yang summoned four more time bugs with a wave of his hand, "Yan Ran, Liu Dan, Li Hui, Zhang Yu, you four come in."

"Songya, you come in too." Ruoxi took out her time bug.

Zhao Yang treats the disciples of the Sky Palace like this, Ruoxi can't be content with being a queen, can she?

And with the addition of these five time bugs, the time can be saved five or six times.

It used to take more than two months, but now it only takes a dozen days.

Zhao Yang didn't hide anything about what he did, so the entire Sky Palace knew what happened?

"Zhao Yang actually taught the supernatural powers of the emperor to those alchemists."

"How can those alchemist He De obtain the supernatural powers of the emperor?"

"It is said that it is an incomplete emperor realm supernatural power."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Can they learn the complete ones?"

"I heard that what Ruolan got was complete."

"The latest news is that Zhao Yang took out the time bug to help Ruolan and the others comprehend the Emperor Realm Kung Fu."

"What? Time bugs are so precious, why did Zhao Yang waste such precious resources on them?"

"I also think it's a waste. Alchemists' combat effectiveness is generally not very good? Why don't you give us the time power of the time bug."

"You're thinking too much. After those alchemists get the supernatural powers of the emperor, their combat effectiveness will probably undergo a qualitative change."

When the entire Firmament Palace was discussing this matter, Fairy Qingyue felt extremely aggrieved.

She also wants the Holy Origin Liquid.

Before that, she was No. 1 in the alchemy of the younger generation of the Sky Palace, but now whether her alchemy is Ruolan's opponent, even she is not sure.

Furthermore, after Ruolan obtained the full version of the Emperor Realm Kung Fu, Qingyue's martial arts strength is definitely not Ruolan's opponent.

If both martial arts and alchemy are crushed, what qualifications does Fairy Qingyue have to be the leader of the alchemy hall?

Just when Fairy Qingyue was upset, four girls appeared at the gate of Sky Palace.

"Who are you looking for?" Fairy Qingyue asked with a sullen face.

"Senior Biluo." Lin Caihan said softly.

That's right.

The four women who came here at this time were Lin Caihan, Tang Yiren, Xu Huier, and Yuan Jiner.

"Senior Biluo? You can also see Senior Biluo?" Fairy Qingyue snorted coldly.

When Yuan Jin'er heard this, he refused immediately, "It was my junior brother who asked us to come."

"Junior brother? Who is your little brother?" Fairy Qingyue said indifferently.

"Zhao Yang."

"Zhao Yang?" Fairy Qingyue's eyes turned cold when she heard the name, "I don't know what Zhao Yang is?"

"Zhao Yang is the emperor, how could you not know?" Yuan Jin'er stared at Fairy Qingyue and said coldly.

"I said I don't know, but I just don't know?" Fairy Qingyue said loudly, "What? You want to make trouble in the Sky Palace."

Yuan Jin'er was about to say something, but was stopped by Xu Huier.

"Don't be unreasonable."

"But..." Xu Huier gave Yuan Jiner a hard look when he said this.

"I don't know where we offended this fairy?" Xu Hui'er said softly, "If there is something offended, shall we compensate you?"

"I said that there is no Zhao Yang here." Fairy Qingyue said rudely, "What? Can't you understand me?"

Xu Huier and Lin Caihan looked at each other.

Lin Caihan thought for a while and said, "Since my husband is not here, then we will leave."

After Lin Caihan and the others left, the four female disciples stationed at the mountain gate looked anxious.

"Fairy Qingyue, these are the confidante of Emperor Zhao Yang, if you treat me like this, let the Palace Master know?" a female guard said in a low voice.

She didn't say the latter words, but the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

"If you want to tell the truth, go, I won't stop you." Fairy Qingyue looked at the female guard with cold eyes.

The female guard's heart was full of bitterness.

She knew very well that Fairy Qingyue was warning herself, but the problem was that this matter was too involved, and when the suzerain got angry, she might become a scapegoat.

So after pondering again and again, she secretly sent a message to her master.

Her master was a commander of the Sky Palace, and after thinking about it, her master told her superiors.

Her superior is a legion commander.

And the head of the legion is already a senior member of the Sky Palace.

After hearing the news, the high-ranking official rushed to Biluo's practice place in a hurry.

"Palace Master, something happened."

"What's the matter?" Bi Luo was reading a book at this time, when she heard that she put down the file, she said softly.

"The emperor's wife and three confidantes came to the door, but they were scolded away by Fairy Qingyue."

"What?" Bi Luo's eyes burst into a cold light.

As soon as her mind moved, she saw four beautiful figures driving the battleship away towards the distance.

She waved Lin Caihan and their route changed, and they landed in Bi Luo's courtyard without taking a breath.

Lin Caihan and others were still in shock.

It just felt so weird.

The Purgatory Mirror informs that there is a peerless and terrifying existence performing a great teleportation technique.

I am afraid that the only people in the Purgatory Realm on the eighth level of the Quasi-Emperor Realm can say such words.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't expect the disciples of Sky Palace to do something that would affect the two sects because of some minor conflicts." Bi Luo said softly.

"Are you Senior Biluo?" Lin Caihan said calmly after experiencing the initial shock.

Bi Luo nodded, and then greeted Lin Caihan and other women to sit down.

Then Xu Huier and others introduced their identities.

"Your potential has actually reached the pinnacle of Emperor Zhun." After a while, Bi Luo was suddenly stunned.

The four women have all reached the pinnacle of Emperor Zhun.

"Wait, you don't seem to be an ordinary peak quasi-emperor." Bi Luo immediately looked at Lin Caihan with fixed eyes and said.

She noticed that Lin Caihan was much stronger than the ordinary peak Zhundi.

This is no ordinary peak quasi-emperor.

"I am the limit of Emperor Zhun." Lin Caihan said softly.

"No wonder." Bi Luo immediately stopped paying attention to this matter, "The four of you have all practiced Sky Art, right?"

Lin Caihan and others nodded.

"I have some experience here, you guys feel it, and ask me if there is anything you don't understand." Bi Luo said and detained the four divine thoughts and tapped them on the eyebrows of Lin Caihan and others.

Lin Caihan and the others showed surprise on their faces after a rough browse.

They thought they had a deep understanding of the Firmament of the Sky, only then did they realize that there is still a lot to dig into the Firmament of the Sky.

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