Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1008 Imparting Divine Ability

Ruolan's words resonated with many girls.

Yesterday they thought hard and couldn't figure out what surprise Zhao Yang could give them?

Explain Dan Dao?

What kind of surprise is that?

"Ruolan, let me ask you, what is the status of an alchemist?" Zhao Yang looked at Ruolan and asked.

"The alchemist has a very high status, no matter in the sect or outside." Ruolan thought for a while and expressed her opinion.

"Are you sure?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

"I'm sure." Ruolan didn't understand why Zhao Yang asked this question?

"The alchemist's status only looks high, but in fact many monks look down on it." Zhao Yang said lightly, "I don't know if I'm right?"

Ruolan was stunned.

"That's right, the alchemist's status just looks noble." At this moment, a middle-aged woman agreed, "Actually, many monks look down on alchemists because their combat effectiveness is so scumbag."

"This is Ran Biqing, the master of the alchemy hall." Ruoxi transmitted voice to Zhao Yang.

After Zhao Yang glanced at Ruoxi, his eyes fell on Ran Biqing, "Teacher Ran is right. In the cultivation world, everyone values ​​strength the most. If you have strength, everyone will be in awe. You have no strength, only Alchemy ability, so their respect is only because they need you, they can use you."

Zhao Yang's words caused many women present to fall into deep thought.

And after thinking about the experience of these years, they found that the nobleness they thought was actually because they were needed.

Those Tianjiao look down on them in their bones.

This made them very frustrated.

"Teacher, does your surprise have something to do with the alchemist's status?" Liu Dan asked at this time.

Liu Dan's words made the eyes of many monks light up.


What did Zhao Yang say about the alchemist's status so politely?Could it be that he can improve the alchemist's status?

"The surprise I told you is to teach you a method." Zhao Yang opened his mouth here and spewed out the alchemy energy, and the alchemy energy instantly turned into a figure.

The aura emanating from this body made everyone tremble with fear.

"What is this?" Ruoxi stood up abruptly.

Because Ruoxi realizes that she doesn't seem to be this opponent.

"This is an incarnation condensed with the spirit of alchemy." Zhao Yang said lightly, "And the strength of this avatar is one-third of the original one."

"Own one-third of the deity?" There was a burst of exclamation from the audience.

Do you know that normally the avatar's strength is not even one percent of the deity's?

At this time, Zhao Yang was able to become an avatar with one-third of the strength of the deity.

This can be described as horror.

"With such an avatar assisting you in future battles, your chances of winning will at least be higher than before, right?" Zhao Yang said softly, "And this is the surprise I told you."

"Teacher, why have I never heard of this supernatural power?" Ruolan asked in a deep voice.

"This supernatural power is the supernatural power of the emperor, and its true power is more than that." Zhao Yang said frankly, "In other words, what I taught you is reserved."

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard the words "dijing supernatural powers".

But hearing that Zhao Yang had reservations, their eyes dimmed a lot.

"I said, did your heads twitch?" Ruoxi looked at everyone's expressions and said angrily, "Give you the supernatural power of the emperor, can you learn it?"

Everyone was stunned.

Immediately one by one was embarrassed.


Even the quasi-emperor peak might not be able to learn the supernatural powers of the imperial realm, okay?

And what are their cultivation bases?

"I will give you corresponding exercises according to your potential." Zhao Yang then taught the 150 monks present one by one.

The remaining monks were stunned.

what's the situation?

What about ours?

"Emperor, where's ours?" A girl couldn't help asking.

"Emperor Realm exercises are not suitable for large-scale dissemination." Speaking of this, Zhao Yang looked at Ruolan and the others solemnly and said, "The exercises I have taught you must not be leaked to anyone."

The people didn't even dare to say it.

Ruoxi stood up at this time, "I believe you all know the importance of this practice. Today I will put my words here. Anyone who leaks relevant information will be punished as a crime of betraying the sect."

It is only after hearing this that everyone really looks at this matter.

Ruoxi, as the Young Mistress of the Sky Palace, her words represent the will of the sect.

Don't mention how regretful the remaining monks are now?

Zhao Yang allowed them to listen in, but he didn't teach them the exercises?Fortunately, they were so excited last night?

The result has nothing to do with them?

"Before teaching you the exercises, you can raise some doubts about alchemy." Zhao Yang glanced at the audience and said with a smile.

Zhao Yang's voice fell to the presence of the alchemists who raised their doubts one after another.

Zhao Yang patiently answered them one by one.

This made the senior management of the alchemy hall feel incredible, because most of the questions they asked had no answers from their side.

But Zhao Yang answered everything.

What's even more rare is that Zhao Yangsheng was afraid that they would not understand, so he explained it in the most simple language.

This is terrifying.

This shows that Zhao Yang's understanding of Dan Dao is beyond their imagination.

"Zhao Yang is a high mountain."

"I think we'll just have to look up."

"You overestimate yourself. I don't think we are even qualified to look up, because we can't see his back at all."

Five hours later, Zhao Yang announced the end.

Then he opened the time domain and took Ruolan into it.

"What I am teaching you is the complete version of Yiqihuasanqing, so you should know the horror of this technique." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"If I'm not wrong, you have never used this method when fighting against the princes." Ruolan asked softly.

Zhao Yang nodded.

"Who would have thought that you still have such a hole card." Ruolan said with emotion.

"So this technique must not be leaked, you know?" Zhao Yang said seriously.

"I understand." Ruolan assured, "I won't tell anyone except me."

Only then did Zhao Yang nod his head.

"I'll give you three months. After three months, you will come out and ask what you don't understand."

"Only three months?"

"To be precise, I will give you half a year, and after three months you can practice for another three months." Zhao Yang said softly, "And when all these monks have practiced once, it will be more than two months later." gone."

"But I can't learn much in half a year?" Ruolan said with a wry smile.

Ruolan had just skimmed through this exercise, and she realized that this exercise is very terrifying, and it's not something you can learn just by thinking about it.

"With your current ability, I think you can win the time worm of your sect." Zhao Yang looked at Ruolan and said, "Besides, if you have something you don't understand in the future, you can go to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce to find me."

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