We all shook our heads.

The deaf mother continued to explain.

Lu Zhijie finished leaving clues of blood poems in the statue of the landlord Lao Cai carrying a rice bag, and said to the deaf mother: "You are the most suitable person in the Lu family to keep the secret and keep the unicorn jade pendant. If something happens to me, you take the unicorn jade pendant and leave the Lu family quickly. No further contact with anyone from the Lu family is allowed."

"One day, the Lu family will elect a new head of the family who is kind-hearted and worthy of heavy responsibility. The new head must have the ability to get the blood silk cloth from the landlord Lao Cai's rice bag, untie the blood poem, and come to you. At that time, You give the new Patriarch the Qilin Jade Pendant, and let the new Patriarch take on the heavy responsibility of the Qilin Jun Family. I predict that the next Patriarch will definitely be Cen Yin!"

"If the Lu family is incompetent, the new head of the family will not be able to open the treasures of the Lu family and the blood poem. That proves that the Qilin family is dying, so let this matter be annihilated in the rolling world. Before you die, destroy the Qilin jade pendant , lest bad people take it and harm the world."

After listening.

Lu Cenyin's eyes were red.

I was shocked and speechless for a long time.

This is a story like a bible.

Ancient and unbelievable.

For thousands of years, the family of the four protectors of treasures has guarded a belief like a fairy tale.

I don't know how credible the matter of the Si Jun's family is.

But the trip to the Western Regions in [-] happened very realistically around us.

Liu Wenyu is my mother's name.

no doubt.

My parents are also one of the descendants of the Four Monarchs.

The eyeballs and severed hands that Lu Zhijie saw in the long yellow sands of the Western Regions must belong to my parents.

As the leader of the four gentlemen's family, the old manager issued an order to ask the four gentlemen's family to go to the tomb of the ancient Buddhist kingdom in the Western Regions together, hoping to get the key to the artifact from the hands of the other three gentlemen's family, and open the ancient tomb to swallow the Buddha dzi alone.

My parents must have discovered his plan, and was brutally killed by the old manager in the long yellow sand.

Although Lu Zhijie was lucky enough to return to Jinling, he was completely poisoned into dementia by the old shopkeeper who was placed in Lu's house by the old manager.

until today.

I finally understood why the old manager brought Lu Xiaoxin into his sect.

Ten years ago, the old manager's plan to monopolize the Buddha Dzi Beads failed.

But he is not reconciled, and must still want to obtain the other three artifact keys.

He has judged that the clues to the Lu family's unicorn jade pendant must be hidden in the Lu family's world treasure, and to open the Lu family's treasure, the owner of the family needs the throne.So, he quietly brought Lu Xiaxin into his sect, and worked hard to let her take the position of Patriarch.

But I suddenly rushed out of nowhere, which caused Lu Xiaoxin's failure.

But the problem is.

My parents are both one of the Four Monarchs, what exactly is the artifact in their hands, and where is it now?

Is it hidden like the unicorn jade pendant, or has it been taken away by the old manager?

Now we know that there are three members of the four gentlemen's family, the old manager hiding in the dark, Qilin Jun's family, and my parents, so who is the other Jun's family?

Did he go to the Western Regions in [-]? Could he have been killed?

There are various indications that after ten years of dormancy, the old manager is ready to move again. What is his intention?

Nothing can be guessed.

What surprised me about this was Lu Zhijie.

Leaving aside the extremely messy relationship between men and women.

Lu Zhijie is worthy of respect!

He is an eagle in the sky, watching and guarding, sticking to the millennium agreement.

The deaf mother gently stroked Lu Cenyin's hand and said, "Silly girl, your father has always liked you the most."

"He knows that Xiaoxin has a perverse personality and does things unscrupulously, so he usually treats her better, hoping to reverse her temper."

"I've also heard about what happened to the Lu family some time ago. Hey... your father's guess was correct, but Xiao Xin went the wrong way in the end. And you really became the heir of Qilin Jun's family."

