World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 128 Sudden Betrayal

I was shocked immediately.

The Lu family's ancestral motto is to know the treasure first to know the person.

For this reason, several elders of the Lu family set up the "three treasures and seven" rules for selecting the head of the family, intending to test the Lu family's eyesight in selecting the Lu family's son-in-law.

Lu Cenyin and I are indeed not an official couple.

But couples are not marriages, which are ambiguous and difficult to distinguish.

Others can say that we are not, we can say that we are, even if we are not now, we may be in the future.

The core of the problem is that lovers can be indistinguishable from true to false, but they must not deliberately pretend to usurp the throne.

This is intolerable by the Lu family's law!

My worry is that Lu Xiaoxin is not a stupid ass. She suddenly summoned so many people to besiege the ancestral hall, and openly pointed out that we usurped the position of Patriarch with the identity of a fake couple. This can only prove that she has already obtained conclusive evidence.Otherwise, it is impossible for her to adopt such a resolute attitude of letting go and killing.

Everyone present turned to stare at us.

The noisy scene suddenly became silent.

The first website m.9biquge.

The muscles on Uncle Wang's face twitched, he took a step forward, and said: "Mr. Su and our eldest lady have always joined the team in pairs, loving and sweet. Many people in the Jinling antique circle know it! You can say that they are pretending to be lovers to usurp the throne with just one mouth. Already? Where's the evidence!"

The younger generations of the Lu family also followed suit.

"That's right, Miss Xiaoxin, it's not that you say that people are pretending to be pretending, but they also say that you and Yang Lin are pretending."

"Whether they are a real couple or not is not a treasure, and there is no way to make an appraisal. But if you want to say that someone is pretending to usurp the position of Patriarch, you must produce conclusive evidence."

"Miss Xiaoxin, you can't lose the game and just use this ambiguous thing as an issue."


Lu Xiaoxin snorted coldly when he saw everyone chattering.

"The brain is a good thing, you must take it with you when you go out!"

"If I don't have evidence, how dare I talk nonsense in front of so many people from the Lu family?!"

"You just said that Yang Lin and I may be fake, but we can prove our innocence!"

"Yang Lin, take out the things!"

Yang Lin, who had been silent by the side all this time, obediently took out two big red notebooks from his body, on which were written in large gold characters: "Marriage Certificate".

I felt a chill down my spine.

In order to achieve his goal, Lu Xiaoxin used almost everything.

This Yang Lin, in Lu Xiaoxin's eyes, is not as good as shit, he is just a marionette.

The marriage certificate must be true, but their marriage must be false.

She registered her marriage with Yang Lin for only one purpose: first to prove that she was completely following the rules, and then to prove that Lu Cenyin and I were pretending to usurp the throne.

After Lu Chengen and Lu Xiaolin saw their marriage certificate, their eyes widened and their faces were filled with disbelief.

Obviously, these elders of the Lu family didn't know about it.

Lu Xiaoxin was too scheming.

She formed a Gaixia alliance with the elders of the Lu family, but the trump card in her hands has always been hidden.

Lu Xiaoxin said in a cold voice: "Everyone can look at it with wide eyes, this is a marriage certificate issued by the Civil Affairs Bureau! There is no doubt that the identities of Yang Lin and I fully comply with the rules of 'Bao San Ren Qi' to select the head of the family!"

Now that the marriage certificates have been brought out, no matter whether they are married for real or not, she and Yang Lin are indeed enough to prove their innocence.

Lu Cenyin's pretty face was extremely surprised.

But the girl's first reaction almost made me collapse.

She asked Lu Xiaoxin: "Xiaoxin... when did you get married?"

Is the world too complicated, or is she too kind-hearted?

Ask such nonsense at this time!

Everyone in the Lu family was whispering, saying that Xiao Xin was really married, and this Yang Lin could be regarded as the authentic son-in-law of the Lu family.

I whispered to Lu Cenyin, "It's just a fake marriage, do you really believe it?"

