explained earlier.

Jianbao actually relies on his body to eat.

Pay attention to the five sense organs, hands and feet, and the heart to feel and appreciate treasures.

In the antique business, it is believed that the organs on the body have spiritual energy, so they are also called Lingguan.

After Mr. Xu made eye contact in the Jianghu shopping mall, in view of my saving his face at that time, he invited me alone and gave me the gift of "retirement from the spiritual official".

Earlier, Tongyue Antique proposed to let the three of us enjoy incense and sacrifice, which meant to kill us.

It's too easy to die.

His eyes were closed.


But now I take the initiative to abolish the Lingguan and guard the shop for thousands of years, which means holding a knife, doing it myself, dismantling the five sense organs, hands and feet, and becoming an immortal human pig. As long as I have a breath, I will always stay in the backyard of the shop.

The cruelty and pain of this thing.

It is more than ten thousand times higher than losing one's life.

What do you mean life is worse than death?

This is a typical life is worse than death!

Of course, I am not a fool.

Hu Sanmiao's cloisonne gourd lock, with Miscellaneous Hades' skills, he can definitely tell that it is an ancient lock with modern characters.

In other words.

Miscellaneous If Hades dared to break open the pair of locks, he would definitely win the fight.

But, I bet he wouldn't dare to smash it!

He is an old father who has retired from the world for ten years and has to see his precious daughter every three days.A person like this who has gone through many trials and hardships, just wants to stay away from right and wrong, and keep peace, absolutely impossible to gamble with his daughter's future and life.

Even if there is only a [-]% chance of making a mistake, he dare not.

I bet that at the last moment, he will definitely not smash the right lock, but will choose to retreat and go for Baibuxiang.

I would rather lose my lifetime reputation in the rivers and lakes in exchange for my daughter.

Antiques are playing with people.

Playing people is playing psychology.

If I were facing the Miscellaneous Hades from ten years ago, I would never dare to bet like this.

But now, this must be his biggest weakness.

After I said that Yan Wang and his daughter came from the abolished Lingguan, their expressions suddenly changed.

I saw that Yan Wang's expression suddenly became very gloomy, his deformed ten knuckles made a slight rattle, and he pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose with his hand.

The rattling of the joints, the pushing of the gold-rimmed glasses, these small movements proved that he was nervous and tangled in his heart.

The tension was that he couldn't figure out where I was coming from.

The entanglement is that after taking the fight, everything is easy to say when you win.If you lose, there is a choice between following the rules of the world, or directly killing me and pulling me down.

I believe he has sufficient consideration, but no matter what choice he makes, it will have a strong impact on the belief in the heart of the old Jianghu.

"Mr. Yan, do you want to take over?" I asked coldly.

Yan Wang closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them suddenly, his eyes like torches.

"Mr. Liu, where did you come from?!"

"No sect, no sect!"

"Why dare to bet?!"

"Bazi is hard enough!"

"The old man is known as the King of Hades, and sometimes he doesn't follow the rules!"

"Come and try it!"

After this conversation is over.

I know I've stabilized.

Miscellaneous Hades called my mother's surname for the first time, but he showed an aggressive posture, and even directly showed his cards, saying that he would not follow the rules of the world.

It was a deterrent to me though.

But at the same time, it was also a trace of panic in his heart that the result was uncertain.

Colored inwardly!

Yan Wang snorted coldly: "Okay! Take the fight, get on the fight!"

I took out the wooden box, opened the lid, raised my hand and said, "Please palm your eyes."

Yan Wang took a shallow glance at the cloisonné gourd and lock, immediately closed his eyes, and took off his gold-rimmed glasses.

Seeing this, Yan Xiaoyue quickly took a long and slender rope and handed it to Yan Wang.

Yan Wang closed his eyes and tied the gourd pair of locks with a rope. The ten deformed fingers suddenly crossed quickly in a very strange posture.

The rope was tied with a gourd and a lock, soaring into the air, and turning in his hands.

His eyes were still closed, he acted as if there was no one else around, and his body seemed to have entered a state of complete concentration, but the movements of pulling the filaments in his hands continued.

The cloisonné gourd lock is still spinning wildly!

I saw that Yan Wang's nose, ears, lips, and eyelids were moving slightly like a superficial touch.

The legendary heart lesson!

Appraisers rely on facial features, hands and feet.

But it is often the facial features, hands and feet that can deceive people the most.

The top appraisers of the older generation, if they have reached a state of perfection in a certain field, they can completely abandon the five sense organs and the media of hands and feet, let the treasure shake continuously in front of their eyes, and feel its shape, color, breath, treasure with heart. Light……

It sounds amazing.

But it's actually easy to understand.

Blind painters can judge what is painted by the sound of brush rubbing against rice paper; deaf musicians can judge which tone is distorted by the hands of others playing the keys; chefs without taste can guess which of the five flavors is wrong by the color of dishes...

Still borrow a sentence from "The Oil Seller".

Without him, but familiar with you.

I was secretly shocked in my heart.

It's hard to say about other aspects, but in the miscellaneous field, I am not as good as Yan Wang.

After half an hour.

He put down the cloisonné lock, picked up the glasses on the table, breathed on the lens, took out the lens cloth from his pocket, wiped the lens carefully, and put the glasses on slowly.

It wasn't until this time that Yan Wang opened his eyes, staring at me firmly without any change in expression.

I am very indifferent.

Eye to eye with him.


Yan Wang's face changed abruptly, and he looked extremely angry. He raised his hand and slammed the tea table: "Good boy!"

"How dare you pretend to be an imitation by pretending to be an imitation!"

The cups on the tea table were suddenly slapped by him, causing them to bounce and roll, the tea splashed horizontally, and the cups fell down one after another, making a "bang bang bang" sound of shattering.

These words are like a thunderbolt out of thin air.

Yan Xiaoyue next to her was suddenly stunned.

said before.

One of the principles that Gambling Dou adheres to is "It is better to break the old than to break the new".

We used cloisonné gourds to pair the locks, and told Tongyue Antiques that it was a copy of the paired locks during the Ming Shenzong period, and the test was to test the other party's new eyesight.

But the premise is that the things used for gambling must be imitations.

Otherwise, this bureau does not exist.

If you gamble with the real thing, it is cheating.

People who cheat and fight, the old society wants to be paraded through the streets with their skins and bones raked.

Yan Xiaoyue's pretty face was flushed, her chest heaved up and down, and her lungs were about to explode, she turned her head and said, "Dad, I'll call someone to come in and deal with them!"

Yan Wang heard this, raised his hand to stop it, and said coldly: "Wait a minute!"

"The criminal still has an argument, let him explain first!"

I secretly sneered in my heart.

Miscellaneous Hades is worthy of being an old Jianghu.

He knew in his heart that no one would have the guts to use genuine products to deceive the giant crocodile who is the number one counterfeit manufacturer in East China.

This is actually an imitation.

But he learned from his heart, but he didn't see the name in a daze.

So, he's betting against it.

Bet I actually don't know what's inside.


Unfortunately, he cheated the wrong person!

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