Lu Cenyin rushed over quickly and grabbed the lighter from my hand.

She was in a hurry: "This is agar, it was specially used for lighting incense in the past, it is flammable!"

"You use fire, if it catches fire, it will be destroyed in one go!"

The little trick just now completely failed.

Ren taking the cotton swab was nothing more than an excuse to distract her deliberately, but she still saw through it.

I looked at her for a while, and said, "It must not be sealing wax due to fungus rupture, it is definitely a deliberate trick to confuse people."

Lu Cenyin frowned, "But you can't prove it."

I said: "Because it can't be proven, it is a way to confuse people. All organs in the world have broken methods, but this layer of wax has no broken methods. Don't you want to think about the reason?"

"If no one in the world dares to scrape with a knife or melt with fire when faced with collections worth more than tens of millions because of fungus cracked sealing wax, this layer of wax will become an insurmountable mountain in front of those who break the mechanism. It is the most top-notch anti-break mechanism method."

Lu Cenyin: "..."

I continued to explain: "Now all the clues point to this bean, but there is only a layer of sealing wax on this bean, why is there no other place? In other words, this is equivalent to the ancient battlefield. The last pass, only at the most important pass, will the country's heavy troops be set up to prevent you from trespassing."

"If you dare to break through, you will drive straight in. If you dare not break through, all the hard work in front of you, the preparation of food and grass, and the plundering of the city will all be useless. This layer of sealing wax is clearly the person who set up the mechanism and the person who broke the mechanism. The final attack and defense carried out."

these judgments.

It is entirely based on a kind of self-confidence in my heart.

The top mechanism designer is playing psychology until the end, betting that you dare not put all your eggs in one basket.

Lu Cenyin didn't dare, but I did.

I have tried my best to explain what I just said.

But it is probably difficult to convince her, after all, this thing is empty talk.

Lu Cenyin stared at me blankly and asked, "How sure are you?"

"hundred percent!"

"What if?"

"No case!"


Lu Cenyin stopped talking.

I sighed.

The concept engraved in my blood is that antiques are playing with people, whether it is appreciating treasures or breaking the game, most of the time it is all about psychology, and the sword is slanted.

But Lu Cenyin is not. The Lu family is a traditional antique family, and the education she received is relatively orthodox. It is not her style to go astray.

What I didn't expect was.

Lu Cenyin gritted her teeth tightly, with a desperate look on her face: "Then you can give it a try."

"But don't let me see..."

After speaking.

She was so nervous that she tightly covered her eyes with her hands and squatted on the ground.

I didn't have time to admire her contradictory and cute movements.

Don't miss out!

I immediately lit the lighter and quickly approached the surface of the soybean grain.

The flame floated on the surface, and the layer of wax on it began to melt rapidly.

In order to prevent the statue from being overheated and melted, I immediately extinguished the lighter.

1 minutes later.

A miraculous scene appeared!

Where the surface of this soybean grain meets the seam between the landowner's fat and rich fingers, because the layer of wax has melted, there is a gap!

I was immediately overjoyed: "Cen Yin!"

Lu Cenyin closed her eyes, covered her ears tightly with her hands, and said with a trembling voice, "What are you doing?!"

"If you succeed, you pull me up, if you fail, you let me squat!"

"I don't want my ears to hear the result!"

I laughed in my heart and hurriedly pulled her up.

After Lu Cenyin was pulled up, her mind went blank for a short while. After she realized it, she asked in amazement: "It really succeeded?!"

I nodded.

Lu Cenyin hurriedly poked her head over to look, and when she saw the gap, her blushing face faded back to its original color, panting for the rest of her life.

I said, "Get the knife quickly, don't stand around stupidly."

When Lu Cenyin heard this, he hurried over to get a small knife.

Holding the knife in my hand, I carefully picked the gap between the beans and my fat fingers.

There was a soft "click".

The bean grains fall off from the outside of the rice bag like a lid.

All previous judgments were correct!

This is indeed a top-level organ cover!

It can be expected that the appearance of the world's most precious treasure immediately appeared inside did not happen.

Under the bean is a very strange small hole.

There is even an agency!

Seeing this, Lu Cenyin frowned, "How could this be?"

I feel very normal.

This is Master Huiyun's last line of defense.

Breaking this landlord and old money-carrying rice bag mechanism, unraveling the metaphor, observing the statue, and locking the target, is equivalent to obtaining the enemy's military defense map before defeating the enemy, and opening the cover of this bean mechanism belongs to breaking the enemy's national heavy troops , the small mechanism inside is equal to the enemy's last guard force defending the capital.

The hard bones in front have all been gnawed.

In the end, this little organ is completely nothing to worry about.

Although we still can't see the principle of it now, it is actually very simple to open it as long as a master who understands the mechanism and miscellaneous things takes a look.

I have expressed my opinion.

Lu Cenyin thought for a while and said, "Third Uncle is specialized in miscellaneous things, but this thing can't be shown to him..."

I replied: "Don't say you can't show it to Lu Xiaolin, even if you can, I don't believe his level of half a pot of wine."

"You turn on the bright flashlight, take a picture of this small hole with a clearer camera, and I will find someone to find a solution."

We took pictures of this small hole from multiple angles and transferred the pictures to the computer.

In order to prevent others from seeing the clues of the whole statue, I specially cut a partial picture of this small hole on the computer.

After doing this, I took the disk and was ready to develop the photos.

Lu Cenyin replaced the cover of the bean grain mechanism, put the statue of the landlord Laocai carrying rice back into the safe, turned around and asked, "Who are you going to see?"

I replied: "I don't know yet, but there should be results within a few days."

Lu Cenyin nodded: "If my father hadn't been seriously ill, it wouldn't have taken so much trouble."

I said: "If your father is healthy, Lu Xiaoxin will probably be the head of the family, and it is impossible for me to see this thing."

When Lu Cenyin heard the words, his expression suddenly became gloomy.

She still couldn't let Lu Xiaoxin go.

I comforted me: "The Lu family is on the verge of collapse. As the head of the family, don't think about her affairs. You should think more about how to restore the glory of the Lu family. There are so many people waiting for you to eat."

Lu Cenyin looked at me very seriously: "Su Chen...will you help the Lu family?"

I replied, "No help."

A trace of sadness flashed in Lu Cenyin's eyes: "Why?"

I replied: "This is Missy's Lu family, I only help Missy."

When Lu Cenyin heard the words, his expression was extremely happy, his mouth turned up, and he handed me the silk belt in his hand, and said coquettishly: "Speaking and doing things are weird all day long!"

"How did I untie it for you just now, how do you tie it up for me now."

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