Hearing this, Lu Cenyin gave me a blank look, and replied, "I know. But what else can I say besides saying this?"

The second uncle Lu Chengen frowned and said: "Second girl, yours is indeed true, but to prove that the two elder girls are pretending to usurp the throne, you must produce evidence."

Lu Xiaoxin replied: "Of course there is evidence!"

"Wu Bin, play the recording!"

My scalp suddenly went numb.

Lu Cenyin and I discussed pretending to be a couple to win the position of head of the family, there were two times in total.

Twice at different cafes.

The first time was when she had just had her hair cut and it was just the two of us.

The second time was when Lu Cenyin sent Wu Bin to bring people to arrest me. That day, besides Lu Cenyin and me, Wu Bin and others were also outside.

Wu Bin did have conditions to obtain audio recording evidence.

Take precautions against everything, house thieves are hard to guard against.

I would never have thought of it.

That Wu Bin who swears that because Lu Cenyin saved his daughter-in-law with his own money and was moved and crying, is actually Lu Xiaoxin's undercover agent!

The family law of the Jianghu family has never been negotiable.

This is the foundation of its foothold in the rivers and lakes.

If the recording evidence really proves that Lu Cenyin and I pretended to be lovers to usurp the position of Patriarch, Lu Cenyin will definitely not escape the end of being attacked by a hundred sticks and drowning in a pig cage.

Is Lu Xiaoxin still Lu Cenyin's sibling?


She is a she-devil!

When everyone in the Lu family heard this, their faces were filled with surprise and fear.

They were amazed by the sudden betrayal of Honghua, the guardian of Yingqing Pavilion, and feared by Lu Xiaoxin's cruel method of exterminating his siblings.

Uncle Wang was furious, and raised his hand to pick up the collar of Wu Bin next to him: "You son of a bitch, are you still human? I'm going to kill you today!!!"

After speaking, he immediately prepared to do it.

In an instant!

Those Hubao Honghua who had been protecting the crabapple bowls rushed forward, snatched Wu Bin, pushed Uncle Wang away quickly, and lit up the red sticks in their hands, confronting the Yingqing Pavilion Hubao Honghua led by Uncle Wang.

These safflowers for the begonia-protecting bowls were all selected by several elders of the Lu family.

Their duty is to protect the key to the treasure house, to ensure that there are no moths in the venue, and it is absolutely impossible for witnesses to have accidents.


Lu Chengen's attitude turned 180 degrees again.

I glanced at Lu Cenyin.

Lu Cenyin's pretty face was pale, and she stared blankly at Wu Bin for a while with her beautiful eyes, her expression full of despair, she turned her head and said to me, "Hand it over."

I had no choice but to give all three keys to Lu Chengen.

Lu Chengen put the key back into the Begonia bowl again.

My mind is spinning rapidly.

Once Wu Bin released the recording evidence.

Lu Chengen must have someone start to enforce the family law.

This is an intolerable result.

I must take Lu Cenyin away!

There are many people in the Lu family who like Lu Cenyin, but they can only sympathize with Lu Cenyin under the untouchable high-voltage line of family law, and cannot interfere.In the process of taking Lu Cenyin away, what really stood in our way was Lu Xiaoxin bringing sixty or seventy people, and these red flowers protecting the crabapple bowls, adding up to nearly a hundred people.

I'm not a god, and I don't have that great ability to fight against so many people.

Catch the thief first to catch the king.

I must seize the opportunity and kidnap Lu Xiaoxin.

But it would be very difficult for me alone.

I turned to look at Uncle Wang.

Uncle Wang was full of anxiety, and he was asking for my opinion with his eyes.

I took out the cigarette box, took out one myself, and threw a cigarette to him: "Play with me!"

Uncle Wang never smokes.

But I think he must have understood me.

I was signaling him not to panic, and follow me later.

Uncle Wang took the cigarette and replied, "Okay!"

Lu Chengen said coldly: "Wu Bin, play the recording!"

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