I took the silk ribbon and tied her hair very gently.

Lu Cenyin's face was filled with tenderness and warmth.

The door was suddenly opened.


Uncle Wang rushed in anxiously, seeing the scene in front of him, he didn't finish his words, turned around and quickly backed out.

I was very speechless, and whispered to Lu Cenyin: "Uncle Wang can't stay!"

Lu Cenyin's beautiful eyes flickered, and she asked, "Why?"

I replied: "He is more convenient to us."

When Lu Cenyin heard this, he laughed uncontrollably.

I tied a silk headband into a beautiful bow, and with the disk in hand, I turned and went out.

When Uncle Wang saw me, his old face looked embarrassed, and he said, "Mr. Su..."

I said, "Uncle Wang, next time I'm with your young lady, please wait a little bit beforehand."

Uncle Wang scratched his head and replied, "I remember."

After leaving Yingqing Pavilion, I first went to a quick laundry room to have the photos developed, and then went to Renji Hospital.

Fatty Xiao was reclining on the hospital bed, smoking a cigarette, almost in good health, but the two fake fingers in his hand were extremely eye-catching.

The hatred for Lu Xiaoxin in my heart surged again.

Fatty Xiao said with a smile: "Ma Sanniang is pretty good. It is said that these two fake fingers cost a total of [-] yuan. The most expensive ring I had in my hand was only [-] yuan. It feels so weird to wear such an expensive thing now. windy."


Fatty Xiao threw me a cigarette and patted me on the shoulder: "Su Zi, don't look so dead! You have a bowl-sized scar on your head, let alone just two fingers."

I lit the cigarette, took two deep puffs, and asked earnestly, "Do you regret following me?"

When Fatty Xiao heard this, his expression froze for a moment, the muscles of his fat face twitched, and a pair of tiger eyes burst out with monstrous hatred: "Regret!"

"I regret that I didn't tear up that thieves woman with my own hands! When I finished spelling the red flower, I should have gone straight to Sifangzhai and chopped off her head on the spot to use as a chamber pot!"

After speaking.

Fatty Xiao closed his eyes, biting his cheeks loudly.

There was thick smoke lingering in the ward, and we couldn't see each other's faces clearly.

Silent for a long time.

Finally, I broke the silence.

"After you're discharged from the hospital, take time to see Miss Xu."

"I won't go! Unless next time I take the thief's wife's head and place it in front of Sister Xu's grave to burn incense!"

I was so upset, I stubbed out the cigarette butt, and said in a cold voice, "Stop talking!"

Fatty Xiao suddenly grabbed the ashtray by the bed and smashed it on the ground frantically, splashing glass and ash.

He yelled at me like a raging lion with weeping blood in his eyes.

"Why didn't I say it?!"

"Xu Qing is your woman, I am your brother, I have the right to say it!"

"My business is all my own, and I deserved it. My brain was flooded and I believed that foreign stick! But Xu Qing is a good woman! Whether you like Xu Qing or not, she feels in her heart that she is your woman! She died for you It's too bad to die!"

"Why do you help Lu Cenyin over and over again?! She is the sister of the thief woman, like a dog! The life and death of the Lu family has nothing to do with you! If you don't go to Lu Cenyin, these things will never happen occur!"

My blood surged immediately, and I picked up Fatty Xiao's collar.

"I helped her because the Lu family was involved in the truth of my parents' death, this is the meaning of my life!

"This game started from the gambling stall. I have no choice but to do it!"

"If I can't kill Lu Xiaoxin to avenge you, I will chop off my head and apologize to you!"

Fatty Xiao was stunned, his tiger eyes fixed on me.

I've never told him about these things before.

I let go of him.

Fatty Xiao's chest heaved up and down, and he raised his head and roared loudly.

After a while.

He finally calmed down and grabbed his hair.

"I'm sorry Su Zi, I don't know about these situations."

"Xiaozhu told me when I came here before that you have tried everything possible to avoid everything, but our own shortcomings have been taken advantage of. These days I can't find someone to vent to, so I can only vent to you..."

I raised my hand to stop him from continuing.

"Fatty, you think clearly."

"I am alone, life and death are like a lamp going out, I must continue to walk on this road."

"But you still have Uncle Xiao, don't regret it for the rest of your life just for a moment's pleasure!"

This was said with great sincerity.

Fatty Xiao will definitely get angry, but I have to say it.


Fatty Xiao was furious, pulled out the needle in his hand, picked up the infusion pole next to it, and threw it at me.

"Fuck you, uncle! The money I earned from you is enough for the old man to spend his whole life!"

"I'm missing my fingers now, you talk to me like that?!"

"Say one more word and I'll strangle you to death, don't you believe me?!"

I held the infusion pole in my hand: "Can you beat me?"

Fatty Xiao raised the hand with the fake finger and shook it twice at me: "I am disabled now, otherwise I will beat you to ten!"


Fatty Xiao snorted coldly: "Okay, I'm done venting. You arrange what to do next."

I sat down again, and told about Lu Xiaoxin's current situation, and also told all the clues I found in Lu's house.

Fatty Xiao said: "Find this thieves, you have arranged for both white and black ones, why don't you try the yin ones?"

Yin means looking for quack pigeons.

I replied: "I called Bian Wu and asked him to find pigeons. The vulture whistle was good last time, but Bian Wu might be going to the grave, so I didn't get through."

Fatty Xiao said, "Show me the photo of the hole."

I will show him the developed photos.

Fatty Xiao stared at it for a long while, and said, "You have found the right person for this matter."

I hesitated: "You understand?"

Fatty Xiao said with a smile: "I want to know these tricks, how can I be so miserable before? I know a person who is called 'Hu Sansiao' by people in the world."

"Hu three seconds?"

"Yes, he specializes in miscellaneous tricks. He is known as the world's tricks. There is nothing he can't break within three seconds. But he has a weird personality and lives in Jinling Suolong Lane. He occasionally sells some gadgets at the stalls. , It is very difficult to ask him to do something."

"The fees are high?"

"If it's a fee, it's not a problem. He must meet his extremely demanding conditions."

"What conditions?"

"I don't know the details. Anyway, it's said that he hasn't promised anyone else to turn on the machine in the past ten years... But if you go, I think he can definitely be dealt with."

But those who are capable in the world generally have weird personalities.

But this kind of person, once convinced him, will become easier to get along with.

For example, Uncle Wang.

I plan to meet this Hu Sanshao for a while.

After leaving the hospital, I planned to go directly to Suolong Lane.

But he didn't go far, and suddenly received a call from Xiao Zhu, who seemed very anxious on the other end of the phone.

"Brother, you are coming to Old Man Xu's rented house soon. Has something happened to Old Man Xu?"

"what's up?"

"I'm not too sure. I just received a call from the nanny who took care of him. The nanny is asking me for help. I want to ask her about her situation, but the phone is no longer available!"

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