Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1010 Punish Qingyue

At this time, Zhao Yang came here under the leadership of Ruoxi.

"Husband." Lin Caihan shouted.

"Junior brother." Xu Huier shouted.


"Little Junior Brother."

Zhao Yang nodded slightly towards them, "The emperor personally guides, this is a rare opportunity, you must cherish it."

"Senior Bi Luo taught us the experience of the Sky Jue." Lin Caihan said softly.

"Experience?" Zhao Yang said after thinking about it, "You can use the time bug to understand, Senior Biluo doesn't have much time."

In fact, Lin Caihan and other girls were thinking about whether to use the time bug?

But they didn't dare to use it without Zhao Yang's approval.

"Zhao Yang, I have to say sorry to you." Bi Luo said and waved her hand, Fairy Qingyue, who was covered in welts, slumped on the ground.

She looked very miserable.

"Fairy Qingyue deliberately prevented Cai Han and others from coming in. I have taught you a lesson just now. If you are not satisfied, you can do whatever you want." Bi Luo looked at Zhao Yang and said seriously.

"Qingyue, you are quite courageous." Fairy Ruoxi was furious.

Ruoxi and Lin Caihan have become close friends during the time they were in the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

Furthermore, Zhao Yang was brought by Ruoxi, but now Qingyue slaps Lin Caihan in the face, in Ruoxi's view, this is not giving her face.

"It's just blocking it, it's not a big deal." What no one expected was that Zhao Yang stepped forward to help Fairy Qingyue, and then Zhao Yang detained the alchemy in his body to help Qingyue heal.

Qingyue was stunned.

"You...why did you help me?"

"I only care about helping Ruoxi, but I don't want to hurt you invisibly." Zhao Yang said with clear eyes, "Speaking of which, I have to apologize to you." Zhao Yang bowed to Qingyue as he spoke.

Qingyue was stunned.

Zhao Yang made an apology to himself with the honor of the emperor's son.

"No." Immediately, Qingyue supported Zhao Yang, "This time, I have a small belly. I shouldn't take my anger out on your wife. I was wrong."

"Actually, I also have a small belly." Zhao Yang said softly, "I shouldn't exclude you."

"You must not say that, if you say that, I will be ashamed to death." Qingyue was about to cry.

She didn't expect Zhao Yang to have such a big heart.

She suddenly felt that her character was too humble.

"You go to heal your wounds first. In this way, I will refine another batch of holy source liquid in half a month, but the amount is not much, only [-] copies. You can decide who you choose." Zhao Yang said softly.

Qingyue didn't know what to say for a while.

Her heart was full of emotion.

"Ruoxi, help Qingyue go back to heal her injuries." Zhao Yang looked at Ruoxi.

Ruoxi had a look of reluctance on her face.

"Are you stupid?" Biluo's voice rang in Ruoxi's ears at this moment.

Ruoxi looked at Biluo suspiciously.

"This is a good time to buy people's hearts. Zhao Yang created it for you, but you still don't know how to cherish it?" Bi Luo said angrily.

Ruoxi suddenly realized.

She hurriedly stepped forward to support Qingyue, "I'll help you to the room."

After Ruoxi left with Qingyue, Biluo's eyes fell on Zhao Yang, "You will become famous in the future."

"Senior, please don't say that." Zhao Yang said shyly.

After a while, Ruoxi turned back.

"Ruoxi, take Caihan and the others for a stroll first, after all Caihan and the others rarely come here once." Biluo said softly.

Immediately, Bi Luo looked at Lin Caihan and other women, "Come here anytime if you don't understand anything."

"Thank you for your love, senior." Lin Caihan and the other women said respectfully.

Ruoxi took Lin Caihan and others to stroll around for several hours, and then arranged Lin Caihan and others to her hilltop.

"You will live here from now on, just tell the maid if you need anything." Ruoxi said softly, "Of course, if the maid can't solve it, you can just come to me." After a pause, Ruoxi continued, "I know you There must be something to say, and I won't hinder your eyes."

After Ruoxi left, Yuan Jin'er said angrily, "Junior brother, are you interested in Qingyue?"


"Then why did you help Qingyue?"

"First, Qingyue has already been punished by Senior Biluo, haven't you seen the scars on her body?" Zhao Yang said softly, "Do I want to beat up Qingyue again?"

"But Qingyue humiliated us." Yuan Jiner was interrupted by Xu Huier at this point, "Actually, it's not a humiliation, but the words are a bit sharper. Don't listen to Yuan Jiner's nonsense."

"Qingyue's cultivation is at the pinnacle of the Quasi-Emperor Realm, and she is also No. 1 in the Alchemy of the Firmament Palace. In other words, she must be the boss of the Firmament Palace in the future. Do you think it is worth it to fight against her because of these conflicts?" Zhao Yang looked at Yuan Jin'er said.

Yuan Jin'er was stunned.

Did she know that Qingyue was so powerful?

"Secondly, Qingyue didn't do too many excessive things, otherwise, even if Senior Biluo was there, I would never let her go." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"You did the right thing." Lin Caihan nodded and said, "The dispute between us and Qingyue is, to put it bluntly, a dispute of loyalty. Compared with the dispute between ethnic groups, what is this?"

"Master's accident was fair, and I helped Qingyue again today. I can see that Qingyue has repented, which is a good thing for us." Tang Yiren said with a smile, "Master, she must feel very guilty now. I think there's a good chance you pushed her."

Zhao Yang glared at her, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"But I noticed that Ruoxi looked at you in the wrong way."

"That's because your master is excellent."

"So you admit it." Tang Yiren cried out at this point, "Master, what I said before, Master and Ruoxi have an affair, I really hit the mark."

Zhao Yang's face darkened immediately.

"To shut up."

Tang Yi stuck out his tongue and shut up.

"Next, you should practice hard in the Sky Palace, don't worry about time bugs." Zhao Yang said softly.

The next day Zhao Yang went to Qingyue's courtyard accompanied by a maid.

Qingyue was in a daze in the courtyard at this moment.

When she saw Zhao Yang, she stood up abruptly, "You...why are you here?"

"Let me see how your recovery is doing?"

"It's almost recovered." Qingyue stammered.

After Qingyue came back yesterday, her mind was full of Zhao Yang.

But when she saw Zhao Yang at this time, her little heart jumped up.


Heartfelt feeling.

Looking at the blushing Qingyue, Zhao Yang asked doubtfully, "Let me check."

Qingyue forced herself to calm down, and then stretched out her bright wrist.

Zhao Yang took a pulse check and frowned and said, "You're fine." With Zhao Yang's alchemy, he could still tell if there was anything wrong with Qingyue.

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