It was past one o'clock in the afternoon when we left Sanmiaoqian Street.

The gambling was too intense just now, and we missed the noon meal.

A few people found a small shop, had a simple lunch, and returned to the hotel, almost three o'clock in the afternoon.

At the gate of the hotel, we suddenly met an old beggar in ragged clothes, who raised his hand and asked us for money.

Xiaozhu was kind-hearted, so he took out 100 yuan and prepared to give it to the old beggar.

But I don't feel quite right.

Because of this old beggar, when we walked on the street, it seemed that we were always behind.

There are more people in Antique Street, so I don't care.

When eating lunch, he seemed to be still sitting at the door of the opposite restaurant, holding a begged lunch box in his hand and chomping on the rice.

More importantly.

I saw that his palms were full of calluses.

This kind of callus is not a callus caused by hard work, but it is formed by practicing outsider kung fu.

In addition to calluses, there are greasy, dark things on the palm.

It looked like it was dirty from picking up trash.

But my nose is extremely sensitive, and I smell a faint smell of medicine.

This is definitely not an ordinary beggar!

Although I don't know whether he has anything to do with the Tongyue antique shop, but just to be on the safe side, I grabbed Xiaozhu's hand.

Xiaozhu's pretty face was puzzled: "What's wrong, brother?"

I said to the old beggar: "Old man, I think you are too pitiful. This is too little money. Come to room [-] and I will give you a few hundred more."

The old beggar lowered his head and murmured back: "Don't let in, don't let in."

I gave the 100 yuan in Xiaozhu's hand to the security guard at the entrance of the hotel: "Brother, this person is my friend, please help me."

The security guard took the money and was overjoyed, and hurriedly said that there was no problem.

But when he turned around, the old beggar turned around and got into the crowd, and soon disappeared.

I turned my head and said to Fatty Xiao and Xiao Zhu who were astonished, "Go to checkout, we will change hotels immediately!"

Xiaozhu heard the words and immediately went to pay the bill.

We took the ivory pagoda, plaque and portrait of Fan Li we won, and left quickly.

Turning around several alleys on Sanmiaoqian Street, I saw no one following.

Fatty Xiao frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

I replied: "Not sure, but the old beggar is obviously following us, I don't know if he is from Tongyue Antiques."

Fatty Xiao's chubby face was very speechless: "They all promised to fight us again tomorrow, and they are still stalking!"

I explained: "You may not be very clear about the Taoism inside."

"We won the lottery from others, but the game is not over. These things are only kept temporarily. If we lose these things, what will they do to us?"

Fatty Xiao's eyes widened.

Xiao Zhuxiu frowned: "Brother, what do you mean, Yan Xiaoyue, the owner of Tongyue Antiques, may not want to disturb her father, but if she continues to fight, she is worried that she will not win, so she may send others to grab the things. If things are lost Well, she will use this as an excuse tomorrow to kill us?"

I nodded: "Very likely."

Fatty Xiao said: "This is too shameless!"

I replied: "Very normal, this is called 'leading the sheep' in the antique industry."

"The lottery that is temporarily won in the gambling fight is actually a fat sheep. Many thieves will stare at it. After winning the lottery, let both sides of the gambling fight fight to the death.

"Of course, if the party that temporarily loses in the bet fight is not sure of winning, it will secretly ask others to lead the sheep."

That's why I brought Fatty Xiao and Xiao Zhu here this time.

With their force value, ordinary dozen or 20 people can't do anything to us.

We left Sanmiaoqian Street and went to visit several shopping malls.

At that time, Xiaozhu just started to take pictures of photo stickers. When Xiaozhu passed by a toy store, he became more playful. He imitated those young people in the second year of middle school, posing with scissors, and took a few photos of photo stickers.

At ten o'clock in the evening, we were tired from playing and planned to return to Sanmiaoqian Street Hotel to check in.

Through an alley, ready to go out to take a taxi.

But at this moment, they found that there were many beggars blocking both ends of the alley.

The leader was the one who asked Xiaozhu for money at the hotel entrance this afternoon.

The sticks in their hands are all fresh green bamboo branches.

A red flower cut out of red paper was tied to the green bamboo branch, and several copper coins were attached to it. As they held the bamboo pole and tapped the stick to the ground, the copper coins under the bamboo pole made a rhythmic sound of "cracking".

In addition, these beggars all sang old tunes and modern lyrics.

"Since ancient times, whoever wants to give up fame and wealth has always been at odds with each other. Officials live and die in court, and merchants use tricks for silver. Farmers walk in the fields at five o'clock, beggars in the scorching sun to drive people away. Stage actors show their flesh, and monks in temples break their heads. It is said that prosperity is empty, and it is not easy for the world to chase after it. Mo Xiaofengchen is famous and wealthy, and only resents being in the world of mortals..."

This tune is singing "Lotus Falling".

Lotus Fall is also known as the Blind Man's Play. It used to be a play sung by blind people when they were begging.

But then the group of beggars gradually changed. Many people beg during the day and visit clubs in luxury cars at night. They are basically liars.

Those who can sing the lotus tune now are basically the old Liang Gang left over from the old Jianghu.

When the lotus blossoms, there is no difference in money and wealth.

The Wuliang here means that they do not come here for money.

Some people may ask, is it the gang of beggars in martial arts novels?

Not all.

Beggars specialize in begging.

The Laoliang Gang has its own industry, and the leader may have an amazing identity, and he may often be interviewed on TV in suits and shoes.

But no matter how rich he was, he must have been a beggar, and he also accepted the instructions of the Liang Gang.

To use a more understandable analogy, it is similar to a special chamber of commerce for wealthy businessmen in Shangke, ordinary people in Zhongke, and street beggars in Xiake.

Fatty Xiao took a mouthful: "This dog skin plaster can't be shaken off!"

Xiaozhu took the initiative to block in front of me.

I said loudly: "Brothers from the Laoliang Gang, we have never had anything to do with each other, why are you singing "Lotus Falling" to us?"

The old beggar at the head stopped the beggars beside him from singing, took two steps forward, and bowed deeply to me with great humility.

"My little brother is well-informed! All the good things on the master's house belong to other people. When they walk on the road, they will dazzle people's eyes. The old man is worried that the master's house is not safe."

"We scumbags want to take a look at things, gain some knowledge, and return them to the original owner for the master's house."

"Master, please do me a favor, the beggars are all hoarse. If the master is not willing, the poor beggars will continue to sing."

A very pitiful begging tone.

But I heard unquestionable domineering from it.

It was really sent by Yan Xiaoyue!

Their meaning is very obvious, if this thing is given to them, the road will be open to the sky, and each will go on one side.But if they don't return it and they continue to sing, they want to attack us.

But still the same.

What I won must be taken away!

Just let them play the music!

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