Falling in love with you, starting from the heavens to perform the League of Legends

At this time, the sky was just dawning, the sun showed a corner on the horizon, and the whole town was shrouded in a thin layer of mist.

In front of a single-family house with a garden on the street, two people stood side by side.

The one on the left is tall, burly and handsome, wearing a dark blue tight battle suit and a cape in the shape of the American flag on the back.

He habitually put his hands on his hips, staring intently at the house in front of him.

The man on the right is much shorter, with a strange dress, smooth gray skin like a dolphin, and two huge horns on his head.

"See? That kid."

"I see." The motherlander nodded slightly. For some reason, he was a little nervous now.

Although he didn't go in, with his perspective ability, he could clearly see all the details in the room, including the sleeping blond boy lying on the bed.

Lu Wu doesn't have the ability to see through, but he can guess what's going on inside: "You looked a lot like him when you were young, didn't you?"

"It's exactly the same as when I was a child." The motherlander paused and continued: "But can you be sure that is my son?"

"You'll know if you try it." The gray-white demon suddenly disappeared in place, and the door was opened the next second.

"Hey, don't..." Seeing this, the people from the motherland hurried to follow.

At this time, two people in the house are sleeping soundly, one is Ryan, the son of the native, and the other is Becca, the mother of Ryan.

And this charming mature beauty has another identity, that is, the wife of Billy the Butcher who has been missing for many years.

Eight years ago, as the marketing director of Water Company, she was responsible for operating and managing the social network accounts of the people of the motherland, and gradually developed a love for the people of the motherland.

Under a certain opportunity, voluntary dedication had a relationship with the people of the motherland.

As a result, she became pregnant this time.

The most correct choice at that time should be to kill the child, just as if nothing happened.

But Becca didn't know what was wrong, she just didn't want to, and she didn't explain the situation to her husband, Billy, who was an FBI agent at the time.

Instead, he chose to find the senior management of Water Company alone and let them hide themselves.

Since the specific situation is only known to the top management of Becca and Water, even if Billy is an FBI agent, he can't find out what happened.

However, he found out that his wife had had contact with people from the motherland before she disappeared.

So he stubbornly believed that it was the people from the motherland who killed his wife Becca.

Since then, he has been ruthless to the people of the motherland and all other superhuman beings, determined to kill all these cancerous tumors.

To be honest, even people like Lu Wu feel ashamed of Becca's behavior.

So he ignored the sleeping woman in the bedroom and walked directly to another room where the little boy Ryan was.

This is especially true for the people of the motherland. If the devil didn't take the initiative to mention it, he would never be able to remember who Becca was in his life.

He has tens of millions of fans all over the world, half of which are female fans, and there are countless people who are willing to take the initiative to repost. He has seen this kind of crap a lot.

If he really remembered everyone, he wouldn't be able to survive.

Now the only thing in the world that he can care about is probably Lu Wu by his side and the little boy in the room.

As for Madeleine, she is no longer taken seriously by the people of the motherland.

Seeing that the door of Ryan's room opened without wind, he hurried over and shouted in a low voice, "What do you want!"

Lu Wu's figure appeared beside the bed, and he replied indifferently: "It's just to say hello to him."

"Then be careful, don't hurt him." The motherlander was inexplicably anxious.

"Don't worry about that." Lu Wu said indifferently: "I'm his uncle anyway, and I won't do anything to him."

"Besides, what I like most are children."

Then, under the nervous gaze of the people from the motherland, Lu Wu reached out and patted Ryan's cheek lightly.

"Wake up, kid, your uncle is here to see you."

"Don't move, Mom, let me sleep for a while." Ryan pushed away the sharp claw, turned over and continued to fall asleep.

"Lian, wake up Ryan..."

In the end, under Lu Wu's constant harassment, the sleepy little boy had to open his eyes, and kept mumbling: "Mom, what time is it now, so early..."

But when he saw the terrifying appearance of the demon, he instantly woke up and yelled in fear.

At the same time, the boy's eyes turned red, and two rays poured out. If Lu Wu hadn't reacted quickly enough, he would have hit him.

Ryan still doesn't have a good control over his abilities, and he can't release rays continuously like his father.

So the battery ran out soon, and I could only curl up on the bed, trembling as I watched the demon in front of me.

At this time, Lu Wu turned his head and gave the people of the motherland a wink. The people of the motherland understood and nodded with satisfaction.

Yes, this is my pup!

Immediately afterwards, he walked to the boy's bedside and asked, "Son, do you know me?"

"Recognize...recognize." The appearance of the devil still had a great impact on Ryan, and he stuttered a bit: "You...you are from the motherland."

"That's right." The motherland squeezed Lu Wu away, sat by the boy's bed, touched his face and said tenderly, "Then do you know who I am?"

The boy shook his head: "I don't know."

A smile appeared on the face of the motherland: "We are one family, and I am yours..."

Halfway through the speech, Becca, who had just been woken up, suddenly rushed into the room and shouted anxiously: "Lian."

This made him frown uncontrollably.

"Mom!" The boy wanted to get out of bed immediately when he saw his mother.

But Becca was blocked by Lu Wu at the door: "Ma'am, you don't want to spoil this warm scene, do you?"

The woman was so frightened that she took several steps back, pointing at the devil and being speechless for a long time.

What surprised her even more was that the motherlander actually sat beside her son's bed.

For a moment, her eyes became a little complicated, gratified, angry, secretly delighted, and so on.

Seeing that Beijia didn't continue to disturb, the man from the motherland stretched his brows. Just now, he almost couldn't help but turn around and kill this woman.

"Lane, didn't your mother tell you?"

"I'm actually your father."

Facing his son again, the native of the motherland once again showed his superb face-changing skills, and became kind in an instant.

The boy was a little overwhelmed at this moment, looking at the man in front of him, and at the mother who was blocked by the door, his eyes were misty.

"Don't be afraid of the child, that is your uncle, my brother." The motherland turned around and waved to Lu Wu, and continued to say to the boy:

"Come on, call uncle."

Ryan glanced at the demon, then moved away immediately, and said timidly, "Hello, Uncle."

"Oh, good boy." Lu Wu leaned against the door frame and responded with a smile.

Then, he took out a gray box from his arms and threw it at the boy.

"Next, here's a gift from Uncle to meet you."

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