Hearing this, Lu Cenyin lowered his head and sobbed softly.

After so many years of knots in her father's mind, today she finally completely untied them.

The deaf mother got up from the edge of the bed and walked to the corner.

In the corner is a urinal.

There is no bathroom in this kind of wooden house, and a urine bucket is placed in the room, which is convenient for going to the toilet at night.

The deaf mother lifted the urine bucket and lifted the wooden boards below.

Under the board is a hidden compartment.

She took out a box from the dark compartment.

Open the box, inside is a jade pendant wrapped in silk.

The shape of the jade pendant is a unicorn with a head and a tail, the carving is lifelike, with full details, and a thick precious light overflows from the outside, as if the unicorn is about to fly away in the hands.

No need to look closely.

The precious light reflected by this alone is definitely a rare and unique millennium ancient jade!

This is an artifact that carries the inheritance of the country's cultural heritage!

I have seen many treasures in the world, but I have never seen the unicorn jade pendant with such palpitations and admiration at this moment.

A sense of heaviness that overwhelms people's hearts.

It's even hard to breathe.

The deaf mother said: "It's also a great sin. Such a magic weapon in the world, even let the old lady put it under the toilet."

I couldn't help getting up and replying: "Everything that leaks in the world is dirty, but the deaf mother has been waiting silently for ten years, and she is the most pure and pure Ruoxue!"

The deaf mother replied: "It's an honor."

The deaf mother picked up the jade pendant, her old eyes glowed with hale and hearty light, and she looked at Lu Cenyin quietly.

Lu Cenyin stood up, sobbing, knelt on the ground with his legs folded, clasped his hands together, and said in a trembling voice: "Cenyin, the head of the Lu family, is willing to inherit the agreement of gentlemen for a thousand years, and to do the best of the Qilin Jun family, to keep the art for thousands of years, and to fulfill your duty." Responsibility to pass on from generation to generation, protect the treasure of Wenchang, and bless the cultural context of the world!"

"Though the sword strikes the lightning, the body is destroyed and the soul is separated, there is no fear of life and death!"

short words.

Simple oath.

But I was moved by the piety of this girl.

The deaf mother nodded in satisfaction, unfolded the red rope on top, hung the unicorn jade pendant around Lu Cenyin's neck solemnly, and pulled her up: "You are doing well!"

Lu Cenyin stroked the unicorn jade pendant on his chest, his eyes were red, and he was speechless for a long time.

The deaf mother took out another ID card and handed it to me.

This is my mother's ID card.

Lu Zhijie brought it back from the long yellow sand.

Available at this moment.

I didn't dare to look at my mother's smiling face in the ID card photo, so I put it away.

Because, I still have two photos of my parents when they died.

Only when I avenge their blood and tear up the death photo, can I feel the smile on her ID card.

The deaf mother said to us: "The four gentlemen had agreed at the beginning that they did not know each other's identity and each other's artifacts. But the old manager's sudden rebellion ten years ago, if we continue to stick to this rule, the other three gentlemen's families may be destroyed. .”

"You should hug each other tightly, find the remaining Jun's family, fight against the old manager together, and protect the Buddha Dzi in the ancient tomb!"

The deaf mother was very reasonable.

When everyone is still a gentleman, act according to the agreement, and the world will be peaceful.

But when one of them, especially the leader, turns into a beast, and then sticks to the original rules, it will be brain-dead.

Lu Cenyin carefully put away the Qilin jade pendant, and took the deaf mother's hand: "Deaf mother, you used to drive me away, I misunderstood you. You have great abilities, and now the Qilin Jun's family is alone, the goal You Da, come and help Cen Yin, okay?"

The deaf mother heard the words, looked at Lu Cenyin, her eyes were full of tenderness and love, she smiled and pointed at me: "Silly girl, why are you alone, you still have this kid."

I suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Deaf mother, what's in your mouth?!"

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