World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 204 Dancing on the Egg

until later.

Only then did we know that shopkeeper Wang is the number one expert under Miscellaneous Hades' command.

For decades, he has traveled all over the country with Yan Wang, and has seen countless miscellaneous things and rampant counterfeiting.

Except for Yan Wang, shopkeeper Wang thinks he is invincible in the field of miscellaneous items in East China.

But today, he was defeated by the miscellaneous items brought by several young people. He lost in a complete mess. Suddenly, his faith collapsed, he was over-stimulated, and fainted.

Regardless of the chaos of Tongyue Antiques and the noise at the scene, I turned to Fatty Xiao and Xiaozhu and said, "Pick up the signboard, get down the statue, and close the gate!"


Jianghu is not sleeping beauty with embroidery, there is no gentleness, courtesy and thrift.

If we are defeated by the fight today, the three of us will be completely lost here.

Now that we have won the battle, we cannot leave any room for Tongyue Antique Shop.

Delisting is like closing the door. For them, it is a shocking shame.

The eyes of the treasurer Xiao Wu and others were about to burst into flames.

This kind of extreme hatred in the eyes made people feel a chill in their hearts.

Fatty Xiao and Xiao Zhu strode forward.

Suddenly, seven or eight safflowers of protective treasures came out of the store, and they all blocked the entrance of the store.

Seeing this, Fatty Xiao snorted coldly: "What's the matter? Tangtang Tongyue Antiques, this is something I can't afford to lose?!"

"It's not my bragging. If you want to force us Honghua to play in the gym, you guys are not enough to get between your teeth! Then don't lose in fighting, martial arts, and people!"

Fatty Xiao is about 1.8 meters tall, coupled with his sonorous and forceful words, he looks very mighty and domineering.

What I won must be taken away!

If they don't follow the rules of the rivers and lakes to stop them, I will definitely make Tongyue Antique Shop pay a higher price.

I asked Fatty Xiao and Xiao Zhu to take two steps back, and said coldly to Xiao Wu: "I'll give you 3 minutes to ask your manager Yan Xiaoyue for instructions."

Hearing this, Xiao Wu clenched her cheeks, turned around and stopped several Baobao Honghuas, and went into the shop to make a phone call.

Time passed bit by bit.

The people who watched the excitement at the scene didn't even dare to show their atmosphere.

Things have come to this point.

Their point of view has been focused on whether Tongyue Antiques will fulfill its promise to lose the lottery. If Tongyue Antiques does not keep its promise, how can we outsiders win the lottery in the midst of all the treasure-protecting red flowers? .

The plot is really exciting.

The expressions of the spectators turned out to be even more nervous than ours.

3 minutes is over quickly.

Xiao Wu hasn't finished the call yet.

I said lightly: "It's time."

Hearing this, Xiaozhu took the lead, and the two bamboo blades in his hand flew towards the plaque of "Tongyue Antiques" on the door lintel. The thin metal hanging ropes on the left and right sides were cut off abruptly by the bamboo blades at the same time, and the plaque "cracked" and smashed on the head. Down.

The treasure protectors, Honghua, were stunned.

After reacting, several people went to grab the plaque, and one of them punched Fatty Xiao ferociously.

Fatty Xiao yelled loudly, raised his foot, and kicked in the chest of the protector Honghua who was attacking him ferociously.

The protector Honghua was caught off guard, let out a scream, and fell back, knocking all the people who were grabbing the plaque to the ground instead.

Just when the plaque was about to fall to the ground, Xiao Zhu leaned over and reached for the plaque, grabbed the plaque in his hand, and turned to stop.

These few times happened all between lightning and flint.

Fatty Xiao shot steadily, accurately and ruthlessly, showing his strong hard power, while Xiaozhu's movements were done in one go, with a chic and beautiful figure.

Everyone at the scene was dumbfounded.

All eyes on the master to win the card.

This group of treasure-protecting red flowers was brutally humiliated, and suddenly flew into a rage, hula la pulled out the red sticks around their waists, and was about to attack us.

Right now.

Xiao Wu came out and said, "Everyone stop!"

Hearing the words, the group of Hubao Honghua stopped angrily and stared at us.

Xiao Wu's face was extremely livid, and he said: "Several, our manager has ordered that Tongyue Antiques is willing to fight and admit defeat, and cash in the lottery!"

As soon as this word comes out.

There was a burst of applause immediately at the scene, and they all applauded Tongyue Antiques for explaining the rules of the world.

Xiao Wu continued in a cold voice: "But our manager also said, whether it's yesterday's lottery or today's lottery, please keep it safe for the time being. We apply for another day to seal the disk, and then the lottery will come back obediently!"

The people nearby whispered.

"Do you want to seal the disk? The most powerful person in Tongyue Antiques is Shopkeeper Wang. Is there anyone else?"

"Boss Xiaoyue has a fiery temper, she will definitely not admit defeat, she will definitely win back!"

"I heard that Boss Xiaoyue's father..."

"Don't talk nonsense, beware of causing trouble!"

This is exactly what I want!

After fighting for two days, the purpose was to fight out the miscellaneous Hades behind him.

I replied: "It's easy to say! But your store is closed now, it's not suitable to fight here, and we will choose the location."

With weeping blood in both eyes, Xiao Wu gritted his teeth and agreed.

Since then.

He ordered people to take out the portrait of Fan Li from the store, and closed the store door.

We took the things, and in the eyes of a group of people, we turned around and left with great strides.

On the way, Fatty Xiao was very puzzled: "Suzi, we have trampled on others' face. If you change the place to fight tomorrow, without everyone's witnesses, what if they don't follow the rules of the world?"

I shook my head and replied: "If you fight in full view, Tongyue Antiques will be completely ruined, and then they will completely break the rules of the world!"

"In the next match, we must not only win the fight, but also save face for them, so that our affairs can be successfully completed."

Fatty Xiao was still puzzled.

Xiaozhu said: "Oh, brother Xiao, you are so stupid!"

"Brother means to say that we want to win the miscellaneous Hades fight and let him agree to our conditions. But at the same time, the result of the fight must not be known to outsiders. We return the plaques, portraits, and pagodas to him in private. Satisfy him."

"Yan Wang took back the plaques, portraits, and pagodas before he could go back and tell the people in Sanmiaoqian Street that they won us in the end, and the signboard of Tongyue Antiques could be completely preserved. Only in this way, Miscellaneous Yama will help us with affairs sincerely. "

I replied: "Smart!"

Fatty Xiao scratched his head after listening to the explanation: "How much water has accumulated in your brains to be able to make such a mountain road with eighteen bends!"

Xiaozhu covered her mouth and giggled.

Don't do it.

Miscellaneous Hades can stand in the rivers and lakes for so many years, and its power is unimaginable.

This kind of person cares most about his face in the world.

We pressed his daughter's face on the ground and rubbed it, which was equivalent to slapping him in the face madly. If Bao Buqi gets angry and pulls us into the Huangpu River to feed the fish, it will be completely over.

Walking in the rivers and lakes is like dancing on eggs.

Every step must be done carefully in order to move freely.

It turns out.

I was totally right about Miscellaneous Hades.

But at that time, one person was inadvertently ignored.

Yan Xiaoyue, manager of Tongyue Antiques.

This returnee girl who is obsessed with singing and miscellaneous things is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Before we face Miscellaneous Hades, Yan Xiaoyue attacked us first!

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