Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2992 Devil's Lake

Lu Chen hasn't felt this kind of lack of magic energy for a long time, not only that, but his mental power is also a little tired.

Although the power of the demon soul is very powerful, it will still waste a lot of people's spiritual power and power of the demon soul to go deep into the human body to investigate such delicate things.

What's more, Lu Chen detoxified 53 people from the Dizang Academy and the Zhu family without stopping. How could he not be tired after spending such a lot of money.

Sitting up cross-legged, Lu Chen began to run Daoji and Moming magic skills at will.

These two kinds of exercises can absorb a large amount of magic energy, but ordinary people can only practice in the same way, and Lu Chen can transform thousands of thoughts in one thought, so he can start practicing both at the same time.

With the two sets of exercises running in Lu Chen's body, the magic energy and magic energy between the heaven and the earth began to pour towards Lu Chen.

After a while, the entire ruined stone palace was filled with demon energy, and the faint energy of magic energy and energy almost turned the air in this area into a faint milky white.

?Everyone was dumbfounded. Lu Chen's practice for only a short while was already comparable to ordinary people's practice for three to five months, or even more.

? Chase Lu is really a pervert!Lu Chen operated the magic art to absorb the magic energy between the heaven and the earth into his body, and it continued to wash away the meridians in his body.

? Boom! ?I don't know how long it took, as the magic energy was absorbed, there were bursts of roaring sounds in Lu Chen's body.

? Lu Chen's cultivation has not only fully recovered, but also faintly improved.

Feeling the surging power in his body, a faint smile appeared on Lu Chen's face.

?He was about to start to withdraw his skills, when suddenly, his abundant mental power made him feel a little unusual.

This strange feeling made Lu Chen subconsciously happy, as if there was some treasure waiting for Lu Chen to open it.

what is this?

Closing his eyes, Chase Lu started to do business, manipulating his mental power to investigate.

Ten minutes later, Chase Lu finally found the source of the special aura, which came from the last unfallen pillar of the Stone Palace.

? But just when Chase Lu wanted to search in depth, his mental power was suddenly swallowed up.

? Lu Chen opened his eyes, with a puzzled and solemn look on his face.

? "It's weird!"

?He took out the token key, ignored everyone's reaction, and went there to find it.

Sure enough, the token key flickered, and the closer it was to the pillar, the more the token key flickered.

"Buzz..." When Lu Chen took the token key and walked to the front of the pillar, the glowing token key suddenly shook, and then the rainbow light shook.

"Boom" With the rainbow light of the token key, a two-meter-wide gate unexpectedly appeared on the three-meter-thick pillar!This gate is made of thick wood, with intricate ancient patterns engraved on it, carrying a strong ancient atmosphere.

Before Chase Lu and the others could react, the token key was shocked again, and a rainbow light shot out from above the token key and shot at the closed thick door.

And as the rainbow light swept away, complex patterns of light suddenly appeared above the gate.


The thick wooden door opened slowly and automatically with an ancient and heavy sound, as if there was an aura from ancient times, and a majestic vitality gushed out, enveloping the area.

"Go, go in and have a look."

Lu Chen stared at the slowly opening door brightly, and a blazing heat flashed through the depths of his eyes.

Immediately, he smiled at the crowd behind him, and with a movement of his body, he appeared inside the gate.

Everyone was standing or sitting dumbfounded, watching the change in this scene with stupefied eyes, unable to recover for a while, what is this?

On the contrary, Dean Shen was stunned. He looked at Mrs. Zhu, nodded, and said, "I think everyone can follow in and have a look."

Mrs. Bamboo raised her brows, and finally nodded.

This was discovered by Chase Lu. He said that everyone should go in together, so let's go in together.

Otherwise, with so many people, if anyone is dissatisfied and has a different heart, it will be bad in the end.

During the decision between the two, Jian Jian, Yu Luan, Yu Qingyang, and Shen Wan'er quickly rushed behind Lu Chen, and followed Lu Chen to prepare to go in. Fen Tianjiu took the lead and ran very fast.

Lu Chen stepped into it cautiously. After the soles of his feet settled down and he didn't feel any changes, he finally let go of his heart and walked in. Behind him, Shen Wan'er and the others followed carefully. On his body, the magic element was fluctuating, and he was obviously on guard.

Behind the gate is a long corridor, which is filled with emerald green light, and there is a strong breath of vitality in this light, not only that, but also makes everyone feel very comfortable in the depths of the demon soul.

Even so, Lu Chen and the others moved forward cautiously, with all the magic energy in their bodies running at full capacity, ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

The corridor was not long, and when Chase Lu and the others walked to the end soon, their vision suddenly widened.

Everyone looked at everything in front of them in astonishment, stood up straight, and couldn't help cheering loudly.

I saw a large waterfall on the cliff on the left hanging like a jade dragon, rolling down and pouring into an unusually clear lake.

The big waterfall keeps pouring in, but the lake is not overflowing. The lake water is tumbling at the place where the waterfall pours in. Only ten feet away from the waterfall, the lake water is as flat as a mirror.

