Falling in love with you, starting from the heavens to perform the League of Legends

Ryan reached out to catch the gift and said politely, "Thank you uncle."

"You're welcome." Lu Wu tried to put on a benevolent expression, and reminded: "Remember, open it only when you are in danger."

The boy nodded thoughtfully.

The man from the motherland touched his head and said proudly, "What a good boy."

Just when he was enjoying the warmth between father and son, Lu Wu suddenly said, "Then I won't disturb your family reunion."

"There is still something to do, let's go first."

The motherland who has completely taken the role of father said: "Leave so soon, don't stay for a while?"

"No, no, see you." Lu Wu waved his hands freely, turned and walked out of the room.

The motherland commanded unceremoniously: "Becca, go see him off."

From just now, the woman who had been standing there without knowing what she was thinking, responded and quickly followed the demon's footsteps.

Lu Wu ignored her, and disappeared after leaving the room.

Seeing this, the woman was stunned for a while, opened her mouth, and finally said nothing, bowed her head and walked back to the house.

For the next ten days or so, the natives stayed in the town to cultivate their relationship with Ryan.

Water company sent people to look for him several times, but he didn't go back as if he was angry.

He didn't realize the seriousness of the matter until Vice President Madeleine came to him in person.

According to Madeleine, Lu Wu has never appeared since he separated from the people from the motherland in the town that day, and the same is true for Xingguang.

Another member of the seven-member team who had disappeared for a long time returned to the headquarters with a seriously injured body.

Claiming that Lu Wu injured him and stole hundreds of thousands of doses of Compound [-].

This has aroused the great attention of Walt's senior management, because many of the robbed medicines are ready-to-use compounds that have just been developed.

After the injection of this medicine, an ordinary person can immediately have superpowers.

Although the duration is not long, because it is an experimental product, the performance is very unstable, so it is easy to make trouble.

What's more, there are hundreds of thousands of No. [-]s, enough to build a superhuman army.

Therefore, Walt's senior management issued a death order, and Lu Wu must be caught within the time limit and all Compound No. [-] should be taken back.

But Hei Se, who is the most loyal to the company, is still lying in the hospital, and now only people from the motherland can do this.

It's not that Water Company has no other cards, but that it's not worth their big money to deal with a mere superhuman.

But immediately, they will pay the price for their underestimation.

Hearing that such a big event had happened in the company, the native of the motherland hurried back to the headquarters, but when he saw the empty meeting room of the group of seven, he felt less anxious.

Lu Wu is his own brother, so let's do it, whoever he loves will go, he won't go anyway.

When the people of the motherland deliberately released the water, time passed quickly, and several days passed.

At the same time, Lu Wu took advantage of this time to actively prepare his own plan, probably to make everyone in the city laugh.

Himiko, who trusted him unconditionally, and her older brother Kenji also helped a lot.

Unaware that the citizens of New York are still kept in the dark, they live as usual, unaware that the danger is approaching every step of the way.

The only thing that feels strange is that at some point in the Super Seven, there are only two people left, the Homelander and Queen Maeve.

However, not everyone felt that the years were peaceful. Billy the Butcher, who got the sample of Compound No. [-], felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

During this period of time, he has not been idle, and has been negotiating with Susan, the deputy director of the FBI.

From the evidence so far, it is enough to prove to the FBI that the Water Company is conspiring a terrible conspiracy.

Therefore, Billy is going to take these evidences and exchange some reasonable remuneration with his old club.

Of course, he didn't forget a few good brothers who were born and died with him, so he specially drew up a list for this purpose.

Susan agreed to all the personnel salaries, office conditions, security levels, and exemption clauses on the list, but the last accusation against the natives of the motherland was not acceptable.

Everyone knew that Billy wanted the people of his country to die, or at worst go to jail.

But no one is willing to do this kind of thing, and no one wants to push the people of the motherland into a hurry, which will kill many people.

Susan and the FBI behind her made no secret of her fear of the motherland.

It is okay to let them cooperate to bring down the Water Company, but it is not good to deal with superhumans, because they will really die.

In the end, Billy's plan to use "Compound No. [-]" and related evidence to give himself and his brothers an official position in the FBI fell through.

Since he couldn't agree on an agreement, he withdrew the sample from Susan, and prepared to overthrow the Walter Group by his own strength and kill the people of the motherland.

However, people are not as good as heaven.

Billy's brothers, whom Billy thought were of one mind with him, actually had internal strife after learning that the negotiations had broken down.

Especially the salesman Huey, who reacted very strongly to Billy's decision to give up all conditions because he was a native of his country.

They can obviously get support from all aspects of the FBI first, and then slowly plan things for the people of the motherland.

Frankie and Brother Nurse also felt that Huey was right, which was in line with normal logic.

But Billy was very stubborn and felt that what he did was okay.

Afterwards, a heated argument broke out between the two, with Billy even hitting Huey.

The salesman, who was beaten up for making an opinion, held a grudge ever since, and one day stole a sample of "Compound No. [-]" while Billy and the others were not paying attention.

The medicine sample was obtained by him with all his might, so he naturally has the right to take it back.

In addition, there is another reason why Huey dared to do this, and that is that he did not raise enough money.

Last time he only extorted 30 from Izkiel, and he was still far away from the [-] US dollars he promised to pay Lu Wu.

Huey, who didn't want to die like this, pinned all his hopes on this negotiation with Susan.

It turned out that the money was gone because of Billy's personal hatred.

The only thing that made him feel lucky now was that when the time came, Lu Wu didn't come to ask him for money.

But the 30 is still like the sword of Damocles, hanging high above Huey's head, and it may fall down at any time.

So he thought, sell the compound sample in his hand as soon as possible, and sell it to anyone, so as to collect the rest of the money.

Since Huey was just an ordinary salesperson before, and he didn't have the relationship like Billy, he didn't know who to sell the things in his hand for a while.

Until he remembered the group of Asian gangsters he encountered when investigating the compound.

Perhaps those gangsters would be very interested in Compound No. [-].

But throughout New York, there are at least hundreds of gangsters, large and small, and it is a question of which one to sell to.

So, he decided to investigate secretly first.

I didn't expect that this investigation was not a big deal, it really made Huey find something.

He saw the same person near different gang sites, and that was the wolf girl who almost killed him before.

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