The motherlander with the photo in his hand raised his head and looked at the demon opposite him in surprise.

At this time, Lu Wu suddenly jumped up and hugged him, with two lines of hot tears remaining in the corners of his eyes, crying loudly:

"John, I'm your half brother!"

The people from the motherland were at a loss for a while, with their arms raised in the air, neither hugging nor not hugging, the whole person fell into confusion.

After a while, Lu Wu's crying weakened, and he firmly grabbed his shoulder and said sincerely: "I have finally waited for this day, John!"

"I only have one wish now, and that is to hear you call me brother!"

As a result, the motherlander couldn't bear such a stimulus, pushed the devil away, turned around and left the utility room.

Standing with her hips akimbo in the corridor, frowning tightly, she kept muttering:

"Impossible? How could this be?"

Lu Wu had already appeared behind him at this time, and quietly said: "How is it impossible, the facts are right in front of us, there is nothing to question."

Naturally, it is impossible for people from the motherland to recognize this relative with just a photo, but they are not sure, what the devil said must be false, what if it is true...

So, he let out a long breath, ready to have a good chat with this Schrödinger's brother.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned around, he met Lu Wu's slender and deep purple eyes.

"Recall carefully, when we were seven months old, we couldn't walk, we could only crawl side by side on the ground."

"During the injection, we were both slapped because you kept crying."

"When you were one year old, the word you learned was my name "Sacco", do you remember? . "

Under Lu Wu's persuasive language and the gaze of those eyes, a gray figure slowly appeared in the already messy memory of the people of the motherland.

Before the age of three, the two were locked in the same sterile room, ate together, slept together, learned to speak and walk together, and practiced superpowers together.

It's just that in memory, the gray baby is always smiling, while the people from the motherland are always stern, just like now.

But after the age of three, I can no longer find that familiar figure in my memory.

Thinking of this, the motherland asked eagerly: "What happened later, why didn't I see you again later?"

When he asked this question, it meant that he subconsciously believed that the series of lies Lu Wu had fabricated before admitted the fact that he had an older brother.

It's just that the people of the motherland haven't realized it yet.

"It's very simple, they lost me." Lu Wu opened his mouth and said, "It sounds absurd, right, but it makes sense for Water Company."

"There are countless children who died in their hands, so it's nothing to lose one."

"But..." the people from the motherland still couldn't believe it: "Then what happened later?"

Lu Wu pretended to be deep and said: "Later, I was picked up by kind people and sent to an orphanage that specially adopts superhuman children."

"Because no one was willing to adopt me, I was kicked out when I was an adult."

"Before joining the group of seven, I mainly relied on my own superpowers to do some bad work of paying for murder."

Lu Wu didn't lie about this experience. At most, he had [-] million points of artistic processing. He did grow up in an orphanage, and no one was willing to adopt him before he became an adult.

Faced with this "expression of true feelings", the people of the motherland finally let go of the last trace of doubt, reached out and hugged the devil, and said with emotion: "My brother, you have suffered all these years!"

Lu Wu was secretly happy in his heart, but his face was full of grief. He patted the back of the motherlander and said, "It's not hard, as long as you are fine."

The people of the motherland who have always longed for family affection in their hearts couldn't help but shed tears: "Then you have been here for so many years, why didn't you come to me?"

I saw Lu Wu push away his cheap brother and sighed: "Oh, you are the leader of the famous group of seven, and I am just a clown in the sewer."

"The people from Water Company injected you with memory-confusing drugs again."

"Even if I find you, you can't possibly know me."

"But it's different now. I found evidence to prove my identity, and we can finally recognize each other!"

"younger brother!"

The gray-white demon let out another cry of pain, his agitated appearance did not seem to be fake at all.

At the same time, he stuffed three files into the hands of the people of the motherland, the contents of which were similar to the previous ones, except that they were records about "Sakho".

There are also photos, and they are photos of him and people from his motherland.

Of course, these photos are all forged, but the files of those people from the motherland are indeed real.

Since birth, the Water Company has been monitoring every move of the people of the motherland.

Lu Wu just borrowed these files, made some small changes, and put them in the utility room ahead of time.

True and false and false and true, no matter how smart people come, they have to respond.

What's more, the people of the motherland are not smart people.

In fact, at the beginning, Lu Wu once thought about pretending to be his father from the motherland, but this was a bit too outrageous, and he probably wouldn't believe it.

In addition, people from the motherland are obsessed with mothers, and probably have no feelings for their fathers, and may even hate their fathers.

In the end, there is only one option for the elder brother. In short, it is to take advantage of the people of the motherland ethically.

As for why he did this, Lu Wu would say nothing, just for fun.

And the people of the motherland also completely believed in the existence of an older brother after reading "Sakho's File".

The main reason is that the records in the file are too detailed, and it is not necessarily possible to copy his memory to this level.

" bro!"

After saying these words, the native of the motherland felt his nose a little sore. His character was not considered strong, otherwise he would not be treated as a child by Water Company.

"My brother!" Lu Wu patted him on the shoulder with satisfaction, and said with emotion: "You have finally grown up."

"You're so happy today, so why not be happier."

"John, do you know? You actually have a son."

The people from the motherland who were still immersed in the joy of family reunion just now widened their eyes when they heard this.

"You... what did you say?"

Lu Wu reminded: "Do you remember that woman named Becca?"

"Eight years ago, she was the senior director of digital marketing at Water Company, and she is still a big fan of yours."

The motherlander recalled for a while, then nodded: "I remember, I did have sex with her, but only once."

"Yes, it was that time, she was pregnant." Lu Wu raised his arm to check the time, although he still didn't wear a watch on his arm.

"It's just dawn, go see your old lover and son."

People from the motherland still find it hard to believe that they would have a son until he followed the demon back to the ground.

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