A long rainbow appeared on the lake, which was extremely gorgeous.

There are various flowers growing by the lake, swaying in the breeze.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

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Dragon's son-in-law

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The lake, waterfall, and flowers all exude strong vitality and strong and strong fluctuations of magic energy.

Everyone looked at this scene dumbfounded, what is this place?

Will there still be such a vibrant place in the Classical Tomb?

Lu Chen opened his mouth wide, and he stared blankly at the little green fish, looking like a country bumpkin who has never seen the world.

Unlike everyone who was amazed by the scenery here, he was more amazed by these lakes and waterfalls!Because he sensed that whether the lake or the waterfall is full of magic spirit liquid! "My God, this is the lake of living demons!"

Fen Tianjiu was also staring blankly at the side, and after a long time, he came back to his senses and cried out in shock.


The lake of living demons? "

Lu Chen was a little stunned, "What is this?"

"Here, it's all magic spirit liquid!"

Fen Tianjiu said, "In the ancient times of the Demon God Continent, there were many places with this kind of magic energy and spiritual liquid, which could naturally produce magic energy and magic energy, ensuring that the energy of magic energy and magic energy in the world would never stop.

That's why it's also called the Lake of Living Demons. However, this Lake of Living Demons was trampled and polluted by various races and monsters in the later period, and it has long since ceased to exist. I didn't expect there to be one here! "

Fen Tianjiu looked up at the huge waterfall, and couldn't help saying: "Master, have you seen that waterfall?

This waterfall is where all the life in this area is. The heaven and the earth operate according to unique laws, and then transform the breath of the dead outside into a steady stream of life, and the life gives birth to the magic element." Hearing this, Lu Chen couldn't help but secretly clicked his tongue. This lake waterfall actually has such a big history, it is no wonder that this area has such a majestic vitality.

It turns out that everything is due to the lake and waterfall!I really don't know how the classics did all this?

The magic of the Demon God Continent is beyond what he can imagine at this time. Until now, he still feels that he knows very little about this world.

Sure enough, under the law of heaven, everyone is an ant.

"Then, what does this token key instruct us to do here?"

Lu Chen frowned, a little puzzled.

??Fen Tianyu said: "Master, the lake of living demons in every place can be used by outsiders, but there are regulations. Only half of the lake water can be taken away at most.

Otherwise, the lake will dry up, and the lake of living demons will gradually cease to exist. "

"Is there still this rule?"

"Yes, that's the way of heaven. This has been a rule since ancient times."

Fen Tianjiu said, "This lake of living demons is also where the earth veins gather the essence of aura from a place. If it is used too much, it will cause the earth vein elves in this place to feel threatened and run away.

Since then, the lake of living demons will naturally disappear. "

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows, it turned out to be like this.

"Master, please note that the water in this lake of living demons is not easy to collect."

Fen Tianyu looked at the people who came in one after another, and said directly, "It is also very difficult to use the lake water of the lake of living demons."

"Is it troublesome to collect lake water?"

Lu Chen said in surprise.

Fen Tianjiu nodded: "Don't think that the earth vein elves are fools."

"So interesting?"

Lu Chen sighed, and when he heard what Fen Tianjiu said, he felt eager to try: "Then I'll try!"

"Everyone, you must have heard what Fen Tianjiu said just now. Although this lake of living demons is very precious, it is also very fragile.

If there is a need to take the water of this lake of living demons, I can try it first, and then take half of it to share with everyone.

I also hope that everyone will not act rashly. "

Before Lu Chen left, he still announced it to everyone. After all, this is a precious existence left by the classics, and he really didn't want everyone to destroy it.

So to be on the safe side, it's best for him to fetch water by hand.

"rest assured."

Dean Shen nodded, "Of course we have all heard Fen Tianjiu's words. You were the one who discovered this place in the first place, and we are not qualified to deal with it."

All the elders who had just been detoxified also nodded their heads. For Lu Chen, these old guys are now convinced.

No one expected that a young young man could actually destroy the evil clan, kill the demon corps, and personally dispel the damned evil poison for them all!It can be said that Lu Chen is completely the savior of Ksitigarbha College. Without him, everyone would die. Who would care about such a treasure?

Treasures are important, and they are not as important as Lu Chen!Now let alone this lake of living demons, let Lu Chen take all the treasures of the classical tomb alone, these old guys have no objection.

On the contrary, some people from the Zhu family were dissatisfied, but because they had just been detoxified by Lu Chen, and the young ladies of the Zhu family all turned to Lu Chen, so they kept silent.

Mrs. Zhu nodded, and Zhu Xin said: "Just go, we won't touch anything here."

"Okay, thank you very much!"

As soon as the words fell, Lu Chen's figure moved, and he rushed out directly.


Lu Chen's figure passed by, and the lake, which was originally as calm as a mirror, suddenly began to disturb the uproar.

Water arrows shot out from the lake and began to prevent Lu Chen from approaching.

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Temple of Heaven

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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