World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 129 Reverse Ge 1 Strike

Wu Bin's expression was unusually calm, and he didn't even feel a trace of guilt at all.

He didn't even look at Lu Cenyin.

Under the protection of several treasure-protecting red flowers guarding the Begonia bowl, he took out a USB flash drive and walked to the right side of the ancestral hall.

There is a computer in the corner on the right hand side, and it is equipped with a very popular "Shock Wave" loudspeaker.

This speaker was originally used to play the celebration music in the ancestor worship ceremony.

did not expect.

Today, a usurping recording will be played in public.

This is a great shame for the century-old Lu family.

Of course, among the members of the Lu family, there must be some people who would like to hear it.

Lu Cenyin's expression was full of disappointment and pain, her silver teeth bit her lips tightly.

Her disappointment was that the trusted people around her blatantly chose to betray at the most critical moment.The pain lies in my siblings, who mercilessly want to put her to death for the sake of being the head of the Lu family.

No one can accept it.

Uncle Wang looked at Wu Bin's back, his face was livid, his eyes were weeping blood, and his teeth seemed to be crushed.

Wu Bin went to the computer and turned to look at Lu Xiaoxin.

Lu Xiaoxin remained expressionless, and said: "Before playing the recorded evidence, I must emphasize that the entire Lu family is fully responsible and obliged to ensure the safety of the witnesses! Whoever dares to touch Wu Bin is the Lu family, and so is the Lu family." I, Lu Xiaoxin, are sworn enemies!"

This is a rampant threat, but also a commitment to Wu Bin's safety.

The safflower protector has always been the most basic bottom line for a safflower stick man to gain a foothold in the antique arena.

Wu Bin's act of betraying the Lord is shameless.

It is certain that not only the group of red flower stick men in Yingqing Pavilion will find a way to kill him afterwards, but other red flower stick men with loyalty in the world will not let him go.

The rat feces in a red flower stick will make everyone feel disgusted.

Wu Bin nodded when he heard Lu Xiaoxin's promise, and inserted the USB flash drive into the main computer.

The string in my heart began to tighten, and I coldly observed the situation around me, and my hands began to clenched secretly.

The computer audio first made a harsh creaking sound due to the interference of the mobile phone's magnetic field.

Such a normal piercing electric sound actually changed the expressions of everyone in the audience.

It can be seen that the atmosphere was tense at that time.

Wu Bin first turned off the phone, and started to click on the player on the computer.

Everyone held their breath, and the sound of needles falling could even be heard in the ancestral hall.

Clear and palpitating dialogue came from the shock wave speaker.

Wu Bin: "Second Miss, what are your orders?"

Lu Xiaoxin: "I have a very important matter for you today, as long as you complete it, I will never treat you badly..."

This is not a recording of Lu Cenyin and I pretending to be a couple discussing the title of head of the household!

This is the recording in which Lu Xiaoxin asked Wu Bin to benefit from him and let him be an undercover agent to deliberately frame us!

Wu Bin was not betrayed!

He fought back at the last moment!

As soon as the dialogue was broadcast, everyone was dumbfounded.

Lu Xiaoxin's body seemed to be struck by lightning, his face changed abruptly, and he shouted: "Rush up, smash the computer!"

The group of people with machetes heard the order and rushed forward frantically.

I was overjoyed, and suddenly grabbed the stick from the hand of a red flower stick man next to me, and ran wildly towards the computer in the right corner of the ancestral hall.

Uncle Wang also reacted and shouted: "Stop them, protect Wu Bin!"

All the safflower stickmen in the Yingqing Pavilion followed him and rushed towards the computer.

I rushed to the front of Wu Bin first, and heard a roar, and a machete slashed at me head-on.

I had no choice but to pass sideways, holding a red stick and raising my hand to block.

"Bang" sound.

The red stick was chopped down to only half of it.

I whipped my legs and kicked the person who charged first to the ground, grabbed a stool and threw it in front of him.

The machete fell to the ground with a clatter, and the five or six Sifangzhai people in front were hit by the bench, and they fell down screaming.

At this time, Uncle Wang had already arrived with people.

As expected of Uncle Bajiquan King!

Seeing that Lu Xiaoxin's subordinates were turbulent, he suddenly turned over the table and shouted: "Whoever stands in my way dies!"

Like a tiger coming out of the mountain, Uncle Wang put the red lacquered tabletop in front of him, serving as both a shield and a weapon.

The group of people were beaten up and howled.

Lu Xiaoxin has gone completely crazy.

The last trump card, the knife cut his own throat.

She threw away all dignity, tore off the remaining mask, and screamed hysterically: "Show me blood! Kill them..."

As soon as this word comes out.

Without any hesitation, her subordinates rushed forward in one wave

Especially the group of gong players, with ferocious faces, wielding machetes and slashing and killing at Yingqing Pavilion Hubao Honghua.

The rest of the Lu family screamed loudly and retreated one after another, some even hid in the backyard.

Among the dozen or so treasure-guarding red flowers in Yingqing Pavilion, although some had picked up a few machetes on the ground just now, there were too many people on the opposite side.

No matter how brave Uncle Wang was, he was powerless. At this moment, his arm was also cut with a long cut.

The blood splattered on the red tabletop was extremely scary.

But he didn't give in, his eyes were wide open, like a furious beast, holding the tattered red tabletop in his hand, instead he roared and ran towards Lu Xiaoxin.

He wanted to catch Lu Xiaoxin!

But the person on the other side is too fierce.

If Uncle Wang charged further down, he would definitely die.

Lu Cenyin turned pale with shock, rushed away from the people who had been protecting and blocking her, ran into the crowd, and said angrily, "Lu Xiaoxin, arrest me and let people stop!"

Immediately panicked, I knocked them over with a red stick, pulled Lu Cenyin behind me, turned around and shouted loudly at the Lu family, "The hundred-year-old Lu family, you are all fucking bastards!"

These words are like a thunderbolt!

The first ones to stand up were those unarmed juniors of the Lu family.

I don't know who yelled.

"Protect the head of the Lu family!"

"Catch the Lu family traitor!"

The person who yells this is extremely smart.

In the moment of extreme chaos, only the title of Patriarch of the Lu family can condense all the power of the century-old Lu family.

The Lu family began to rush forward one after another.

Those with sticks, stools, and kitchen shovels...

Under the trend of the general trend, Lu Chengen and Lu Xiaolin, two old people who argued endlessly, finally made the right choice.

They ordered the red sticks protecting the Begonia bowl to surround Lu Xiaoxin and the others.

The tide of battle immediately reversed.

Seeing the sudden change in the situation, Lu Xiaoxin cursed and wanted to lead others to retreat.

The anger in my chest finally gushed out, I overturned the two people, ran forward quickly, picked up Yang Lin who was trembling beside me all the time, lifted him up, roared, and threw him towards Lu Xiaoxin go.

Lu Xiaoxin let out a miserable cry, and was knocked to the ground by Yang Lin.

Yang Lin was completely dizzy.

As such.

Those guys with machetes were stunned for a moment.

Take this opportunity.

I stepped forward a few quick steps, picked up Lu Xiaoxin who was struggling to get up from the ground, and slammed her throat.

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