I explained to her: "I didn't approach the Lu family on purpose, it was a complete coincidence."

Then, I told the ins and outs of the matter.

Lu Cenyin was dumbfounded after hearing this, and looked at me with incomparably beautiful eyes.

After half an hour.

She said, "It's like speaking from heaven!"

I replied, "I don't know if I explained it well, it's really hard to believe, but it's the way it is, and it's up to you to judge."

She fell silent.

I said, "Okay, I've already dealt with today's affairs."

After speaking, I got up and went out.

"Wait a moment!"

With a resentful look on her face, Lu Cenyin gave me a blank look and turned on the computer.

"I went in again and secretly took a picture of the old landlord Cai, you can see for yourself."

In addition to joy.

I am very moved.

This girl still believes in me after all.


Her deepest trust in me has never wavered.

I stood where I was, watching her silently.

Lu Cenyin said: "Are you still watching? If you don't, I'll close it!"

She gestured to turn off the computer.

I hurried over and carefully observed the photos on the computer.

This time Lu Cenyin took very detailed photos, and the number of photos was relatively large, mainly focusing on the rice bag belonging to the landlord Lao Cai.

The rice bags are carved so realistically that they look bulging as a whole.

A feeling that the bag will not fit in after a big harvest and will be burst soon.

It is obvious that there are a lot of rice grains and bean grains specially carved into the shape of the bag skin bulging out.

There are many rice grains and bean grains bulging out of the bag skin, and all of them are full.

Lu Cenyin said from the side: "I looked for a long time, but I really didn't see any mechanism in the rice bag."

I really can't see it.

The rice bag is integrated, looks like a natural one, without any flaws.

Master Huiyun's skills are absolutely amazing.

In order not to be affected by these photos, I turned off the computer screen first, stood still, took a deep breath, and calmed down my heart. It was like playing a movie in my mind, and the whole picture of the rice bag flashed over and over again.

After a while.

I suddenly remembered something and asked, "Do you have any clear photos of the landlord Lao Cai holding the rice bag?"

Lu Cenyin replied, "There is one."

She called up one of the photos.

When I saw the hand of the landlord Lao Cai in the photo, I was shocked in my heart.

The landlord Lao Cai's chubby hand was grabbing the rice bag, and between the little finger and the ring finger, a bean seemed to burst out of the bag immediately.

There are three obvious differences in this bean.

First, the bean grains are like peanuts, much larger than other bean grains in the rice bag.Second, the bean is sandwiched between two fingers, as if if the two fingers are not tightly clamped, it will fall out immediately.Thirdly, other parts of the whole statue are covered with oil, but only the gap between the bean grain and the finger is not oily.

The trick is this peanut-sized bean!

The shape is large, and it has the external conditions to be made into an organ cover.

The two fingers are clamped tightly, implying that the cover of the mechanism may fall out.

The most important thing is that it does not produce oil!

This is a top-grade agar, if the wood is thicker, there will be a slight oil overflow.

There is no oil here, which proves that the wood flesh is very thin, or in other words, the inside is hollow at all!

I was both surprised and admired.

Master Huiyun is against the sky, and he can be called a national player.

The metaphor is not inside the treasure, but outside the treasure, and the setting of the mechanism is so ingenious that it is enough to deceive 90.00% of the world's appraisers!

Seeing my expression change, Lu Cenyin asked, "Did you see it?"

I nodded: "The mechanism is on this bean."

Lu Cenyin frowned and asked, "Why?"

I explained my judgment to her.

After Lu Cenyin finished listening, his expression was extremely surprised.

But obviously, she has fully approved my judgment that has no room for refutation, and said in a low voice: "You are such a monster!"

Things have had a major breakthrough!

I said: "Cen Yin, you may have to find an opportunity, take me in and have a look at the real thing."

Hearing this, Lu Cenyin stared at me blankly: "Then you have to promise me one thing first."

I asked, "What's the matter?"

Lu Cenyin replied: "I haven't thought of it yet, I'll tell you when I think of it, but you must do what you say."

I smiled back and said, "Okay."

Seeing that I agreed, Lu Cenyin seemed relieved, and said, "In fact, I have already made plans. After the Sifangzhai's antiques are counted in a few days, they will be transported into the Treasure Pavilion. These treasures can only be carried by the owner. A personal protector, safflower, was transported in."

"At that time, I will arrange for Uncle Wang to drive. You feel wronged and hide it in the treasure chest. We will go in together. You have the key to the copper cabinet. You go in and have a look. I will guard it for you outside the treasure room."

I nodded: "Good way."

Lu Cenyin suddenly stretched out her little finger.

I asked, "What's the matter?"

Lu Cenyin said with a light smile, "Lagou, congratulations for clearing up our misunderstanding!"

Looking at her obsidian-like eyes flickering, two shallow dimples on her face, and her incomparably delicate appearance, I felt tenderness in my heart.

I ignored her fingers, and replied: "Don't pull the hook, change a way to celebrate."

Lu Cenyin asked, "What method?"

I gently lifted her chin and said, "Bite you back!"

When Lu Cenyin heard this, he was taken aback for a moment.


Her cheeks became crimson, like the sunset in the sky, her breathing began to be extremely rapid, her beautiful eyes were slightly closed, and she gently pulled the corner of her clothes with her hands, her expression was very nervous, but her pretty face was involuntarily raised slightly.

Just as I was about to kiss, there was a sudden "bang bang bang" knock on the door.

Shopkeeper Song said outside: "Miss, the seller of Qianlong Tanyuchun Pot has come and said that he has made an appointment with you in advance."

I immediately replied: "Tell him that I don't have time, we are doing business!"

Shopkeeper Song: "Ah?!"

I will continue.

Lu Cenyin's expression was flustered, she hurriedly pushed me away, and hurriedly replied: "Okay...you tell him to come up."

After speaking.

She quickly went to the bathroom in the room.

I guess it's time to touch up makeup and organize clothes.

In desperation, I had to turn around and go out.

After Shopkeeper Song saw me, he was full of doubts and pushed his thick glasses on the bridge of his nose: "Mr. Su, why is there blood on your lips?"

I touched it, and asked back, "Really? Just now your eldest lady gave me something that got angry."

Shopkeeper Song was still very curious: "What is on fire, so effective? In the storage room below, there is the best Huangju from Huizhou, which is a good product for clearing fire. I'll get you some."

I replied: "Okay, then I will not be polite."

After going downstairs.

Shopkeeper Song first asked the Qianlong Tanyuchun Pot seller, who was waiting on the sofa, to go upstairs, and he went to the storage room to get me the best Huizhou imperial chrysanthemum.

I'm standing on the first floor waiting.

Also, by the way, take a look at the collections in the Yingqing Pavilion store.

Tell the truth.

I've been here so many times, I haven't looked at it carefully yet.

I'm watching at the counter.

The light in the Yingqing Pavilion suddenly went out.

Shopkeeper Song wailed from the storage room.

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