World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 153 Fiery Fire

Lu Cenyin turned pale with shock: "What's going on?!"

On the other side there was a crying voice and a coughing sound from being choked by the fireworks: "Cough cough...there have been power outages in Yingqing Pavilion and Zangbao Pavilion these days, and the line suddenly caught fire...Miss, come back quickly, it will burn out soon..."

Hearing this, Lu Cenyin dropped the phone on the seat.

I immediately told Uncle Wang: "The troops will divide into two groups. Let's go to the Treasure Pavilion, and Wu Bin will lead people to the Yingqing Pavilion!"

Uncle Wang immediately rolled down the car window and yelled at Wu Bin behind to explain.

Then, as soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the car rushed towards the Zangbao Pavilion like an arrow flying off the string.

Lu Cenyin's face was pale, as if he was in a daze.

Two places were on fire at the same time.

This thing is very weird.

In terms of the division of labor in the Yingqing Pavilion, Uncle Wang is responsible for the security of the Yingqing Pavilion, and Wu Bin has been leading the team to be responsible for the security of the Cangbao Pavilion recently.

The strange thing is that Lu Cenyin left two important points with the two of them in charge and a group of elite guards Honghua to watch Lu Xiaoxin hand over tonight, but the two places suddenly caught fire at the same time.

It has to be suspected that it is man-made.

Lu Cenyin's delicate body trembled slightly, and her breathing was extremely rapid.

I gently grabbed her hand.

She seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw and held it tightly.

She turned to look at me with panic and self-blame in her eyes.

The panic lies in that these two places have accumulated almost all the property of the Lu family. Once it is burned, it is still unknown how many antiques can be rescued.It is very likely that the hundred-year-old Lu family will be completely destroyed as a result.

My self-blame is that I reminded her to stay where she is, protect herself and her treasures, wait for the opportunity, and wait for the opportunity to act, but tonight, she didn't listen and took people away from the base camp.

If Lu Cenyin and others are still on the spot, although it may not be possible to completely prevent the occurrence of the fire, but there are generals in the spot, and the command can be dispatched immediately, at least the loss can be minimized.

Uncle Wang completely ignored the traffic lights and went on a rampage. The car rushed towards the treasure pavilion as if it was taking off.

When we arrived at Zangbao Pavilion, we saw thick smoke billowing in the air-raid shelter.

Not long after the fire truck arrived, the water tanker had just been erected and was spraying water inside, and someone was pulling the cordon outside.

The red flowers protecting treasures at the door were all dumbfounded and stood there dumbfounded.

Water and fire are ruthless, and everyone will feel infinite fear.

The group unconscious.

There is no general in the battalion to command, and they don't know what to do except to call the fire alarm.

Seeing this, Uncle Wang became furious and shouted at them, "Are you so stupid?! Hurry up and save the treasure!"

As soon as this word comes out.

They just reacted, took off their coats, dipped in the water pipe next to the fire truck, covered their mouths with wet clothes, and rushed in.

The firefighters stopped loudly, but they couldn't stop it at all.

Uncle Wang didn't come, they all listened to the firefighters.

Uncle Wang is here, they must listen to Uncle Wang.

I quickly soaked my clothes in water, and said anxiously: "Cen Yin, give me the key to the copper cabinet!"

It is the treasure of the Lu family, even if it has nothing to do with the death of my parents, I should help Lu Cenyin rescue it.

Lu Cenyin hurriedly gave me the key.

I covered my face with wet clothes and rushed inside.

As soon as he entered the gate of Zangbao Pavilion, he found that Lu Cenyin covered his mouth with wet clothes and rushed in regardless of the obstruction of his subordinates.

fair enough!

It was too chaotic outside, Baobao Honghua, firefighters, onlookers...

Uncle Wang is organizing people to save the treasure, but no one is responsible for Lu Cenyin's safety.

I yelled at her, "Follow me!"

After speaking, rush inside again.

The air-raid shelter was quite large, and after rushing forward for more than ten meters, Lu Cenyin fell down when he heard a soft cry from behind.

I had no choice but to turn around, hold her hand, and run into the innermost treasure room amidst the blazing fire and billowing smoke.

I heard Uncle Wang yelling to Hubao Honghua who had already rushed in: "Save the calligraphy, paintings and wooden utensils first, what are you doing with this clay pot, wow..."

We rushed to the door of the treasure room that enlarged the copper cabinet.

There was already a lot of smoke coming out of the gap in the door.

He took out the key and opened the big iron door as quickly as possible.

But maybe something inside was burned off and got stuck in the door frame. The two of us tried so hard that we couldn't push the door open at all.

I quickly took two steps back, let out a shout, and kicked hard.

A "click" sounded.

The door was kicked open.

The treasure room is very large, and the black smoke is everywhere, so you can't see it at all.

I asked anxiously, "Where is the copper cabinet?!"

Lu Cenyin coughed and replied, "Northeast corner!"

I ignored the smoke and fire, and ran towards the northeast corner.

Finally saw the big copper cabinet!

It stayed quietly in the corner, and under the background of the fire and thick smoke, its skin glowed with a faint green light.


The ancestors of Lu Jiaxinwen may have made small iron wheels at the four corners of the big copper cabinet for the convenience of transportation. Although they look rusty, they should still be able to move.

At this time, it was too late to use the three keys to open the copper cabinet to get the treasure, so the whole copper cabinet could only be pushed out.

Because the copper cabinet can carry fire!

I pushed hard on the big copper cabinet.

Very important!

But it still made a "creaking" sound after all, and after a few seconds, it began to slide forward quickly.


Lu Cenyin let out a scream.

In the dense fog, a man wearing a black mask, sunglasses, and tunic put a knife on Lu Cenyin's neck.

"Let go of the copper cabinet and throw me the key!"

I lost your mother!

He raised his foot and kicked at the big copper cabinet.

The big copper cabinet was under force, and it slammed into him and Lu Cenyin quickly.

At the same time, my body flashed and rushed towards him.

This guy was dumbfounded at the time.

He had Lu Cenyin as a hostage in his hands, and he never expected that I would completely ignore Lu Cenyin's life and slam the big copper cabinet at the two of them together.

But I always only remember one principle in fighting, let him be confused and make him crazy!

As long as he becomes confused for a moment, I have the confidence to ensure Lu Cenyin's safety.

in contrast.

If you are threatened by others, that is the most dangerous.

What I can't think of is.

Lu Cenyin is indeed a strange woman. The moment I kicked out of the copper cabinet, she unexpectedly pushed her knee backwards towards the man, who immediately screamed and curled up on the ground in pain.

Lu Cenyin quickly stepped aside.

The big copper cabinet hit.

The man was knocked and rolled several meters.

I suddenly pulled Lu Cenyin behind me, like a fierce tiger coming out of the mountain, I stepped forward a few steps, and grabbed his neck.

Right now.

Suddenly the wind of the knife whizzed by, and a machete struck me in the head.

I was in a hurry, so I had to step aside and yank the big copper cabinet, blocking the direction of the knife wind.

With a loud bang, the machete slashed on the big copper cabinet abruptly, and sparks flew everywhere.

But seeing another man with a machete and a mask, he suddenly picked up the man on the ground and said, "Failure, go away!"

Between lightning and flint.

They ran out crazily.

I dare not chase at all.

Firstly, they were worried about Lu Cenyin's safety, and secondly, they were worried that their target was the big copper cabinet, and they deliberately diverted the tiger away from the mountain.

But now I saw Uncle Wang.

Holding a large lacquerware stool in his hand, he suddenly rushed out from the side treasure room, accompanied by billowing smoke, roaring and smashing at them viciously.

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