I don't care what happened to old man Xu.

To die early is not to be born again.

This is my best and warmest wish for him.

But we are hirelings, and if something happens to the babysitter hired to take care of him, we are responsible.

My place is not far from the rental house, so I took a taxi and rushed to the rental house.

When I got to the downstairs of the rental house, I found that there were many people surrounded by a huge crowd outside, and I couldn't see the situation inside clearly.

I rushed through the crowd, only to see a shocking scene.

Old man Xu was lying on the ground, motionless, his body was covered in blood, his head was crooked, and his body was convulsing.

Looking up, there is a big hole in the rusty canopy on the fourth floor, and there are many iron fragments of the rusty canopy scattered on the ground.

Obviously, the cause of death of this old bastard was that he fell from the iron awning and hit his head.

The 40-year-old female nanny that Xiaozhu invited to take care of him was squatting on the ground, her face was pale, her body was shaking, her clothes were messy, and she looked extremely frightened.

Xiao Zhu hugged her shoulder beside him, comforting her.

I asked Xiaozhu: "What's going on?"

Xiaozhu told me why.

Old man Xu drank too much wine today, and the nanny was cleaning up the leftovers on the table.

This old bastard was so drunk that he even started to tease the charming female nanny.

He first came to soften, telling the nanny that he had a three-story building and a store facing the street in Jinling, and he had no children under his knees. As long as he took care of him, the store and house would all be owned by the nanny in the future.

The female nanny thought he was drinking too much and ignored him.

The old man Xu saw that he couldn't do it softly, so he came straight to the hard one, and suddenly he laid his hands on the female nanny, and even pushed her onto the bed.

The female nanny tried her best to refuse, struggled desperately, and even slapped him hard.

The old man Xu was so angry that he not only closed the door, but also took a kitchen knife from the kitchen, saying that if he didn't obey today, he would hack the female nanny to death.

The female nanny was terrified when she saw old man Xu's vicious look, so she had to pretend to agree. When the old man Xu put down the knife impatiently and was about to take off his clothes, the female nanny shouted for help and ran out.

The old man Xu found out that he had been cheated, and he was completely insane, and Sa Yazi chased after him.

He was already lame, and he drank too much, his feet slipped, and he fell. He slid and rushed out of the balcony, stepped on the rusty canopy, hit his head on the ground, and fell down.

After I finished listening, I sneered in my heart, and asked Xiaozhu lightly: "Have you called an ambulance?"

Xiaozhu replied: "I called, but this is a small alley, the ambulance can't get in, the doctor should be there soon."

I nodded, walked up to Old Man Xu, and squatted down.

With his appearance, even if the ambulance came, he would not survive.

Calling an ambulance was nothing more than a psychological confession to Xu Qing.

The old man Xu still had a little consciousness left, with blood gushing from his mouth and a strong and disgusting smell of alcohol, he said with great difficulty, "...help...help me..."

I replied: "It's arranged, but you can't live."

Old man Xu wanted to say something, but his mouth moved twice and he couldn't speak.

I said coldly, "I won't buy the cemetery for you. After cremation, the ashes are thrown into the latrine. That's where you should stay."

Things have been going on for many years.

I will never forget the old man Xu's eyes before he died, with resentment in fear and viciousness in despair.

The doctor rushed in. They carried the stretcher in their hands. After lifting old man Xu, they began to run out like crazy.

After a few minutes.

Xiaozhu received a call from the doctor.

The doctor said that old man Xu passed away as soon as he got into the ambulance.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Zhu asked, "Brother, what should I do?"

I replied: "It's fine to finish the normal walk. After it's over, light some incense and a bottle of good wine in front of your sister's portrait, and tell her that she is happy today, but don't talk about specific things."

"Also, this nanny is a good person, give her more money."

Xiaozhu smiled and said, "Understood brother!"

the first time.

Hanging up with someone, I feel so happy.

I even whistled as I left.

"Good Day" by the first sister of folk songs.

When I came to Suolong Lane, I found Hu Sanmiao's residence according to the address Fatty Xiao told me.

An old tube building, the door was closed, and no one answered when knocked on the door.

I asked the old man next door, where did Hu Sanmiao go.

The old man told me that he went to the stall market early in the morning to practice stalls.

Turned back to the stall market.

The greasy fat man who sold the four fairies birthday porcelain vases from last time is still there.

I was in a good mood and didn't plan to talk to him.

But he was very impressed with me, he took the initiative to tease me, and greeted me with a smile: "Brother, do you want to have something more today?"

I squatted down and asked, "I don't want to buy anything today. I just inquired about one thing. There is a guy named Hu Sanmiao in the stall who specializes in selling miscellaneous gadgets. Where does he set up a stall?"

Ask me the way, and he can answer me well, but this greasy fat man doesn't like it.

The greasy fat man squinted and asked, "Do you want to inquire about something?"

I replied: "Yes!"

The greasy fat man replied: "Then I have to buy something, I am not a news shop."

As soon as I heard this, I got up and left.

The greasy fat man grabbed me, and said in a low voice and fiercely: "My business is not doing well recently, please sell me some goods quickly, or you will be killed!"

I frowned and asked, "Sell by force?"

The greasy fat man bared his big teeth, shook his neck, and said in a northeast accent: "Yeah!"


My good mood was completely wiped out by this product.

Today, I not only want to get information from him, but also slap him in the face on the spot.

I took a few glances at his stall, and nodded: "Okay! I want a little thing... What's the price for the wedding bag?"

Flower sacs are sachets.

In the old Jinling dowry, in addition to some furniture, bedding, children and grandchildren barrels, the bride would also wear a sachet, usually filled with the bride's birthday character, longan stones, and red date stones, implying that she was born with a belt and married with her.

The greasy fat man saw that I had completely surrendered, and said with a sly smile: "The Jinling embroidery flower bag in the Republic of China, it will cost 1000 yuan anyway!"

I was very straightforward: "I'll give you two thousand, and help me wrap it up."

When the greasy fat man heard this, his eyes widened and he stared at me incredulously.

Even the people who set up the stalls next to them were dumbfounded, and they all looked over.

I asked, "Sell it or not? If not, I can leave!"

While packing things, the greasy fat man replied, "Sell, sell, sell... Then what, little brother, after your grandpa passed away, your brain hasn't been stimulated to cause any problems, right?"

I replied: "If you don't hurry up, I won't buy it when I wake up."

The greasy fat man took the money with a smile, handed the sachet to me, and pointed to the far corner of the stall: "That strange old man Hu Laosan is the fifth stall to the east of the corner, but this old man is the same as Like you, there's something wrong here."

After speaking.

He pointed at his own brain.

Brazenly extorting money and humiliating others.

He just thinks I'm a fool in the mallet.

I nodded and opened the sachet on the spot.

From the sachet, he took out a piece of old yellow and soon-to-break birthday red paper, and threw it aside.

Then pinch out a few small, golden golden longan cores and jujube cores.

Throw it twice at the greasy boss.

Murder and kill!

There was an uproar!

Seeing this, Greasy Boss immediately changed his face, and sat down on the ground, dumbfounded: "You, you, you..."

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