Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1006 Surprise for You

"What?" Ruoxi was stunned.

"I said yes."

"You mean you can help me go further?"


"How do you do it?"

"It's inconvenient to tell you this." Zhao Yang said after pondering for a while.

"Then can I tell Master about this?"

"It doesn't matter." Zhao Yang knew that he couldn't hide this matter, but Zhao Yang didn't think about it either.

After Ruoxi sent Zhao Yang to her residence, she went to Biluo's courtyard.

"Master." Ruoxi bowed to Biluo.

"You made Zhao Yang a lecturer?" Bi Luo said indifferently.

How could Bi Luo not know about the elixir to cross the catastrophe in the Sky Palace?



"Her level of alchemy is beyond my imagination." Ruoxi said seriously, "There is only one younger generation who can compare with him."

Bi Luo nodded, "Since this is the case, let Ruolan and the others practice hard with Zhao Yang."

"there's one more thing."


"Zhao Yang asked for the potential data of Ruolan and the others?"

"What does she want this for?"

"I think Zhao Yang might want to help them improve their potential."

"Improve potential?"

"Just now Zhao Yang said that he would help Ruolan rise to the peak of Emperor Zhun, and help me go one step further."

"What?" Bi Luo was stunned.

After reaching the quasi-emperor level, Zhao Yang still has the ability to help them improve?

Are you kidding me?

You have to know how many years Biluo has been in charge of the Sky Palace, and I haven't heard of any resources that can do it until now?

"What it is, I don't know."

"Then let's talk about it tomorrow."

Ruolan and other alchemists excitedly shared today's events with the alchemists who did not go after returning.

While those sisters were jealous, they were also very curious about what Zhao Yang wanted their potential data for?

So in the early morning of the next day, besides the alchemists who arrived on the first day, a group of alchemists who did not come yesterday also arrived.

Accompanied by Ruoxi, Zhao Yang was stunned seeing this scene.

"Why are there so many alchemists here today?"

Seeing Zhao Yang frown, the new batch of alchemists suddenly felt uneasy, they were worried about being chased away by Zhao Yang.

Fortunately, Zhao Yang didn't say anything. After looking around, she said, "Do you still remember the surprise I said yesterday?"

Ruolan and the others looked at Zhao Yang like little fans.

"Ruolan." Zhao Yang read Ruolan's name.

Ruolan stood up quickly.

Zhao Yang signaled Ruolan to come forward.

Ruolan hurriedly walked up to Zhao Yang.

"Teacher." Ruolan said respectfully.

Originally, Ruolan wanted to call Zhao Yang Emperor's Son, but she felt that this was too unfamiliar, so she called Zhao Yang Teacher.

"Your potential is the seventh heaven of quasi-emperor realm, right?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

"Yes." Ruolan replied.

Zhao Yang handed Ruolan a jade bottle, "There is a holy medicine I have mixed in the jade bottle, you can take it here."

Ruolan took it and asked curiously, "Teacher, is it convenient to ask what the holy medicine is for?"

"It can increase your potential from the seventh level of the quasi-emperor realm to the ninth level of the quasi-emperor realm." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Ruolan's pupils shrank.

How can it be?

Ruolan knows too well how difficult it is to ascend from the seventh level of the quasi-emperor realm to the ninth level of the quasi-emperor realm?

But Zhao Yang told her at this time, just take this bottle of holy medicine.

"Ruolan, hurry up and thank the emperor." Ruoxi glared at Ruolan at this moment.

It was only then that Ruolan came to her senses, "Thank you teacher."

"I think many alchemists present still have doubts, so, Ruolan, why don't you set an example?" Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

Ruolan took a breath and said, "Ruolan is willing."

Zhao Yang took out a time worm, "It will take several days to completely melt this medicinal power, so you can take it in the time domain." Zhao Yang opened the time domain as he spoke.

Ruolan drank the holy source liquid after entering the time domain.

Immediately she sat down cross-legged.

A few minutes later, Ruolan walked out of the time domain, and her aura was several times stronger than before.

"Teacher, I think I am ten times stronger than before." Ruolan said in surprise.

Ruolan's cultivation has not improved, but her combat effectiveness has.

Feeling the aura emanating from Ruolan's body, all the alchemists present were shocked.

Really did.

Zhao Yang has really raised Ruolan's potential to the ninth level of the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

At this moment, several divine thoughts enveloped Ruolan's body.

"Her cells are full of vitality."

"The blood energy is more than ten times stronger than before."

"Ruolan's potential has definitely been raised to the ninth level of the Quasi-Emperor Realm."

"There are not many people in the Sky Palace who can compare with Ruolan."

"I just want to know what's in Zhao Yang's bottle?" At this time, all the people investigating Ruo Lan were experts in the Quasi-Emperor Realm of the Sky Palace.

First, they were curious about how Zhao Yang did it; second, they were also worried that Zhao Yang had other intentions.

"Palace Master, can we ask Zhao Yang for some of this kind of resources?" At this time, an elder from the Sky Palace asked Biluo.

"Do you know that Zhao Yang has already given five time worms to the Sky Palace, and you still want his resources?" Biluo said indifferently, "Besides, Zhao Yang has the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and the Chunyangzong in his hands, what do you think? Are his resources adequate?"

Hearing this, the high-level executives of the Sky Palace all showed embarrassing expressions.

"None of you is allowed to interfere with Zhao Yang's affairs." Bi Luo gave everyone a warning look.

"Yanran." Zhao Yang called out the second name.

At this moment, a fat girl came over, and she sweetly yelled to Zhao Yang, "Yanran has met the teacher."

"Your potential is the Quasi-Emperor Realm Quadruple Heaven."


"After taking this bottle of liquid medicine, your potential will be raised to the seventh level of quasi-emperor realm." Zhao Yang said lightly.

A look of shock appeared on Yan Ran's face.

Before Zhao Yang helped Ruolan upgrade from the seventh heaven of quasi-emperor realm to the ninth heaven of quasi-emperor realm, the girls present thought that Zhao Yang was doing it for Ruoxi's sake. After all, everyone knew that Ruolan was Ruoxi's younger sister.

But now Zhao Yang actually wants to help Yanran upgrade from the fourth heaven of quasi-emperor realm to the seventh heaven of quasi-emperor realm.

In other words, Yanran wants to ascend to the third heaven.

This improvement was greater than that of Ruolan.

"Could it be that the teacher likes me?" Yan Ran thought shyly.

Seeing Yanran's flushed face, Zhao Yang was stunned, "What's wrong with you?"

Yan Ran glanced at Zhao Yang affectionately and said, "Teacher, Yan Ran is fine."

Zhao Yang handed Yanran a jade bottle, "You enter the time domain and drink it."

A few minutes later, Yanran walked out of the time domain, and everyone noticed that Yanran's improvement was greater than that of Ruolan.

"Yan Ran's breath is ten times stronger."

"Before Yan Ran was at the middle level of the Quasi-Emperor Realm, but now she has directly reached the high level of the Quasi-Emperor Realm."

"Yeah, this almost crosses a class."

"I wonder if the teacher can also let me raise the three small realms?"

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