World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 179 The Origin of the 4 Jun Family

The deaf mother sat down by the bed and asked us in a slow tone: "Do you know Li Chunfeng?"

I do know something about this.

Li Chunfeng was a Fengshui master in the Tang Dynasty.

Legend has it that he and Yuan Tiangang co-authored "Tui Bei Tu", which has a total of [-] images and predicted the national destiny for thousands of years.

I replied frankly: "I know a little bit, but not much."

"Young people know what they know, and they don't know what they don't know. That's very good." The deaf mother nodded approvingly, and then asked: "Then do you know the Hanyuan Hall of Daming Palace in Tang Dynasty?"

I replied: "I know. Efang Palace, Hanyuan Hall, Zetianming Hall, Yuanmingyuan, and the glazed pagoda of Dabaoen Temple are considered to be the five architectural wonders that were destroyed in ancient times. The Tang Dynasty has a myriad of phenomena. When the world comes to court, there are also Hanyuan Halls." Thousands of officials look to Chang'an, and all nations worship Hanyuan's reputation."

The deaf mother sighed after hearing the words: "Everyone in the world knows the Hanyuan Hall, but they don't know the palace's Zhongmian."

"Hanyuan Hall was built in [-]. When it was built, Li Chunfeng, an old feng shui master, hid a crowned imperial hat in the middle of the main hall in order to protect the prosperity of this land for generations to come. Therefore, the great poet Wang There is a famous line in Wei's saying, "Nine heavens close and open the palace, and all nations wear clothes and crowns to worship the crown", which describes the scene of the world coming to worship the Hanyuan Hall."

I don't know why the deaf mother suddenly talked about this.

But I have a vague feeling that this matter is definitely related to the Buddha Dzi Bead.


The deaf mother turned around and continued: "But how did the Tang Dynasty manage to achieve the prosperity of the country and become a prosperous age that fascinates the past and the present?"

"It is said that Li Chunfeng secretly hid a Buddha dzi bead in the heart of the emperor's hat. This Buddha dzi bead is not simple. It is said that it came from the sacred stone on the forehead of the ancestor Longmailong in Kunlun Mountains. It is the cultural context of the country and can bless the world forever. Longchang."

"It's a pity, more than 200 years later, in 200, the Hanyuan Hall was destroyed, the Mian'an Emperor's hat was burned, and the Buddha beads inside completely disappeared. But Li Chunfeng is a master of Fengshui, how could he not have expected that [-] years after his death? What will happen in many years?"

"Back when Li Chunfeng was hiding the Buddha Dzi Bead in the hat heart of Emperor Mianyu, he secretly set up the golden list of Jianghu. The golden list summoned four top treasure protectors who are willing to guard the culture of China and protect the world for thousands of years. They are known as Tiannandibei. House of the Four Monarchs!"

"After the Sijun's family unveiled the gold list, they set up Dongfang and took a solemn oath. From then on, the Sijun's family will protect the treasures with the skills of protecting the treasures for thousands of years, and the responsibility of protecting the treasures will be passed down from generation to generation. Pulse is your responsibility."

"After the Hanyuan Hall was destroyed, the heirs of the Four Monarchs snatched the Buddha Dzi Beads. According to Li Chunfeng's request, they hid the Buddha Dzi Beads in the tomb of the ancient Buddhist kingdom in the Western Regions. When the world is in chaos and the country's fortunes are dying According to Li Chunfeng's instructions before his death, the heirs of the Four Monarchs' families will take out the Buddha Dzi Beads from the tomb of the ancient Buddhist kingdom in the Western Regions."

"The Buddha Dzi Beads are enshrined in the direction of the Big Dipper in the sky, and pray for the prosperity of the world. For more than 1000 years, the descendants of the four monarchs have always been so persistent."

Lu Cenyin and I immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.

In the blood poem, the family of the four monarchs from the south to the north turned out to be this origin!

The deaf mother continued: "When the Gentleman's Agreement was made at the time of unveiling the gold list, Li Chunfeng gave each of the four gentlemen's families an artifact, which is equivalent to four keys. To take out the Buddha Dzi Bead from the tomb of the ancient Buddhist kingdom in the Western Regions, one must have the four gentlemen's family. Hold the artifact in your hand at the same time, and work together to open it. And the Lu family is also one of the Four Monarchs' families, and the artifact is the unicorn jade pendant!"

