Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1007 Stubborn persistence

At this moment, Zhao Yang called another name, "Liu Dan."

Liu Dan hurriedly rushed to Zhao Yang, her eyes were full of heat, "Teacher."

Looking at Liu Dan's appearance, Yan Ran was a little upset, what are you doing looking at the teacher with that look?


But Yan Ran didn't say anything.

"You are the second level of quasi-emperor realm, right?" Zhao Yang asked softly.


"After taking it, you will be promoted from the second level of the quasi-emperor realm to the fifth level of the quasi-emperor realm." Zhao Yang said and handed Liu Dan a jade bottle.

"Thank you teacher." Liu Dan took the jade bottle and ran into the time domain.

Yan Ran was stunned.

It was only then that she realized that she had been too sentimental just now.

Maybe all the alchemists who attended yesterday were able to raise three small realms?

"Teacher, why did I only raise two small realms?" Ruolan came to Zhao Yang and asked cautiously.

"If you upgrade again, you will be promoted to the Emperor Realm?" Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Emperor Realm is not so easy to upgrade. To be honest, I have no other way at the moment."

Ruolan felt a little disappointed in her heart.

Ruoxi said angrily at this time, "If Zhao Yang has such a means, it should be my turn to be the first one."

Ruoxi is a little jealous.

Ruolan looked at Ruoxi with a smile and said, "Yes, but sister, have you taken it?"

"No?" Ruoxi said and glanced at Zhao Yang.

"Don't worry, no one else's, but yours, yours has already been prepared." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Then how far can my sister improve?"

"The limit of the quasi-emperor."

"Still can't set foot in the emperor's realm?" Hearing this, Ruolan was satisfied.

Although there is still a gap with Ruoxi, the gap is not obvious.

Next, Zhao Yang helped these 150 girls improve their potential in three small realms one after another.

Among them, there are three potentials in the quasi-emperor realm, 32 in the holy realm, and 110 five in the quasi-sacred realm.

Therefore, the holy source liquid that Zhao Yang consumed was actually not much.

At this time, a young girl stood up, "Emperor, do you have ours?"

The girl's words caused dissatisfaction among the 150 girls.

"Why do you have yours?"

"You didn't come when you were asked to come yesterday, but now you are ashamed to ask the teacher for the elixir?"

"Even if you think about it with your toes, you can tell that this kind of elixir must be very precious. I think the teacher may not have it anymore."

"The teacher has given you a lot of face by allowing you to listen here. How dare you make such an exaggerated request?"

As the girls stood up and besieged the girl, the girl became a little at a loss.

Seeing her flustered look, Zhao Yang said, "I'm really sorry, but to make this kind of holy medicine, I need very valuable medicinal materials, and now I don't have any."

After seeing Zhao Yang speak, everyone stopped.

"It's me, Meng Lang." The girl said hastily.

As for the remaining girls, they didn't dare to ask for the holy medicine at this time.

"Today I'm going to explain to you the Heavenly Pill." Zhao Yang asked the avatar to refine the Heavenly Pill in public.

The resources of Tiandan are aimed at those who are at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm and set foot in the Quasi-Holy Realm.

Zhao Yang explained in detail the refining process of Tiandan and his own experience.

And when Zhao Yang explained Tiandan, some alchemists in the holy realm didn't want to listen, but soon they found that what Zhao Yang explained was different from what they learned.

Zhao Yang's explanation was more pure and profound.

After the end, everyone felt that they had benefited a lot.

"Teacher, is there any surprise tomorrow?" Ruolan asked with a smile.

When Ruolan asked this question, she was joking.

But what no one expected was that Zhao Yang nodded, "Yes."


The high-level officials including the alchemy hall hidden in the dark were shocked.

what's the situation?

Zhao Yang still has surprises to give?

They really don't know what kind of surprise Zhao Yang can come up with?

In fact, when Zhao Yang preached for the first time to solve doubts, the elders of the alchemy hall hid in the dark and listened to the lectures. They also wanted to see how the legendary emperor's achievements in the way of alchemy were.

Just listening to them falling into it themselves.

They feel that they have also benefited a lot.

The Tiandan explained by Zhao Yang today gave them a refreshing feeling.


"After I go back, I can retreat to a higher level of alchemy."

"Are you sure you want to retreat now?"

"Haha, how is it possible? It must wait until the end of the Emperor's Son. How many years does this kind of opportunity come?"

On the way back, Ruoxi asked curiously, "What surprise are you talking about?"

"It's inconvenient to tell you this." Zhao Yang said with a slight smile.

"Tell me?" Ruoxi said coquettishly.

"Tomorrow's surprise has nothing to do with you."


"Tomorrow's surprise is aimed at alchemists, and you don't practice alchemy, what do you say has anything to do with you?"



Fairy Qingyue's face became gloomy after hearing a few reports from her confidants.

"You mean that all the high-level officials of the alchemy hall went to attend the lecture today?"


"The potential of the first batch to go has all been raised by three small realms?"


"Where is Ruolan?"

"Ruolan is already an existence at the peak of the potential realm at this time."

"Where's Ruoxi?"

"The limit of the quasi-imperial realm, wirelessly approaching the imperial realm."

Fairy Qingyue really didn't know what to do to fight back at this time?

Ruoxi is trying to control her alchemy hall?

"The emperor said, there will be a surprise tomorrow?"

"Surprise? What other surprises can he come up with?" Fairy Qingyue was startled.

"Everyone is guessing, but no one knows what surprise the Emperor will have tomorrow?"

"Fairy Qingyue, are you going tomorrow?"

"Yes, Fairy Qingyue, I think you should go and see it?"

Facing the persuasion of several confidants, Fairy Qingyue snorted coldly, "If I go, it means I have surrendered, you know?"

Several confidantes suddenly fell silent.

In the early morning of the next day, the hall was full of alchemists, many of whom came here yesterday, even the high-level officials of the alchemy hall arrived.

When Zhao Yang appeared at the door, all the alchemists present were paying attention to Zhao Yangxing.

Zhao Yang was taken aback.

He didn't expect that there were thousands of alchemists who came here today.

"Why are there so many alchemists here today?" Zhao Yang asked in surprise.

"Everyone wants to admire your demeanor?" Fairy Ruoxi said with a smile.

"I'm a little flattered."

"Why didn't I see the slightest bit of flattery on your face?" Fairy Ruoxi asked suspiciously.

"It's meaningless for you to ask like that." Zhao Yang said as he strode up to the podium.

"Teacher, I've thought about it all night, but I haven't figured out what surprise you're going to give us?" Ruolan stood up and asked softly.

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