Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1005: Alchemy in Public

"I know what you're thinking?" Zhao Yang said while an avatar appeared beside him.

"You refine a furnace of Nitian Pill in public." Following Zhao Yang's voice, the alchemist who was present was shocked.

How can they not see that this is Zhao Yang's incarnation.

However, there is a huge difference in the strength of the avatar and the deity.

Is this incarnation of Zhao Yang capable of refining a holy pill of the level of Nitian Pill?

In their skeptical look, the avatar took out the medicinal materials and refined them in public.

Gradually, the faces of these alchemists became serious.

"Alchemy is like flowing water."

"I think it's just like playing with the refining pill."

"I remember that the steps of refining the Nitian Pill are not like this."

"The seal it condenses is also different from what we learned."

"But I feel like it works better."

Just as these alchemists were discussing in low voices, they transformed themselves into the alchemy furnace, and nine elixir filled with the light of colored glaze rushed into the air.


At this moment, a sound of thunder appeared above the nine elixir.

"Crossing Tribulation?"

"Are these nine elixir going to pass the catastrophe?"

"Chaopin Dan, the legendary Chaopin Dan?"

All the alchemists present were shocked.

"Ruoxi, find an open place." Zhao Yang looked at Ruoxi under the stage and said.

"Follow me, please." Ruoxi hurriedly stood up.

Zhao Yang led the nine elixirs to the square with Ruoxi.

After arriving at the square, thunderbolts struck towards the nine elixir.

This scene caught the attention of many monks in the Sky Palace, including the alchemist in the hall of Fairy Qingyue.

Those alchemists also ran to the square one after another.

"what's the situation?"

"The elixir crosses the tribulation?"

"The fluctuations emitted by these nine elixir are too strong, right?"

"This seems to be against the sky pill?"

"Can Nitian Pills be refined into super-grade ones?"

"In these years, I haven't even seen the top-quality Pill, okay?"

"Is this against the sky?"

"As expected of an emperor, it's fine if martial arts are so powerful, but now even alchemy is so terrifying?"

"Before I left with the young suzerain, I was still very apprehensive, but now I feel that I have made a lot of money."

Seeing this scene from a distance, Fairy Qingyue's face became exciting.

Fairy Qingyue also refined Nitian Pill, but she could only refine first-grade pills, and she couldn't even refine top-grade ones.

"Isn't the emperor's alchemy technique so amazing?" A woman who didn't come said enviously.

"This is not made by the emperor." A girl who followed Ruoxi said with a smile.

"Who made that?" The women who didn't come looked at the girl one after another.

"The emperor summoned a clone, which was refined by him."


The audience was in an uproar.

Zhao Yang actually used his avatar to complete such a difficult elixir?

How insane must this guy be?

And as the six elixir fell from midair, many alchemists present showed burning colors.

Super-grade Seizing Heaven Pill.

This means that after taking it, you can step into the holy land without any hidden dangers.

You must know that many girls here have not set foot in the realm of the holy realm.

And with Duotian Pill, they can save years of hard work.

"Go back to the hall, and I will tell you some experience in refining the Duotian Pill." Zhao Yang said with a smile after putting away the six Duotian Pills.

Those alchemists showed surprise on their faces.

If they get Zhao Yang's experience, will the level of alchemy be improved in the future?

And the alchemists who didn't leave with Ruoxi before all had expressions of envy on their faces. They really wanted to follow, but they were too embarrassed to go because of their face.

After arriving at the hall, Zhao Yang explained in detail the steps of alchemy and some of his own experience to the girls present.

The girls present were fascinated by the sound.

These years they followed the rules and did not dare to go beyond the slightest.

But Zhao Yang broke the rules. No matter in the warming link or in the tempering link, Zhao Yang has unique techniques and experience.

"Before, I didn't understand what it means to listen to Jun's words is better than reading ten years of books, but now I understand."

"The emperor opened a window for us, and only then did I know how wonderful the outside world is."

"My alchemy level has improved by a stage."

"It's really scary. You have to know that the emperor has only told us how many hours."

When these girls were having a heated discussion, Zhao Yang smiled slightly and said, "That's the end of today's sermon. Before the get out of class ends, please report your potential. Remember, don't report indiscriminately."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding why Zhao Yang wanted to know their potential?

Ruoxi was also a little confused at this time, but she still said in a deep voice, "You must be precise when reporting your potential, and you can't cheat, you know?"

Then a young girl stood up, "Ruolan, the seventh level of potential quasi-emperor realm."

Zhao Yang couldn't help but glanced at the girl and asked, "What's your relationship with Ruoxi?"

"Ruoxi is my sister." Ruolan replied softly.

"Before I wondered if you resembled Ruoxi?" Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Okay, I've recorded it."

After the 150 girls present reported their potential one after another, Zhao Yang let them go.

"Remember, come here to listen to the class on time at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, and I will give you a surprise tomorrow." Zhao Yang said lightly.

The eyes of these girls suddenly lit up.


Does Zhao Yang want to improve their strength?

But Zhao Yang didn't say anything, and they couldn't ask any further questions.

After they left, Ruoxi asked curiously, "What surprise do you want to give them?"

"Ruolan is your sister, right?"


"Is she a staunch supporter of yours?"


"You said that if I raise Ruolan to the level of Qingyue, will it embarrass you?"

"Qingyue is at the pinnacle of the Quasi-Emperor Realm, and her martial arts strength is only slightly inferior to mine."

"After you have practiced the full version of Wuliangjue, the gap between you and Qingyue is no longer what it was before."

"But if Ruolan wants to be compared with Qingyue, the premise is that she must also reach the peak of Zhundi."

"I can make Ruolan reach the pinnacle of quasi-emperor."

"How is it possible?" Ruoxi looked in disbelief.

After reaching this level, can the potential be improved casually?

If Ruolan could be promoted, Zongmen would have helped Ruolan to be promoted already, okay?

"What Sky Palace can't do doesn't mean I can't do it either." Zhao Yang said with a slight smile.

"Then can you let me improve a bit?" Ruoxi asked flatteringly after a while.

"Didn't your master tell you to promote you to the emperor realm?"

"My master said to help me rise to the emperor's realm, but my emperor's realm must be the weakest." Ruoxi said softly, "And if I can go one step further and get infinitely close to the emperor's realm, in the future I will set foot on the emperor's realm." After entering the emperor's realm, I will not be bullied in the emperor's realm."


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