World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 211 The Treasure Falling Sees the Truth

I had a calm expression on my face, and asked back, "Has Mr. Yan confirmed that this is the real thing?"

"If it is confirmed, I will start the game. After the game starts, there will be two results. First, you follow the rules of the world and lose your daughter to me. Second, if you don't follow the rules of the world, you will not pay the lottery."

"With the first result, we are in peace with each other."

"If there is a second result, as I said earlier, just give it a try."

In the next few words, I speak as plainly as water.

A kind of stability with the back of Mount Tai.

Use this kind of stability.

Let Miscellaneous Hades' father and daughter guess my origin, provide a strong psychological shock, and force him not to change his mind.

In their eyes, I dare to go to the door to challenge the Miscellaneous Hades that no one dares to provoke, dare to show the shocking head of the self-defeated Lingguan, dare to ask for a door-sealing fight that no one will witness...

It would be unimaginable without the backing of God.

I gave him a minute or so to think.

Since then.

I quickly raised my hand and grabbed the cloisonné gourd for the lock.

Seeing this, Yan Wang's face suddenly changed, and he pressed his hand on the pair of gourd locks.


An old and unscrupulous laugh came from Miscellaneous Hades mouth.

This laughter lasted for a long time.

I let him laugh.

He won't let me start.

See what he wants to do.

After half an hour.

Yan Wang just stopped laughing, turned to Yan Xiaoyue and said, "Xiaoyue, you go out first."

Yan Xiaoyue was puzzled when she heard this, "Dad..."

Yan Wang's eyes turned cold suddenly, and he said decisively: "Be obedient, go out first!"

Yan Xiaoyue glared at me resentfully, got up and went out the door.

There are only me and Yan Wang left in the box.

Yan Wang turned the small-leaf red sandalwood Buddha beads in his hand, and said slowly: "Mr. Liu's psychological quality really impresses the old man. In this world, no one really dares to use genuine products to deceive the Yan family."

I asked, "So?"

Yan Wang's eyes froze: "The cloisonné gourd pair lock is so ingenious, the lock maker can be called the world's master craftsman!"

"But no matter how peerless this work is, it is nothing more than an imitation of Ming Shenzong's pair of locks with old materials, old methods and old techniques. How can it be hidden from my eyes! Inside the device, you can know the true chapter by throwing the treasure!"

"You have already lost! But the old man loves talent, just now, he dismissed Xiaoyue, just because he didn't want the blood of Jianghu gambling to stain her hands playing the piano, do you know what this old man means?!"

The title of Miscellaneous King of Hades is really not covered.

The poison of the fire eye hits the target.

But he is still playing!

If you have a kind, you can smash it.

Are you deliberately playing this lip service and want me to take the initiative to withdraw from the game?

I was already very impatient, and I had to add a little more information to end the gambling fight as soon as possible, so I replied: "Mr. Yan has been a soldier all his life, and he always likes children to play games with their mouths. It's not good."

"Now that you've figured it out, you can give it a try."

"I will abolish the Lingguan myself, and I will not stain your daughter's noble hands!"

Since then.

I stood up suddenly, pulled out the dagger at my waist, and slammed it on the table.

"Whether it's your daughter or me, we have no regrets at the beginning."

"Small the treasure to see the truth, life and death are up to the sky, no need to say anything!"

in fact.

As far as Yan Wang is concerned, what he just said has taken a step back, and he wants me to take the initiative to withdraw from the game and discuss it gently.

But I'm just shameless!

He must be cornered completely.

Otherwise, it is impossible for me to achieve my purpose.

Seeing this, Yan Wang was so angry that he almost turned his back, his body trembled, and he stood up from the chair: "You..."

After glaring at me fiercely for a few seconds.

Yan Wang's whole body suddenly became crazy, and he suddenly grabbed the cloisonne gourd pair lock with his probing hand, and held it high in the air.

that moment.

It would be a lie to say that you are not nervous.

As long as he falls to the ground, not only the previous game will be broken, but the three of us will also be completely ruined.

Most afraid of the air suddenly quiet.

I closed my eyes.

But the sound of broken utensils as imagined did not come.

Open your eyes.

Yan Wang seemed to be ten years older, with an extremely slumped expression, he slumped on the chair, and slowly put the cloisonne gourd pair lock back into the wooden box.

After half an hour.

Yan Wang calmed down his emotions, his voice trembled, and his speech was extremely slow: "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead...Mr. Liu, the old man admits his death today, and I'm here to apply for withdrawal."

I suppressed the ecstasy in my heart, and replied very straightforwardly: "It's easy to say."

Yan Wang was stunned when he heard this.

Since then.

He sighed faintly: "You can agree so readily, it seems that the old man's guess is right."

"The purpose of your coming is not for Xiaoyue, nor for the old man to suffer the humiliation of withdrawing Douxing Baibuxiang. You should ask for something else. Even though I have old eyes, I can't see through you, so I can't see through you." I don't know where you came from, Xiaoyue is my heart, and I dare not continue to gamble with you.

"It's not the game that loses, but the heart... When you get old, you can't play anymore."

"Mr. Liu, please speak directly if you have anything to do, as long as the old man can do it, he will agree to it."

Older gingers are more spicy!

He is frank.

I'm also frank.

"Boss Yan, as you said, the lottery I want is indeed not your daughter, nor is it asking you to give up your fighting spirit, but wanting you to promise me something else."

"The main purpose of choosing to close the door for the last match is to return the prize money. After the incident, we will not appear on Sanmiaoqian Street again. Tongyue Antiques does not lose face, and if we continue to open the door to enjoy blessings, we will not be affected. Half the impact."

"It's really Boss Yan who lives in seclusion, and our affairs are more difficult, so he made such a bad plan. How offensive, I hope Haihan!"

After speaking.

I pushed back the plaque, the ivory pagoda, and the statue of Fan Li.

Seeing this, Yan Wang had an unusually rich expression on his face, mixed with surprise, gratitude and a trace of worry.

"Mr. Liu kills the enemy and surrenders the prisoner. Between the sword and the knife, Yan is really admirable if he walks in the courtyard."

I replied: "Thank you."

Yan Wang said, "Please tell me if you have anything to say."

I said: "Boss Yan has retired from the world for ten years, but a few days ago, a customer suddenly came to your door, and you started to enter the place where you have been closed for ten years. The lottery I won this time is very simple. I want to know how this customer made Boss Yan What to make, when to trade, where."

When Yan Wang heard this, his old eyes widened immediately, his expression was full of shock: "How did you know this?!"

I said nothing.

Waiting for his answer.

He will say it.

Yan Wang withdrew from the extremely shocked emotions, and slowly replied: "Forget it, I am willing to admit defeat! Since his debut, Yan has never disclosed the status of guests and items. For Xiaoyue, let's violate the rules of doing business once." If the guest wants to seek revenge in the future, Yan is willing to suffer the knife in his body."

"The old man has washed his hands in the golden basin for ten years, but some time ago, an old benefactor came to me and asked me to come out of the mountain one last time and make a fake for a guest. I agreed because of the benefactor's favor."

"After the guest found me, he asked me to make a crown of imperial hats, which belonged to the Hanyuan Hall of Daming Palace in Tang Dynasty thousands of years ago. After it was made, the trading place was in the glove box of a ship going out to sea. The time is Ming. It’s nine o’clock in the evening. As for whether the guests come to pick it up, or what they’re doing, I don’t know.”

I was startled and said, "The Emperor's hat?!"

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