World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 152 Battleship

Not knowing what happened, I ran to the door of the storage room.

Shopkeeper Song came out of the storage room, his face was covered with dust, his glasses were broken, but his hands were empty.

I hastened to support him.

Shopkeeper Song looked very embarrassed: "The light is off, my eyes are not good, I didn't pay attention..."

Since then.

Shopkeeper Song turned his head and shouted towards the backyard: "Xiao Fu, why did the electricity stop again? When will it be repaired?"

The female shopkeeper Xiaofu hurried in from the backyard and said, "Shopkeeper, the electrician is outside repairing it, and it will be ready soon."

Shopkeeper Song said: "It means that the eldest lady has a good temper. What should I do if there is a sudden power outage these days, and some treasures that need to keep warm and get rid of damp are damaged?"

Antique shops are no better than other shops, and the electricity cannot be stopped.

Some treasures need to be kept at a constant temperature, some need to be specially dehumidified, and some need to be refrigerated.

I once met a collector who likes to collect "ice treasure boxes". The storage room is full of frost. If the power is cut off, everything will be destroyed.

Here is an explanation of the ice treasure box.

In the palace dramas of the Qing Dynasty, there are often scenes of emperors and concubines eating iced watermelon and iced mung beans in summer. There were no refrigerators in ancient times. Where did the ice come from?

These ice cubes are cut from large pieces of ice in the river in winter and transported to the deep underground ice cellar for storage. When it is hot in summer, they are taken out for use.

No matter at home or abroad, in ancient times without refrigerators, the same method was adopted.

As a result, many imperial palaces, large landlords, or foreign aristocratic families will freeze perishable ingredients and other items in underground ice cellars for preservation.

The collection of ice treasure boxes is to collect the ice cubes in the ice cellars of large households at home and abroad in the old days.

There is something frozen inside the ice cube, which looks like amber.

It is mainly summer animals, plants and fruits, which are full of beautiful things in eyes and are called treasure boxes.

This thing was originally used by the ancients to eat and use. It has been kept in the ice cellar until now, and it must not be eaten or used.

Some readers may find it amazing, how can someone still collect these broken things?

Not to mention ice treasure boxes, there are many people who collect coffins, tombstones, obscene objects of the ancients, and even non-rotten corpses at home and abroad.

Just play!

Xiaofu scratched her head: "I don't know what's going on these days... The eldest lady said, if it really doesn't work, I'll replace all the wires and get a diesel generator some other day."

An electrician's voice came from outside: "It's fixed!"

There is a call.

But shopkeeper Song's glasses were broken, and he couldn't see even after the electricity was turned on, so he told Xiaofu to go to the storage room to get the imperial chrysanthemum for me.

I'm quite embarrassed, but I thank shopkeeper Song and Xiaofu.

Shopkeeper Song said with a simple smile, "It's okay, the glasses should have been replaced long ago."

Saying goodbye to Head Song, I left Yingqing Pavilion and took a taxi home.

On the road.

I called Fatty Xiao.

Fatty Xiao's voice on the other end of the phone was rather noisy, as if he was chatting with someone else.

I heard this guy laughing and talking about "Night Death", "Power Gudou", and "Scratching is not cold".

I thought about it for a long time.

Only then did he realize that the fat man was speaking English.

Ten seconds later, Fatty Xiao should have deliberately ran to a quiet place, and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter, Su Zi? I'm pulling foreign movies."

I asked, "Is it so confusing?"

Fatty Xiao said with a smile: "Don't say it, it's quite difficult! But this time, the engraved ancient books I got are more realistic. He has already eaten all the bait, and he has negotiated a price of 100 million, just wait for me to accept it." The fishing rod is gone. At 08:30 tonight, in Xishan Park, you pay for it and deliver it.”

I frowned and asked, "Why do you want to trade in Xishan Park?"

Fatty Xiao replied: "Antiques in our country cannot be sold privately and sold abroad. This foreigner is very cautious. He is afraid that I will deceive him, resulting in loss of property and property. The place of transaction can only be determined by him."

