World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 206 The Wind Peel

I replied: "These things don't bother you!"

"Since you like singing so much, then you guys continue to play!"

When the old beggar heard the words, his expression changed immediately, and he turned his head and gave a slight gesture.

Under his leadership, the beggars began to slam the green bamboo sticks on the ground, shaking their heads, and continued to sing. The more they sang, the more they stepped forward, and they continued to surround us from both ends of the alley.

Not to mention, it sounds good.

Fatty Xiao and Xiaozhu stood by my side one after the other.

The green bamboo stick in the beggar's hand was tied with paper-cut red flowers, but the stick in the old beggar's hand was black, as if coated with black greasy powder.

At the entrance of the Sanmiaoqian Street Hotel, the old man's begging hand from Xiaozhu had black marks, which must have been caused by grabbing the black stick.

His exact status in the Laoliang Gang is unknown.

But I once heard from Sister Jiu'er that the bamboo stick in the hands of the leader of the Lao Liang Gang is called "Wind Pestle".

The so-called wind pestle is equivalent to a pointer.

The stick is pointed at the door of the house, and the black powder is sprinkled on the door of the house, and the subordinates will surround the house to beg.

If other members of the Laoliang Gang saw the black powder left at the door of the main house, they would know that this house had been begged just now, and they would not knock on the door for begging again.

When fighting, the wind pestle must also hit the first stick, sprinkle black powder ink on the target, and other people will attack the target.

The main reason is that Lao Liang helped too many people, and they didn't know each other very well, and they were afraid of hurting their own people during the battle.

Of course, there were no communication tools in the old society. Laoliang helped people hold meetings, and would draw unique patterns on the ground with a wind pestle to call everyone to meetings.

It's like saying.

The wind pestle is equivalent to the supreme command stick of the Lao Liang Gang.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, due to the turmoil in the current situation, a strict rule of "only recognize the wind pestle and not the beggar's head" was formed.

I just took a closer look.

When this group of people were singing, their eyes would look at the wind pestle in the old beggar's hand from time to time.

It proves that they are still strictly following the rule of only recognizing the wind pestle and not the beggar's head!

It is estimated that some beggars inside did not know the old beggar, but they ran over when they saw the order from the wind pestle.

As long as the old beggars mark us with black ink on the wind pestle and take it away, they won't dare to touch me.

I'm not actually afraid of them at all.

Gein has small bamboos by my side.

Originally, there were so many people, but we couldn't take the wind pestle from the old beggar's hand no matter what.

But Xiaozhu's bamboo blade is as accurate as a magic weapon.

Cutting hands across the air and grabbing the pestle in an instant, they never imagined that this would happen until they died.

Of course, I don't have time to explain this to Fatty Xiao and Xiaozhu right now.

Fatty Xiao said: "There are so many people, we don't have a lot of blood today, so we probably won't be able to get out."

"Hey, girl, are you afraid?"

When Xiao Zhu heard this, she pouted and replied: "I kindly gave him money, but he even brought someone to stop me, so I'm not afraid!"

Fatty Xiao spat out the cigarette butt in his mouth, and smiled: "Brother likes you for being so domineering!"

I whispered something to Xiao Zhu.

When Xiao Zhu heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded.

Fatty Xiao has already started a decisive battle.

The group of beggars got closer and closer, singing louder and louder, and the atmosphere became more and more tense.

I asked loudly: "Old brothers, can these two friends of mine go first?!"

This is a completely unethical statement.

The Laoliang gang surrounded people, they must all be targets, and there is no problem of who goes and who stays.

Fatty Xiao was dumbfounded.

The old beggar was also taken aback.

In a split second!

The bamboo blade pierced through the air and instantly hit the back of the old beggar's hand.

The old beggar was caught off guard and let out a miserable cry.

"Clang" once.

The wind pestle fell to the ground.

The few beggars protecting the wind pestle were stunned for a moment. After they realized it, they wanted to pick up the wind pestle, but they were pierced by Xiaozhu's two blades so they hugged each other.

I kicked the dust with my feet.

Dust was all over their faces.

Taking advantage of them covering his face, he took two steps forward, bent down like a civet cat, and snatched the wind pestle.

Everything happened between lightning and flint!

All the beggars were dumbfounded, and the lotus drop in their mouths also stopped.

But within a second, they saw that the wind pestle had been robbed, their expressions became extremely angry, and they began to quickly surround us.

"One more step forward, the wind pestle will break!"

As soon as this word comes out.

They all stopped.

If the old Liang Gang's wind pestle is broken by others, it is equivalent to the signboard of an antique shop or a martial arts school being smashed, and it will be embarrassing and embarrassing.

In the rivers and lakes, everyone can be ridiculed.

The old beggar covered his injured hand with a very nervous expression: "Brother, don't be impulsive!"

It was thrown in his hands.

There must be someone on the old beggar.

If something happens, he will be unable to eat and walk around.

I said in a cold voice: "We have no grievances or enmities with the brothers of the Lao Liang Gang, and we don't want to break everyone's food!"

"Go back and tell the boss who asked you to bring the sheep, you can get the things tomorrow according to your ability!"

"If you want to lead a colorful sheep and kill a shepherd, neither she nor you have the ability!"

The beggars seemed to have been manipulated so tightly that they lost their backbone, and they all stood there stupidly, looking at the old beggar.

The old beggar's chest heaved up and down, showing a face full of shit, staring at the wind pestle with tangled eyes.

He was struggling violently inside!

Struggling whether we can take it off intact before we break the wind pestle, and continue to finish pulling the sheep.

If not, the wind pestle would be broken, and the group of old Liang Gang brothers would all jump into the cesspit under his leadership, and the smell of humiliation would be carried with them for the rest of their lives.

Even if we win, or even kill us, it becomes meaningless.

Xiaozhu said: "Immediately open a path and let us pass!"

"Just now my brother didn't ask me to cut off your beating dog... the wind pestle, it's already considered a face, don't be ungrateful!"

Very well timed two sentences.

Hearing this, the old beggar's muscles trembled, probably the balance in his heart had tilted.


After half an hour.

He gritted his teeth and waved his hand.

Seeing this, the beggars gave way.

Between completing the task of pulling the sheep entrusted by others and the face of the Laoliang Gang, the old beggar finally chose the latter.

Holding the black wind pestle high in my hand, I took Xiaozhu and Fatty Xiao and passed quickly.

After leaving the encirclement, the group of beggars quickly chased us.

When I exited the alley, I shouted: "Offend!"

With a backhand throw, the wind pestle was thrown back.

They suddenly exclaimed, and started to jump up and catch the wind pestle like grabbing a rebound, for fear of falling to the ground.

We leave quickly.

Take a taxi and return to Sanmiaoqian Street.

Fatty Xiao was in a daze the whole time.

In the car, this guy couldn't bear it any longer, and asked, "Suzi, what the hell is going on?! I have already accumulated my prehistoric power, and when it was about to explode, these beggars let us go without blood? !"

I felt a little tired and didn't want to explain much. I frowned and closed my eyes to sleep.

Fatty Xiao scratched his head, turned around and asked Xiao Zhu again.

Xiaozhu replied: "I don't know, I will do whatever brother tells me to do."

Fatty Xiao: "..."

The old beggar failed to lead the sheep, and will never come again.

Return to the original hotel and have a good night's rest.

Early the next morning, I received a call from Tongyue Antique Xiao Wu.

We had left a phone call before and told him that his surname was Liu.

The tone of the call became very polite.

"Mr. Liu, please make an appointment for today's gambling venue. We, Boss Yan, want to see you very much."

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