World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 130 Destroying Fantasy

I shouted sharply: "If you move again, you will die!"

Lu Xiaoxin was captured.

Those who wanted to rush over to save her didn't dare to move for a moment.

As long as I press my fingers harder, Lu Xiaoxin will surely disappear on the spot.

"Su Chen, don't!"

Lu Cenyin shouted anxiously behind him.

I suppressed the anger in my heart and did not increase my strength.

After all, this still belongs to the Lu family's family affairs, and it's not my turn to kill Lu Xiaoxin.

Although I firmly believe that this femme fatale woman can no longer stay.

Blood overflowed from the corner of Lu Xiaoxin's mouth, and his eyes stared at me with incomparable resentment, full of resentment, resentment and despair.

Lu Cenyin saw that I didn't make any more moves, a tinge of blood returned to her pale face, and she stood in the distance with lingering fear, her chest heaving up and down.

The Lu family has completely surrounded the people brought by Lu Xiaoxin, but they have not acted yet, they are all waiting for the Patriarch's order.

Lu Cenyin closed her eyes in great pain.

Afterwards, she said slowly, "Knife them and tie them up!"

The master was captured and surrounded by thousands.

The group under Lu Xiaoxin had completely lost their fighting spirit.

After hearing the order, Lu Chengen and Lu Xiaolin ordered the Lu family to take down all the knives in the hands of the group of people, tie them up with ropes, and immediately send all the injured people to the hospital for treatment.

Uncle Wang didn't go to the hospital.

He slammed the red lacquered tabletop that had been slashed by a knife to the ground, tore off his clothes, gritted his teeth, and gave his arm a bloody wound with a grim expression. Bandaged, turned around and took a thick rope, and tied Lu Xiaoxin.

I let go of Lu Xiaoxin, picked up the wet tissue beside me, and wiped my hands.

During the whole process of being tied up, Lu Xiaoxin kept a sneer of disdain, without saying a word.

When Uncle Wang finished tying up, Lu Xiaoxin gave him a bite.

The chewing gum instantly stuck to Uncle Wang's face.

Uncle Wang was so angry that he raised his iron-like slap, wanting to slap Lu Xiaoxin.

Lu Cenyin said coldly: "Uncle Wang! There are family rules!"

When Uncle Wang heard this, he endured it angrily.

I don't know why Lu Xiaoxin would temper Uncle Wang, but not me.

maximum possible.

Lu Xiaoxin disdains Uncle Wang very much, he is just a treasure protector.But I am Lu Xiaoxin's mortal enemy, and it doesn't make any sense to just do it.Judging from the way Lu Xiaoxin looked at me just now, as long as she is still alive, she will definitely not share the air of the earth with me.

Just hate it!

Lu Cenyin turned to Wu Bin and said, "Play it again."

The shockwave loudspeaker once again heard the dialogue sound from the beginning.

Wu Bin: "Second Miss, what are your orders?"

Lu Xiaoxin: "I have a very important matter with you today. As long as you finish it, I will never treat you badly. I know that your family is in a difficult situation. There is 100 million here, so you take it first."

Wu Bin: "Second Miss, how can this be done?! No, I can't ask for the money if you don't talk about things first."

Lu Xiaoxin: "Let's get straight to the point! Lu Cenyin and Su are not real couples. You and Wang Tianfang are the people Lu Cenyin trusts the most. Try to get a recording of them pretending to be a couple and discussing usurping the position of Patriarch. After that, we will Give you another 200 million, and protect you away from Jinling, and fly away from now on. With 300 million, it is enough for your wife and children to live a good life."

Wu Bin: "...Second Miss, but they are real couples, and they often join the team in pairs. I really can't do this..."

Lu Xiaoxin: "I said they are fake, they must be fake! All you have to do is record, do you understand?!"

Wu Bin: "No, no, I really can't do this kind of treason."

Lu Xiaoxin: "Don't refuse in a hurry, you can listen to another recording first."

A recording came from the shock wave speaker, which contained a woman's cry and a child's cry for help.

This was what Lu Xiaoxin played to Wu Bin at the scene.

" come and save me, Mom, I'm really scared..."

"Don't touch my children... Our family has no money, why did you tie us up..."

Then, the recording stopped.

Wu Bin: "Second Miss, how could you do this?! My wife and children are innocent!"

Lu Xiaoxin: "You have no right to question me, you just need to answer whether you agree or not."

long silence.

There are five or six minutes.

Wu Bin: "I agree."

After this conversation was played, the entire venue exploded.

Everyone was shocked and extremely angry.

Designed to bind Honghua's family members, slaughtered siblings, invited outsiders to kill in ancestor worship ceremonies...

No matter which one, it is more serious than pretending to be a couple to seize the position of head of the house.

Lu Cenyin gritted her teeth tightly, her emotions almost collapsed.

She originally thought that Lu Xiaoxin just wanted the position of Patriarch, but what happened today completely destroyed the last trace of illusion about this younger sister.

Wu Bin sighed, moved away from the computer, and walked in front of Lu Xiaoxin: "Second Miss, you are really cruel, but it's a pity that you underestimate people. You underestimated my ability. When you sent someone to follow me, I found out a long time ago, so before talking to you, I turned on the phone recording in advance."

"You also underestimated my integrity. Without Missy, my wife would have died long ago. If I betrayed Missy for money, would I still be human? Even if doing so would bring good benefits to my wife and children life, but my son grew up drinking water, rice, and clothes exchanged for dirty money, isn’t his internal organs black?”

"You underestimated my brain even more. If I betrayed the eldest lady today, based on my understanding of the second lady's character, you would definitely kill me. If you are more ruthless, maybe even my wife and children will die." We did it together. Even if you let me go with a sudden bodhisattva heart, who will let me go if you are a loyal Honghua stickman? I still want to live a good life and spend time with my wife and children."

I immediately admired Wu Bin very much.

This is a wise, courageous, loyal and loyal Baobao Honghua, who has the tough bones of an old Jianghu Honghua!

He chose to pretend to cooperate and hold back.

This is the best way to protect your wife and children.

At the last moment, he produced the key evidence and calculated it in front of everyone in the Lu family. Once this evidence is exposed, Lu Xiaoxin will surely fail, not only himself, but also his wife and children will be saved.

The group of guards and red flowers in the Yingqing Pavilion yelled: "Angkor is doing well!"

"Where are sister-in-law and nephew now?"

"Let's save them!"


Wu Bin turned to look at Lu Cenyin: "Miss, I want to bring someone to rescue..."

Before he could finish speaking, Lu Cenyin nodded.

Wu Bin got the signal, picked up the knife on the ground, and rushed out like crazy with five or six guardian red flowers from Yingqing Pavilion.

Things have come to this point, there is nothing more to say.

Lu Chengen turned his head and asked Lu Cenyin: "Big girl, enforce the family law!"

Lu Cenyin's face was extremely waxy, she glanced at Lu Zhijie who was sitting in a wheelchair like a wooden man, then turned her head to look at Lu Xiaoxin who was closing her eyes and still shaking her head in disdain, her eyes were red and tears were falling , said in a trembling voice: "Pick up the house number, remove the store treasure, and red flowers for Sifangzhai, and put all the sticks and paint on them. For the time being, put Lu Xiaoxin in custody."

This is over.

Lu Cenyin's delicate body shook.

With a "plop", he fell to the ground.

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