World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 182 Transplanting

"I knew I couldn't persuade you." After speaking, Ma Ping took out a pen and paper, and pushed it in front of me: "You write down the card number and the specific amount, and I will order someone to transfer the money to you."

I pushed the pen and paper back: "No, I will solve this myself."

Ma Ping was stunned when she heard this, "Brother, you can't joke when you step into Furong Manor. At least you have to prepare enough money. This is the basic sincerity..."

I interrupted: "Miss Ping is bothering you, I have plans."

Golden ten thousand taels.

It is equal to one thousand catties of gold, five hundred grams per catty.

Although the price of gold at that time was only more than 100 yuan per gram, if converted into money, it would be 8000 to [-] million.

Not to mention that Ma Ping doesn't know how much she can give, even if she gave so much money, I am confident that I will pay her back slowly, but how should I calculate this huge favor?

I have a very clear understanding of my relationship with Ma Ping.

It's just a friend with a relationship.

I have to figure out every account.

Her mediation of Xiao Zhu's matter is actually to repay my favor of saving her life in the West Cargo Yard.

If she helps find Lu Xiaoxin by then, it means I still owe her a fortune.

This time Ruo asked for her money.

I will never in my life be able to sit so frankly with her as an equal.

The rivers and lakes are also sophistication.

After bidding farewell to Ma Ping, I returned to my residence.

Xiaozhu is watering the flowers in the house, and there are already prepared meals on the dining table, which are delicious.

I looked at the little girl and didn't make a sound.

Xiaozhu noticed the abnormality, she looked a little shy, and asked, "Brother, is my face dirty?"

I replied: "Not dirty."

Xiaozhu asked in a low voice: "Then why do you always stare at me?"

I asked, "Where's the wooden skeleton plaque on your body?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhu took off the wooden skeleton plaque from his neck and handed it to me.

This brand is very old, as thick as the fake Yuan Datou patina on my body, and the bamboo behind it looks lush and straight.

Xiaozhu is an abandoned baby. I don't know who her parents are. She grew up there after being picked up by the life-seekers. She must have always carried this brand on her body.

She was raised by Suo Mingmen, who was an art seller, and she was ordered to stay in the door.

Growing up in that inhumane environment, she can still retain such a pure and beautiful character, which is very precious.

The bamboo is lush and straight, but the soil underneath is full of blood.

This time it must be transplanted!

Xiaozhu served me a meal and asked me to eat it while it was hot.

I said to Xiaozhu: "Give me the wooden sign. In two days, I will go to see a hall master in your gate and redeem your body. You wait at home for my good news."

"Bang Dang" sounded.

The rice in Xiaozhu's hand fell on the table, and the rice grains spilled all over the floor.

Her pretty face was filled with astonishment, she was dumbfounded, at a loss, and was completely speechless in shock.

I said, "Don't be nervous."

After the lecture, I went to clear the table.

But Xiao Zhu pulled my clothes, his voice was tight, and he asked in a trembling voice: "Brother, did they ask for any conditions?"

I replied: "I mentioned it, a small condition."

Xiaozhu's face was pale, and he asked, "What small condition?"

I smiled and said, "I need a little money, but not much, about 200 million. To me, this is not a small condition, is it a big condition?"

When Xiao Zhu heard this, he looked at me suspiciously.

After half an hour.

Xiaozhu said: "Brother, don't lie to me! Their conditions are definitely not that simple. Over the years, I have seen many people go to redeem people. Under normal circumstances, the door is not allowed to enter. It is really a big face. , the redeemers entered the door, but none of them could come out, even if they did come out..."

"Oh! Don't go, Xiao Zhu begs you, will it work?"

"After Xiaozhu followed you, he lived the happiest period of his life, which is really good."

I put down the bowl and replied, "Eat."

But Xiaozhu stood still, tightly pulling the hem of his clothes, like a student anxiously waiting for an answer.

I said, "Eat!"

Xiao Zhu sat down, her eyes flushed: "Brother..."

I straightened my face and asked in a cold voice: "You are now with me, but you are not with me, nor with yourself. If people want it, they can take it away at any time. The head has become their chamber pot. What do you have?" So happy?!"

"It's a big face, I've already sold it, you can enter the door!"

"Others can't get in and out, but I can!"

Xiao Zhu was kept silent by my training, with an aggrieved expression, she lowered her head and bit her lip, big teardrops fell from her eyes, and she couldn't hold back her tears.

I ignored her too.

After eating, go directly to the room to sleep.

He was half lying on the bed, thinking about the three old rules of the Jianghu in Suomingmen.

The first item is to carry ten thousand taels of gold on my shoulders, and I already have a plan.

The second item is holding the name certificate, which is completely unpredictable, and it is useless to think about it.

The third item is pedaling swords and seas of fire. I can guess one or two about this.

At that time, I went to visit Ma Ping, and she also used porcelain vases to hang two burden soldiers. Below was a big fire pit, which was used to test my thunderbolt method.However, the mountain of swords and seas of fire at Suo Mingmen may not be comparable to that of Ma Ping.

After all, Ma Ping sold Xu's face and wanted me to appraise the treasure.But now I go to the door of death to redeem people, which is equivalent to asking people to do things, the concept is different.

It must be very dangerous.

But I'm not worried, and it must be successful.

Because Suo Mingmen's hands were stained with Xu Qing's blood and cut off Fatty Xiao's fingers.

Even though they were appointed by the patron Lu Xiaoxin, who they do and what they do has nothing to do with them.

Maybe the hall master doesn't know at all.

But this tone, I can't bear it!

During those few days, Xiaozhu didn't dare to talk to me, she just washed, cooked, and cleaned in silence, like a concubine who offended Long Yan, helpless and worried.

I want to laugh in my heart.

But I don't need to give her a good face, otherwise she will drag her tail like a cow and won't let me go.

By Friday, I was fully dressed and ready to go out.

Seeing this, Xiaozhu's face turned pale, he kept rubbing his hands, his expression was so nervous that he wanted to speak.

I glared at her.

She had no choice but to lower her head and hold back the words.

I took a taxi and came to Furong Manor in the suburbs.

This is a very upscale farmhouse.

Suomingmen is divided into areas according to churches, but there are no fixed places in each place. The Furong Manor was reserved for a few days by them for business.

But when he arrived at the gate of Furong Manor, he found that Fatty Xiao was lying on his back on the seat of the Lifan motorcycle, breathing leisurely with his face full of clouds.

I frowned: "Why are you here?"

Fatty Xiao sat up and smiled all over his face: "You are allowed to come to the manor to enjoy, and I am not allowed to play?"

I replied, "You're kidding me! Did Xiao Zhu tell you?"

Fatty Xiao threw away the cigarette butt, and snorted coldly: "Although they are just knives in the hands of the thieves, today buddies must accompany you into the blacksmith's shop to play first, and remind them to remember how many knives were stained with Xu Qing's blood. I'm going to break them then!"

He only talked about Xu Qing's hatred, but he didn't talk about himself.

The fat man expressed a meaning to me, his finger was chopped off, and the account can be postponed.

But about Xu Qing, he couldn't bear it for a moment.

"Can I go back?" I asked.

Fatty Xiao stretched out two hands with false fingers and shook them: "No!"

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