World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 131 Magical Medicine

There was a sudden panic in the audience, and they all rushed towards Lu Cenyin.

Uncle Wang and I rushed Lu Cenyin to the hospital.

The remaining matters in the ancestral hall were all handed over to Lu Chengen and Lu Xiaolin, two elders.

The Ascension Lantern was originally at night, but after a series of troubles before, it was already early morning when Lu Cenyin was sent to the hospital.

After an examination, the doctor said that Lu Cenyin's qi and blood were attacking the heart. Although his body was fine, his emotions could no longer be stimulated, and he needed sedative and diastolic drugs.

Uncle Wang was worried about Lu Xiaoxin, fearing that there would be problems during the process of abducting her and taking her into custody, so he rushed back to the ancestral hall after a few simple bandages at the hospital.

I was sitting beside Lu Cenyin's hospital bed, my mind was full of thoughts.

The process of lighting the sky lanterns for the ancestors of the Lu family was extremely thrilling. Not only was the assessment process extremely exciting, but also such a big incident happened when the patriarch was handed over at the end.

Fortunately, the end result didn't go off track.

Lu Cenyin finally became the Patriarch of the Lu Family. What Old Man Hua wanted me to do has been completed, but what's next?

Do we have to start waiting for an opportunity to appear again?

When everything is still chaotic and dark, I can achieve peace of mind, but when there is a glimmer of dawn, it becomes hazy again, which makes my heart turbulent.

I don't really want to wait.

Eager to find out the reason behind it.

I was feeling a little anxious.

But Sister Jiu'er often said that only those who have thunder in their chest and face like a flat lake can worship the general.

Anxiety is a false emotion that seriously impairs judgment.

I took a few deep breaths, and to force myself not to think too much, I planned to go to the window to smoke a cigarette, but just as I was about to get up and leave the hospital bed, Lu Cenyin seemed to sense it, and she actually grabbed my hand firmly.

"Su Chen... don't go..."

"I'm really scared, can you stay with me..."

Lu Cenyin's beautiful eyes were tightly closed, and she was muttering sleepily.

She was indeed scared.

Lu Cenyin has a generous personality and has never acted sloppily, but she is still a woman after all.

Today's Lu family's ancestor worship event, Lu's seniors, subordinates, brothers and sisters all gave her an extreme impact.

Wu Bin's last counterattack can only be blamed on Lu Xiaoxin's bad luck. He picked a kind, righteous, backbone, and intelligent protector Honghua. If he were to be replaced by someone else, the consequences would be unimaginable.

These things are tantamount to telling Lu Cenyin cruelly that the people around her who have always been treated with warmth and gratitude may all be a pack of vicious wolves, wishing to eat her bones and flesh at any time, but any wrong step will lead to an abyss .

A beauty should embroider flowers and play the qin, but as the leader of the century-old Lu family in Jinling, she has to face swords and swords in the rivers and lakes. The opponents she kills are not only other people, but also the flesh and blood relatives around her.

This is an instant collapse of the worldview.

Anyone else would be terrified.

Lu Cenyin's breathing was extremely rapid and she continued to talk in her sleep.

"I am willing to accompany you, this time I am really willing..."

"Just don't go, okay?"

I suddenly regretted the joke I made with her when I first met her.

The girl has always remembered this matter in her heart.

Very poor.

I touched her forehead, it was very hot.

Just then a doctor came to make rounds.

I told the doctor that Lu Cenyin seemed to have a fever.

The doctor replied: "This is normal. Now her heart rhythm is chaotic, her blood pressure is unstable, and her emotions are extremely frightened. You keep her most trusted person by her side and say a little warm word, which is more effective than any medicine."

After the lecture, the doctor briefly recorded the indicators and went out.

I thought about it for a while, so I leaned into her ear and said to her, "Don't be afraid, I won't go, I'll follow you."

As soon as this word comes out.

Lu Cenyin let go of my hand slowly, her cheeks were still flushed, and her breathing became even.

Magic medicine? !

Is she still conscious in her sleep now?

At about ten o'clock in the morning the next day, Uncle Wang came over, bringing with him a dozen or so Yingqing Pavilion protectors, Honghua.

Among them is Wu Bin.

It seems that his wife and children are completely fine.

Uncle Wang asked Wu Bin to wait outside, and entered the ward alone. Seeing that Lu Cenyin was still awake, he turned to me and asked, "Mr. Su, Lu Xiaoxin has already been locked up in the treasure room where the Lu family punishes thieves. The eldest lady told Sifang Picking up plaques, removing store treasures, collecting sticks and painting safflower...but now the elders of the Lu family don’t dare to do it, what should we do?"

I am very speechless.

How scared are these old foxes of Lu Xiaoxin?

At this point today, there is still a lot of leeway.

I replied, "I'm not from the Lu family, so I can't decide on this matter."

Uncle Wang frowned when he heard this, and wanted to say something, but he didn't open his mouth.

I said, "If you have something to say, you might as well speak up."

Hearing this, Uncle Wang seemed to have made up his mind, and said, "Mr. Su, I admire your abilities very much. As long as it involves the eldest lady, Wang Tianfang is willing to go through fire and water and obey all your orders, but to be honest, I look down on your character!"

I looked at him coldly and said nothing.

Uncle Wang was neither humble nor overbearing, and looked at me coldly.

"Although I protect Baohonghua, but watching the young lady grow up, it is not an exaggeration to say that I am her elder. I know all about the young lady's thoughts. She let you be with her in the first place because she really admired you Ability. But later, she fell in love with you!"

"For so many years, I have never seen her cry for any man, but last time she brought you a suit back, she cried in a bad way. In your eyes, it may be just pretending to be a couple this time, but in the eyes of the young lady, No! She may even worry that after the matter is over, your fate with her will be over."

I asked, "What do you want to express?"

Uncle Wang raised his voice: "I want to tell you that Missy is a pure and kind girl. If you fall in love with her, just be straightforward! If you don't, please stop teasing her for no reason!"

How did he see that I teased Lu Cenyin for no reason?

After speaking, Uncle Wang turned and left with a sullen face, but left Wu Bin and other nurses outside the ward.

Half an hour after Uncle Wang left, Lu Chengen and Lu Xiaolin came.

The two old guys first visited Lu Cenyin.

Since then.

They told me one thing: Lu Xiaoxin wanted to see me.

I replied: "No see!"

Lu Chengen replied: "Okay, I'll send someone to tell her. By the way, Xiao Su, she also asked us to take something from Sifangzhai's treasure chest, saying it was for you. You will definitely want to see her."

Lu Chengen took out a box from his bosom, made of sandalwood, with a black skin, and handed it to me.

I frowned and asked, "What?"

The two old chatterboxes both answered that they did not know.

Lu Xiaolin probably thought that I wanted to take this thing but was too embarrassed to open it, so he added stupidly: "Sifangzhai's stuff doesn't belong to her anymore, it belongs to the Lu family's stuff, that is, the big girl's stuff."

I opened the black sandalwood box.

What appeared inside shocked me.

The Skeleton card of Suo Mingmen!

How could Lu Xiaoxin have such a thing? !

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