World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 212 You Wait

The deaf mother told me that after the completion of the Hanyuan Hall of the Daming Palace, in order to ensure the prosperity of China for thousands of years, Li Chunfeng, an old Fengshui master, deliberately hid a crowned emperor's hat in the middle of the main hall. A Buddha dzi made from the sacred stone on the forehead of the Zulongmailong in Kunlun Mountains.

Since then.

Nine Heavens closed the palace.

The clothes of all nations worship the crown.

Later, because of a fire, the emperor's hat was destroyed, and the Buddha dzi was rescued by the family of Sijun.

In order to protect this thousand-year-old cultural treasure, the four families hid the Buddha Dzi Beads in the ancient tombs of the Western Regions, and each family had a key to the artifact.Only when the fortunes of the country are in decline, the leader, Lao Sili, will take an ancient flute engraved with the pattern of the crown of the emperor's hat as a token, and call the families of the four monarchs together to open the ancient tomb and pray for luck.

Ten years ago, my parents and Lu Zhijie were framed for this.

Lu Xiaoxin is the old manager's man.

Now, Lu Xiaoxin suddenly found Huadong Miscellaneous Hades, and made a fake Mianyan Emperor hat, what did he want to do?

When I was in a daze.

Yan Wang continued to speak, pulling me back from my deep thoughts: "That's right, it's a crown hat. At first, I didn't know what it was, but the guest took some photocopies of incomplete ancient books and materials. , asked me to make it according to the description in it, and after I finished reading the materials, the customer burned the materials on the spot."

"Nevertheless, I have put the information into my mind and started to make it. Fortunately, the old man has been studying ancient miscellaneous items in seclusion for ten years, and he has also dabbled in official hats. These days and nights, he has finally completed the production. This is the most difficult piece of work I have made over the years, and it is also the most perfect piece of work!"

"It can be said bluntly that in today's antique business, there are only two people who can tell that this is a fake. One is my master and the other is myself. Unfortunately, my master has passed away."

Speaking of here.

Yan Wang's expression was full of complacency, mixed with a kind of sadness of being alone and seeking defeat.

I think this is probably an exaggeration.

It can be seen that the Mianjiao Emperor's Hat is a fake, and there may be three people.

One could be me.

Not how sharp my vision is.


Miscellaneous Hades, I heard Hu Sanmiao say it too!

Boldly guess, the imperial hat and the cloisonné gourd have the same effect, and only by destroying the treasure can you tell the fake!

Of course, I can't ask him face to face.

He won't say either.

For example, Miscellaneous Hades would not ask how to break the pair of locks of the cloisonne gourd in front of him.

If you win the bet, it is your job to judge the means of imitation.

But if you lose, don't ask each other, this is the rule.

As for whether it is necessary to destroy the treasure to identify the imitation of the Mianjia emperor hat, I am only guessing according to Hu Sanmiao's practice.

50.00% probability.

Things are over here.

I get the desired result.

Yan Wang looked unwillingly at the cloisonne gourd pair lock on the table, opened his mouth to ask something, but held back forcefully.

He picked up the grandfather's crutch next to him, and saluted me: "Mr. Liu, although I have retired, I have never obeyed my old age."

"But after seeing you today, I realized that I am completely old."

"Your courage, boldness, and methods are far behind even mine in those days. You are truly terrifying!"

I replied: "Boss Yan, thank you."

Yan Wang raised his hand and wrote a note.

The above is the ship's address, time and method of trading the Mianjiao emperor hat.

After I read it, I lit the lighter and burned it.

Seeing this, Yan Wang nodded approvingly, put away the plaque, ivory pagoda, and statue, got up from his seat, and said slowly: "Mr. Liu, see you again by fate."

I replied, "See you again."

When Yan Wang opened the door of the box, he stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

Several bodyguards and Yan Xiaoyue exclaimed suddenly, and ran over to support him.

Yan Wang handed the things to Yan Xiaoyue and said to them: "Girl, we won the fight! Go home and tell the neighbors in front of the third temple!"

When Yan Xiaoyue heard this, her eyes widened, she looked at me in the box in disbelief, and then at Yan Wang: "Dad, where did this kid lose to us?! When will he cash it out?!"

Yan Wang replied with a smile: "I have to forgive others and forgive others. Besides, he has already promised to do one thing for me, so it doesn't matter if you don't want the lottery."

Yan Xiaoyue was dumbfounded and froze in place.

With the support of several bodyguards, Yan Wang walked down.

I saw his back.

It seems to be more than ten years old.

After Yan Xiaoyue came to her senses, she quickly chased after her.

I was about to get up and leave the box.

Yan Xiaoyue turned back suddenly, gritted her teeth tightly, and said to me: "I don't know what kind of soup you poured on my dad just now. You lost the fight and let you go! But I will definitely come back to deal with you. You wait!"

After she finished speaking, she ran away with a thump.

There is something wrong with this irritable girl.

After I go out.

Fatty Xiao and Xiao Zhu greeted him.

Xiaozhu looked like a stone had fallen to the ground, and said: "Brother, you don't even know that the people outside Miscellaneous Hades are all masters, and my nervous palms were sweaty just now."

Fatty Xiao had a cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth: "Why are you sweating! "Sun Tzu's Art of War" said that the first is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the army, and the next is to attack the city. Su Zi generally does not move his hands or feet, even if he wants to move Hands and feet are also on the bed."

Xiao Zhu blushed when she heard this, and gave Fatty Xiao a white look.

I was speechless: "Do you still understand "Sun Tzu's Art of War"?"

Fatty Xiao was full of dissatisfaction, and replied: "Oh, I'll go! How dare you talk about me? At least you have studied and been a soldier. Have you ever been to school?"


There is no way to refute this.

I can read and write, I learned everything from Sister Jiu'er.

But Sister Jiuer is a big encyclopedia. In my heart, she is not inferior to any university professor.

We left Huiyun Tea House, went to the downtown streets, found a hotel, and got a room.

In the room, I told Fatty Xiao and Xiao Zhu about the situation.

It only talked about Lu Xiaoxin's situation, but did not tell the secret of the Buddha Dzi Bead.

This is the eternal secret of the Four Monarchs' family.

They don't need to know at all.

Fatty Xiao said: "This is so weird. What does the thief woman want to do with a fake hat? To cheat money or people? Or both?"

I rubbed the fake Yuan Datou in my hand and thought about it for a long time, but I didn't come up with an ugly Maoyin.

Xiaozhu said: "Actually, we don't need to find out what her purpose is. We boarded the boat, ambushed on the boat in advance, and caught her, and everything will be clear."

I replied: "That's right, don't think about it anymore, and set off on the boat tomorrow!"

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