World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 150 I Can Sue You

After arriving at Yingqing Pavilion.

Except for shopkeeper Song and a female manager, there was no one else at the front desk, not even Hubao Honghua.

Looking back, I found that the backyard door was open, and Uncle Wang was lecturing to a group of treasure-protecting red flowers.

I walked over.

"At eight o'clock tonight, I will bring someone to pick Lu Xiaoxin out at the gate of the institute, and Wang Bin will drive others to escort him all the way."

"If anyone dares to make a move, just drive into it!"

"Be sure to send Lu Xiaoxin back to the Treasure Pavilion as quickly as possible!"

Everyone replied loudly: "Understood!"

After Uncle Wang turned his head and saw me, he was stunned for a moment.

I asked: "Your eldest lady confessed?"

Uncle Wang waved his hand to let all the treasure-protecting red flowers disperse, nodded to me, and said in a low voice: "Lu Xiaoxin will be released at eight o'clock. During this time, we touched the account book of Sifangzhai, and it was shocking. The network of relationships is too scary. Miss is very worried about something going wrong... By the way, why doesn't Missy let you be mentioned now?"

I didn't answer directly, and said, "Put the plan on hold first, and I'll tell her."

After I finished speaking, I turned and went upstairs and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

I push the door and go in.

Lu Cenyin was reading a book, holding a pen in his hand, taking notes in the book.

Without raising her head, she asked, "Have you explained everything?"

I replied, "I put the project on hold."

When Lu Cenyin heard my voice, her pretty face froze for a moment, and then she turned cold. She put down the pen in her hand, with an expression of refusal: "This is the Lu family's business, you have no right to interfere."

I replied, "I won't interfere, but I want to keep you safe."

Lu Cenyin said angrily, "I don't need your protection, and you don't have any reason to consider me."

Seeing her angry and anxious appearance, I couldn't help laughing and said: "The whole Jinling antique world knows that you are my girlfriend."

When Lu Cenyin saw that I was still laughing, she was so angry that she stood up abruptly, her eyes turned red and her voice trembled.

"It's fake! You've been lying to me, and I have nothing to do with you."

"You are a big liar, and you have no good intentions from the beginning."

"You have so many women out there, don't tell me about your girlfriend!"

"We're done!"

The more she talked, the more excited she became, her face flushed, tears rolled in her eye sockets, and her chest heaved up and down.

I asked, "Where are there so many women?"

Lu Cenyin replied: "Why not many?! It's my sister, and I've seen hotels and rental houses several times with my own eyes... Why should I tell you this, it's none of my business! I don't want to see It's up to you, get out!"

Lu Cenyin was taken out of rhythm by me, a little panicked.

Under normal circumstances, she really shouldn't have told me these things, and she should have questioned why I kept getting close to the treasure of the Lu family as if setting up a trick, instead of questioning my personal relationship between men and women.

This can only prove.

In fact, her subconscious mind didn't think that I lied to her, it was just the appearance of a series of things that happened before, and she couldn't believe it rationally.

I said, "I can explain things to you, please be quiet first."

When Lu Cenyin heard the words, he immediately covered his ears: "I'm not quiet, and I don't listen to your explanation, you are a liar!"

This is a bit of a woman's inexplicable emotional play.

Although she was covering her ears and getting angry, she couldn't hide her intellectual beauty and pure heart.

There is a way to keep her quiet!

I quickly raised my hand and hugged her.

Lu Cenyin suddenly let out a soft cry

I kissed him violently.

Lu Cenyin never expected that I would attack suddenly, she was stunned as if struck by lightning.

After a short period of confusion, she frowned, struggling to get rid of me: "What are you doing..."

Beauty is in her arms.

How could I let her escape?

There was no way for her to escape.

I don't care about her at all, enjoying the refreshing sweetness.

The more she struggled, the clearer the smell became.

"If you don't let go, I can sue you..."

Lu Cenyin's tone was extremely flustered, but his body was still resisting.

After half an hour.

She gave up completely, her beautiful eyes were closed tightly, her face was as red as blood, her breathing was extremely rapid, her chest heaved up and down, and her hands and feet had nowhere to rest.If I hadn't hugged her tightly, I guess she would have been limp on the ground.

After a few minutes.

She put her slender arms around my neck and responded to me actively, her pretty face looked immersed and sexy.

My brain suddenly exploded.

This is so wrong!

I immediately wanted to let her go.

But it's too late.

She hugged my neck tightly with both hands, and bit my lip fiercely with her silver teeth.

I screamed miserably, trying to get rid of it, but she didn't let go at all, and kept biting.

It really hurts.

"Don't... I'm convinced."

I gritted my teeth in pain and said indistinctly.

Only then did Lu Cenyin let me go angrily.

I wiped my lips, and a trace of blood overflowed, bright red.

This is so cruel!

Our eyes met.

The blush on Lu Cenyin's face hadn't dissipated, she panted heavily shyly, and didn't speak.

I was in so much pain that I didn't speak.

The sound of a needle falling could be heard in the quiet room.

Lu Cenyin raised her eyebrows, with the attitude of a winner: "Do you still dare?"

I wiped my lips, wanting to laugh.

She has been kissed to such a dead state, bite me, does this count as a win?

Anyway, the goal was achieved.

Someone on the Internet summed it up well, don't reason with women, if you really want to talk about it, it's in...

She has been quiet.

I said, "Are you relieved? Let's talk about some serious business."

Lu Cenyin obviously hasn't gotten rid of the shyness just now, she looked at me very speechlessly, and didn't say a word.

I continued: "Lu Xiaoxin has already torn the gap in the net we set up earlier. She was arrested by the government on purpose. The purpose is to get rid of the fate of being sent abroad and seek revenge on us when she comes out."

When Lu Cenyin heard this, he was stunned.

She knew about Bao Guxuan, and Yingqing Pavilion also sent shopkeeper Song to participate in the appraisal, but she didn't know the specific details of the Double Spring Bureau.

I briefly explained the cause and effect of the incident, as well as the situation when Wei Feng came to see me today.

the end.

I said: "It is completely useless for you to send someone to pick her up, because you will be facing someone who wants to kill her. Regardless of skill, ruthlessness, and determination, Yingqing Pavilion Hubao Honghua is incomparable, and it will only increase a lot of discounts." This is exactly what Lu Xiaoxin wants to see."

"The top priority is that you should put all your power around yourself, ensure safety, preserve your strength, and then wait for an opportunity to deal with it."

"The most important thing is, don't have any illusions about Lu Xiaoxin. If she is not crazy, all mentally ill patients can be discharged from the hospital!"

After Lu Cenyin finished listening, his expression was extremely sad.

After half an hour.

She got up from the sofa, her pretty face was full of sadness, she seemed to be talking to herself, and she seemed to be asking me.

"How do you make me continue to trust you..."

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