This poem is finally unraveled.

The families of the four monarchs in the south, the north, and the north guard the Buddha beads together to protect China.

For thousands of years, the unicorn is the head and the tail, and the century-old family is silent.

After explaining the background, the deaf mother began to talk about what happened after Lu Zhijie came back that night.

On the night of September [-], [-], Lu Zhijie hurried back from the Western Regions.

He had a gloomy face and an extremely stern expression. When he arrived at the deaf mother's room, he spat out a few mouthfuls of blood.

It's true that the deaf mother is Lu Zhijie's woman, but in fact, she has another identity, just like Uncle Wang, a female nurse Bao Honghua.

As the head of the Lu family, Lu Zhijie's status has attracted much attention and he is always in danger.

In order to better protect Lu Zhijie, although the deaf mother has always stayed by his side, she always exists as a dark flower who is both deaf, dumb and immobile.

That night, Lu Zhijie endured the physical pain and told the deaf mother the history of Lu's family becoming one of the Four Monarchs' families and the ins and outs of his going to the Western Regions.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Shaowen, the ancestor of the Lu family in Jinling, inherited the skills of protecting treasures from one of the noble families, and became one of the four noble families.

Since its development, it has become the number one antique family in Jinling.

But this secret has always been known only to the head of the Lu family.

At that time, in order to prevent the four gentlemen's families from colluding with each other, Li Chunfeng made a rule: except for the leader of the four gentlemen's family - the "Old Manager" line, the other three gentlemen's families did not know who the other was or the artifacts of the other three. What is it.

If the tomb of the ancient Buddhist kingdom in the Western Regions is to be opened, the old Si Li's lineage must issue a secret order when the country's fortunes are in decline, and post an ancient flute engraved with the pattern of the crown of the emperor's hat as a token, and mail it to the other three monarchs' families to summon everyone At the same time, go to the ancient Buddhist kingdom in the Western Regions, open the door of the tomb, take out the Buddha dzi, and then enshrine the Buddha dzi to the Big Dipper.

When the ancient flute blows, the four kings move.

Go to the Buddhist country to sacrifice the dzi beads.

At the beginning of [-], Lu Zhijie suddenly received an ancient flute engraved with the pattern of the crown of the emperor.

Lu Zhijie was shocked, and immediately took out the unicorn jade pendant from the bag of rice carried by Lao Cai, the most valuable landlord of the Lu family, and rushed to the Western Regions. After going through hardships, he finally arrived at the site of the ancient Buddhist kingdom in the Western Regions.

But in the process, Lu Zhijie always felt something was wrong.

First, Huaxia was flourishing and flourishing back then, with no sign of its cultural context declining at all.

Second, in the long yellow sands of the Western Regions, Lu Zhijie accidentally found another bloody ancient flute that had been broken off and engraved with the pattern of the crown of the emperor's hat. There were also gouged out eyes and a woman's hand that had been nailed off by steel nails. Zhang's ID card, whose name is Liu Wenyu.This is enough to prove that one of the four monarchs was killed.

Third, the old manager did not meet with Lu Zhijie at the agreed place and password.

Lu Zhijie, who was born in the rivers and lakes, smelled a dangerous signal.

He acted decisively and hurried back from the Western Regions, but was attacked by gangsters on the way and almost died.

Lu Zhijie deduced that either the old manager's lineage was hijacked, or the old manager's lineage had betrayed the gentleman's agreement thousands of years ago and deliberately set up a deadlock. The key to the artifact in the hands of the Jun family opened the tomb alone and took away the Buddha Dzi.

Lu Zhijie predicted more clearly that he may die soon when he returns alone this time.

At that time, the two daughters of the Lu family were still young, and Lu Zhijie's brothers were all short-sighted Xiaoxiao, and no one could take over the position of the head of the Lu family and shoulder the burden of the Qilin family.

Just in case.

That night, Lu Jiajie gave the unicorn jade pendant to the deaf mother, and left a blood poem in the rice bag carried by the landlord Lao Cai.

Speaking of here.

The deaf mother paused and asked, "Do you know what Lao Lu said when he handed over the unicorn jade pendant to me?"

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