I thought for a while and said, "Foreigners who dare to come here to dig out antiques are not good birds."

"To be on the safe side, you should either bring a few more burden army brothers, or change to a central trading location, or change a few more trading hours."

Fatty Xiao replied: "Don't worry, it's not the first time my buddy has pulled foreign films. In our land, foreign sticks still want to take off...By the way, why are you calling?"

I said, "Lu Xiaoxin is coming out soon, don't go back to the rented house, be careful."

Fatty Xiao heard the words and scolded: "Fuck! Why isn't this thief dead yet... No, I have to go in first, otherwise the foreign club will be suspicious. After I finish this matter, let's discuss how to deal with it." Deal with this thief."

After returning home.

I took a shower, ate a bucket of instant noodles, and slept.

At 07:30 in the evening, I went out to Wei Feng's office.

I have to see who will pick up Lu Xiaoxin and how the battle will be.

But as soon as he left the door, he found a commercial vehicle and a car driving over.

The car glass rolls down.

Uncle Wang and Lu Cenyin were sitting in the car, while Wu Bin and five or six other guards were sitting in the commercial vehicle.

These are all the most capable forces in the Yingqing Pavilion Hubaohonghua.

I frowned and asked, "Isn't the action undone?"

Lu Cenyin replied: "It's cancelled. But I want to go and see the situation, and I guess you will go too, so I will drop by to pick you up."

I pointed to Wu Bin and the others: "It's just a show, why are so many people beating tigers?"

Hearing this, Lu Cenyin looked a little helpless: "That's what I said too, originally the two of us could just go. But Uncle Wang said, from now on, I can't leave their sight for a moment."

What Wang Tianfang did was right.

I had no choice but to get in the car and sit in the back seat with Lu Cenyin.

Uncle Wang started the car and drove forward.

I said: "Uncle Wang, the safest way to do it is to let your young lady try not to leave the Yingqing Pavilion and the treasures of the Lu family. After all, it is a downtown area, instead of letting her go around with a group of treasures and red flowers. rock."

Uncle Wang replied: "I can't persuade you tonight. From tomorrow onwards, strictly follow Mr. Su's plan."

Lu Cenyin's pretty face was very speechless: "Uncle Wang, are you my guardian red flower, or his?"

Uncle Wang replied: "Miss, is there... a difference?"

Lu Cenyin's face flushed instantly, and she stopped talking.

After arriving at the gate of Wei Feng's office, he found a place where he could see the gate and parked his car.

I told them not to get out of the car, not to roll the windows, but to watch quietly in the car.

A few minutes past eight.

Wei Feng sent Lu Xiaoxin out.

Lu Xiaoxin was still chewing gum, with disdain on his face.

She had just stepped out of the gate.

Five or six people in Chinese tunic suits and sunglasses got off from the cars on both sides of the gate, and they quickly surrounded Lu Xiaoxin and picked her up in a big black Lincoln.

Followed by.

The otherwise quiet parked cars around us.

All of a sudden the lights came on!

As the extended Lincoln drove forward slowly, five cars drove in front of it with double flashes, and five cars followed behind with double flashes. Four cars were arranged on the two wings, like a giant The battleship, protecting the enlarged Lincoln in the middle, drove quickly to the front.

Seeing this, Lu Cenyin and Uncle Wang were dumbfounded.

If Yingqing Pavilion Hubao Honghua came to pick it up today, or if we got out of the car and rolled down the window just now, it would be an extremely tragic and fearless sacrifice.

Wei Feng returned to the unit with an extremely livid face.

I stared at the retreating back of the convoy and felt a strong sense of oppression.


A burst of extremely rapid phone ringing suddenly rang.

Lu Cenyin answered immediately: "Hello!"

There was a noise on the other end of the phone.

"Miss, something serious happened... Yingqing Pavilion and Zangbao Pavilion caught fire at the same time..."

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