World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 178 Can't subdue this monkey grandson

After walking a hundred meters, Lu Cenyin couldn't bear it anymore.

"What are those people doing?"

I replied: "Abacus guy, he goes to the rivers and lakes to help people fight."

Lu Cenyin: "..."

This kind of abacus is generally more common in the north.

They usually hold an abacus in their hands and are naked, walking around in places where fish and dragons are mixed, fiddled with the beads of the abacus without making a sound. In the northern dialect, settling accounts is equivalent to fighting, and anyone who understands the rules of the world will understand.

As long as you give them money, you can tell them where to call.

After the abacus guy finishes beating people, he quickly changes to another city. This is a way of making a living.

In the past, technology was underdeveloped, and it was useless for those who were beaten to report to the officials. After reporting, they had already left. Whoever hired them did not know at all, so they could only suffer dumb losses.

The abacus around the abacus guy is divided into gold edge, silver edge and copper edge.

Usually the abacus is seldom inlaid with gold rims, because when colleagues meet, it is easy to fight each other if they are dissatisfied.

Those who dare to inlay gold rims must fight many battles, be ruthless, have good craftsmanship, have good reputation, and are not afraid of provocations from their peers.

Brother Bald Long, a social scumbag, will have his hands and feet broken today, and his teeth will definitely be lost.

With the development of society, there are fewer and fewer such abacus people who run the rivers and lakes.

But I didn't expect that a team of northern abacusers just came to Jinling Ferry today, and they were Phnom Penh abacusers.

Others don't know it, but I know it.

If you don't want to get your hands dirty, it's just right to do a business for them.

After Lu Cenyin understood the inside story, she rolled her eyes at me a few times: "You are such a monster!"

an hour later.

We pushed the deaf mother's cart to her door.

The deaf mother opened the door and let us in.

The house is very small, but it is very clean and tidy.

When the deaf mother walked back with us, I found that although the deaf mother collected the tatters, she was very neat and tidy, and her white hair was also meticulous.

Lu Cenyin was very worried about the deaf mother's injury, so she asked the deaf mother with gestures if there was any safflower oil at home.

The deaf mother also gestured in response to her.

They have had the experience of living together, and there is no big obstacle to communicate with each other.

Lu Cenyin gestured in the hand of the deaf mother, found a bottle of safflower oil in the drawer, and began to gently paint the red and swollen face of the deaf mother and the back of the hand that was bleeding from being stepped on.

This time, the deaf mother didn't chase Lu Cenyin away like before, and let Lu Cenyin take care of her with a happy face.

Like a mother and daughter.

While painting, Lu Cenyin suddenly cried, and the deaf mother also cried.

The two couldn't help hugging each other, and burst into tears.

Things change.

A simple mother-daughter relationship many years ago, and now they meet again, all kinds of emotions flooded their hearts instantly, and they couldn't hold it back.

I went out and smoked a cigarette outside.

After staying for about half an hour, the sobbing inside stopped.

I turned and went through the door.

Both of them had red eyes.

The deaf mother stroked Lu Cenyin's hair lovingly, her face full of kindness.

After a while.

While gesturing, Lu Cenyin told the deaf mother the purpose of her visit today.

Maybe the matter was too complicated, maybe Lu Cenyin couldn't explain clearly, the deaf mother looked confused, looking at Lu Cenyin for a while, and then at me for a while.

Lu Cenyin had no choice but to make detailed gestures and say it again.

The deaf mother still had a puzzled look on her face.

In desperation, Lu Cenyin took a pen and paper and began to write, but she stopped after writing a line, turned around and said to me: "Oops, I almost forgot, the deaf mother never went to school, can't read Ah, what should I do?"

Can't hear, can't read, can't speak.

It really seems unresolved.

I said to the deaf mother: "Deaf mother, I am not an outsider, so you can tell me. If you are worried about me, you can tell Cen Yin that I will go out."

As soon as this word comes out.

Lu Cenyin looked at me like a fool.

The deaf mother was still totally deaf and puzzled.

Lu Cenyin said: "Deaf mother can't hear, what's wrong with you?"

I ignored Lu Cenyin, took out the piece of blood silk cloth from my pocket, and placed it in front of the deaf mother.

"Deaf mother, we have found the secret left by Uncle Lu."

"You watched Cen Yin grow up. You know better than me what kind of person she is. You should trust her completely."

"You must have been waiting for this day for a long time, please tell us the situation."

After the deaf mother saw the bloody silk cloth, her body felt as if struck by lightning, her face was pale, and her breathing was extremely short.

The air is very still.

I'm waiting.

Wait for the deaf mother to verify my guess and give me the answer I want.

After a while, the deaf mother's mood eased down, and the hand holding the silk cloth stopped shaking.

She let out a long sigh, and a very old voice came from her mouth.

"Young man, how did you see through the old lady?"

When Lu Cenyin heard this, her beautiful eyes widened, her face was full of astonishment, and she was dumbfounded: "Deaf mother, you..."

Seeing that Lu Cenyin was terrified, the deaf mother held Lu Cenyin's hand lovingly, and said slowly, "Girl, don't be afraid, let me listen to this young man's explanation first."

I replied, "It's just luck."

"Cen Yin went to get safflower oil for you just now. I saw a radio in the drawer. It was very clean and smooth, which means that the deaf mother often wipes it. Of course, the main thing is the FM on it. The pointer is in Jinling. On the program. If a deaf mother has been deaf for more than ten years, it is impossible for her to know about this program.”

"This alone is not enough. When you hugged and cried together, even though I was outside, I heard you say 'silly child' several times involuntarily. , was still captured by me."

"The most important point is that Uncle Lu didn't even dare to leave any clues when he kept such a secret silk cloth in the Lu family's treasure. If he wants to tell you the secret, he can't give you any words, recordings, etc. It’s even more unsafe. But if a deaf mother pretends to be a person with deaf ears and a lost voice, it’s the safest means of keeping secrets in the world.”

"Buyuhua will finally speak. Deaf mother must have been waiting for today."

After hearing this, the deaf mother froze in place, and looked at me carefully for a while.

Since then.

She turned her head and asked Lu Cenyin softly, "Girl, is your boyfriend?"

Hearing this, Lu Cenyin's pretty face flushed, she bit her lip, and glanced at me coquettishly, her voice was as small as a mosquito, she nodded and replied shyly, "Mmm..."

The deaf mother smiled, scratched Lu Cenyin's nose lightly, and said, "You have good eyesight, I'm afraid you won't be able to subdue this monkey grandson in the future."


After finishing speaking, the deaf mother got up, walked out the door slowly, looked left and right, and then closed the door.

She took out a photo of Lu Zhijie from a photo album and put it on the table. Facing the photo, she looked extremely serious and her old eyes were slightly red.

"Old Lu, I'm going to be free today, and you still have to endure."

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