As soon as the words fell, I quickly turned my palms into claws and grabbed her throat.

The deaf mother was shocked.

But what I didn't expect was that instead of hiding, she poked fiercely at my eyes with extremely sharp nails.

She is completely desperate to play!

If I choke her throat.

She will poke my eyes out!

In desperation, I had no choice but to retreat quickly and cut off her hand with a knife.

She backed away and kicked me hard.

I also raised my foot and met her abruptly.

The deaf mother struggled, staggered back seven or eight steps by the strength of my feet, and leaned against the wall, gasping for breath.

Her skill is no less than that of Uncle Wang!

I was so anxious that I rushed over and raised my hand to pinch her mouth open, but she had already swallowed the contents of her mouth.

That is definitely a medicine, a medicine that can make oneself die quickly!

I was so shocked that I stayed where I was.

The deaf mother's expression was still so calm, she even smiled, and gave me a thumbs up: "Young man, with vicious eyes, good brains, and outstanding skills, he is indeed a descendant of the Sijun family!"

I said in horror: "Deaf mother, you..."

The deaf mother stopped and said: "I have already taken this medicine when I saw you in the gambling house. Now it is just a little more, so that I can walk faster and suffer less pain."

"Old Lu has already said that as the protector of the treasure, Honghua, he must never know the secrets of the Sijun's family. Now that I know it, I should go to the coffin on the day the new head of the family reveals the secret."

Speaking of here.

The deaf mother began to ooze blood from her mouth, and her expression was extremely painful.

Lu Cenyin screamed, and ran over to hug the deaf mother, saying incoherently, "Deaf mother, let's go to the hospital...we're going to the hospital now..."

The deaf mother took out her handkerchief, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and held Lu Cenyin's hand tightly, resisting the pain in her body.

"Girl, it's useless to go to the hospital..."

"Deaf mother loves cleanliness and beauty, don't drag me to the hospital, let me go with dignity!"

"When you came... I have already checked, and no one followed you. But you must not stay for long, and don't let people find out that you have already got the unicorn jade pendant!"

Lu Cenyin's face was pale and she lost her voice completely: "Mom..."

The deaf mother smiled incomparably satisfied when she heard the words, and gently stroked Lu Cenyin's hair: "Good boy..."

"My funeral has been fully explained, and you must not deal with it again."

"Be obedient, let's go, let's go..."

Lu Cenyin was crying too much.

I suppressed the sadness and hatred welling up in my chest, pulled Lu Cenyin up, and walked outside.

The deaf mother's body was trembling violently, but she picked up the mirror beside the bed, combed her hair meticulously, and wiped away the blood that kept gushing from the corner of her mouth.

Since then.

She bit her lips tightly to prevent the blood from spilling out, and sat on the head of the bed very quietly, with a kind smile on her face, waving goodbye to us.

Like a pure and kind old lady saying goodbye to her children.

Deaf moms are right.

The unicorn jade pendant was found.

For the old manager, this was a shocking event.

I don't know if there is a tail behind us or not.

But if this matter is leaked out, the entire Lu family will be plunged into a bloody storm, and there is no guarantee for Lu Cenyin's safety.

The best way now.

It is to regard the deaf mother as a person who has never existed in the world, coming and leaving silently.

Let this secret be hidden forever.

"Children, the road is far away, go forward boldly, don't look back..."

The deaf mother softly said this sentence behind.

Lu Cenyin cried and stopped.

I gritted my teeth, pulled Lu Cenyin out quickly, and left the alley.


Everything has just begun.

Jianghu is not sleeping beauty with embroidery, there is no gentleness, courtesy and thrift.

I finally understood why Sister Jiu'er repeatedly made me experience the feeling of death.

Just pull out the thread of the old manager.

Old Man Hua, Xu Qing, Shopkeeper Song, Deaf Mother...

They kept leaving one by one.

The affairs of the four monarchs.

No matter how unbelievable it sounds, it does exist.

As a descendant of the Sijun family, whether it is based on the unfathomable and unfathomable Buddha Dzi Beads of ancient culture, or the blood feud of parents, if we continue to share the scorching sun and breathe the air of the world with the old manager, it will be me. A lifetime of shame.

If you don't wash it, you will stand in the world without face.

In the current situation, everything is focused on Lu Xiaoxin, the lunatic.

The old manager once placed two people in Lu's house, Lu Xiaoxin and shopkeeper Song. One purpose was to snatch the unicorn jade pendant, and the other purpose was to prevent others from taking the unicorn jade pendant.

Today, Shopkeeper Song is dead.

Only by finding Lu Xiaoxin can we find out the old manager hidden behind!

After returning from the ferry, Lu Cenyin fell ill.

The high fever persisted, and he talked nonsense in his sleep.

For this woman whose original dream was only to be like a princess of Banqiao Leisurely Fun, what happened recently had a huge impact on her, and it took her a while to digest the sudden heavy burden on her shoulders.

Fatty Xiao has been discharged from the hospital, and Xiao Zhu withdrew from Hu Sanmiao.

We are all waiting.

Waiting for Wei Feng, Ma Ping, and Vulture Whistle, once any of these three parties receive news, we will act immediately.

But Lu Xiaoxin did not wait for the news, but waited for another matter.

Ma Ping asked me to meet on the phone.

She told me that after all the mediation before, she had already met with a hall master of Suomingmen.

The hall master betrayed Ma Ping's great face and made an exception to allow Xiaozhu to leave Suomingmen, but he had to follow the old Jianghu rules.

What are the rules.

Ma Ping didn't say anything on the phone.

After meeting Ma Ping in a box at the Jinling Hotel, Ma Ping asked everyone around her to go out.

Ma Ping threw me a cigarette, and cut straight to the point: "This Friday, the hall master will come to Jinling. At nine o'clock in the morning, I will meet you at Furong Manor."

I asked, "What rules?"

Ma Ping replied: "Three major rules, carry gold ten thousand taels on your shoulders, hold your name and death certificate in your hand, and step on a mountain of flames with your feet. If all are completed, you can give the girl Xiaozhu's skull card to them to take back, and there will be no more people from now on." If you can’t finish it, leave the legs that stepped into Furong Manor, and you will be carried out with the skull card.”


Ma Ping explained: "Almost no one has escaped from Suomingmen. The reason why the hall master agreed to this matter is that I have found a shocking relationship. Therefore, I can't understand the three old rules of the world they proposed. There is no way to know how to arrange it.”

I asked: "Sister Ping is old in the world, and has had a lot of contact with them, do you have any guesses?"

Ma Ping replied: "Yes! The so-called gold ten thousand taels is probably money, but it will be very much. In my opinion, they may let you redeem one for one, or assign other difficult tasks. It will be very troublesome. As for the mountains of swords and seas of fire, the high probability depends on your ability to snatch people from their mountains, and I have confidence in you in this regard."

"However, you must think carefully before you go! If you need money, you can ask and I will do my best. But for the latter two matters, no matter how much I want to help you, I can't break the rules of the world."

Ma Ping was very frank.

If she needs money, she can pay me in advance.

But once she stepped into the Hibiscus Manor, her relationship with life and death would have no effect.

I replied, "Understood! Thank you, Sister Ping!"

Ma Ping snuffed out the cigarette butt in her hand, and let it go: "You and I, you're welcome, so brother, you plan to..."

I replied: "Since Xiaozhu has followed me, I can't let her life and death be determined by others, no matter what organization the other party is."

"I will break into this Hibiscus Manor!"

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