Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2991 Detoxification

"That's right, what our young master said is true."

The Demon King, who had always been accustomed to being silent, also came out from behind the crowd at this time.

Yu Qingyang continued: "I am the legendary trash devil, Yu Qingyang.

Now I can use the magic element to kill the enemy, all thanks to Lu Chen's help.

Therefore, I can say that Lu Chen can detoxify. "

After finishing speaking, Yu Qingyang gave Lu Chen a cold look.

Lu Chen suddenly bumped into the ice-like beautiful and cold eyes, and immediately his whole body was cold.

How is this going?

Why did he feel that Yu Qingyang was a little angry?

Of course, Yu Qingyang was a little angry. When she went to heal and recuperate, her mental power could perceive the outside world, and she naturally witnessed the touching hug between Lu Chen and Shen Wan'er. I'm upset, and I even wish I could never talk to Chase Lu.

It's just that she didn't expect that the group of people that Lu Chen was desperately trying to save would not believe Lu Chen's words, nor his ability.

Yu Qingyang felt that he couldn't bear to listen to the third elder's questioning of Lu Chen, so he stood up.

But that doesn't mean he has to forgive Lu Chen! "Trash Demon King?"

"Are you the legendary trash demon king of Wushuang City in the Black Territory?"

The Second Elder and the Third Elder were also dumbfounded when they heard the words, they just thought they heard it wrong.

Zhu Xin was also very shocked. This person was as beautiful as a demon god descending from the sky. She thought she was a woman, but she didn't expect to be the beloved younger brother of the lord of Wushuang City in the legend?

"Yes, Qingyang is the younger brother of City Lord Wushuang."

Yuluan also smiled slightly. Although she didn't know about Lu Chen's detoxification of Yu Qingyang, she naturally knew about Lu Chen's ability, and Yu Qingyang would not lie.

"So it is."

Mrs. Bamboo's beautiful eyes flashed, she smiled slightly, and said like a spring breeze, "Then, I will ask Mr. Lu Chen, the wizard, to help me cure it?"

Lu Chen smiled slightly and nodded lightly: "That's natural."

"But" the third elder wanted to say something, but was stopped by the second elder.

Considering that there were still some messy Heiyu people outside, Lu Chen immediately set up a few magic circles in the ruined stone palace, and then sat down to expel the poison to Mrs. Bamboo.

The toxin in Mrs. Bamboo's body is the lightest among all, so she can stand properly.

This is why Lu Chen chose to detoxify her first. The toxin is the lightest, and it is easy to succeed and accumulate experience.

The two sat cross-legged, and Lu Chen put his palm lightly on Mrs. Zhu's back, and then gently closed his eyes.

As if entering Yu Qingyang's body, Lu Chen penetrated into Mrs. Zhu's body with ease through the use of mental power.

But what entered at the same time was Chase Lu's Fire of Law.

If there is no mistake in prediction, the poison in Mrs. Zhu and others this time is evil poison.

The evil poison was originally a special toxin specially developed by the evil people like Master Xiedu. It can not only kill people and destroy demon souls, but also poison demon souls with evil poison to achieve the purpose of controlling people.

The most obvious thing about being poisoned by evil is that there will be a faint blackness between the eyebrows and eyes.

If the black air reaches the heart from the top of the head, the poisoned person will either die immediately, or he will be manipulated by the people behind the scenes and become their puppet.

The evil poison is extremely powerful. Except for the golden light of merit and the law of heaven and earth, there will be fear. Neither the magic element nor the devil soul can destroy the evil poison, but will be eroded instead.

Therefore, Lu Chen didn't dare to directly use his spiritual power to probe in, but carefully wrapped his spiritual power with a small flame, and slowly penetrated into Mrs. Bamboo's body.

Sure enough, with the slow penetration of spiritual power, Lu Chen noticed that wisps of black air were slowly occupying Mrs. Bamboo's eight meridians.

Not only that, even Mrs. Bamboo's bone marrow and spiritual power were faintly carried with this light black evil poison.

One by one, they each do their own thing.

Seeing Lu Chen penetrating into his spiritual power, these evil poisons rushed towards Lu Chen immediately.

However, the result is obvious, this is moths to the flame.

Every wisp of black energy that rushes over without hesitation will be swallowed mercilessly by the flames instantly and burned to death.

"Lu Chen, what's going on?"

As Lu Chen explored Mrs. Bamboo's body bit by bit, the time of half a stick of incense had passed.

The third elder saw that there was still no movement, and immediately became very anxious.

Does it work?

What if something goes wrong?

"Do not talk!"

Zhu Qing, who had been paying attention to Mrs. Zhu's face, scolded subconsciously, and then said: "My mother's face is gradually improving! Don't disturb Brother Lu Chen!"

Lu Chen tried his best to investigate the situation in Mrs. Zhu's body, and finally released his golden light of merit, and then wrapped the golden light of merit into flames, and entered Mrs. Zhu's body together.

When the golden light entered Mrs. Zhu's body, it was as if the sunrise drove away the night, and the toxins in Mrs. Zhu's body quickly began to melt away.

In less than 10 minutes, Lu Chen completely cleared Mrs. Bamboo's poison.

Mrs. Bamboo's complexion also returned to a jade-like complexion, and her whole body became energetic, and the gloomy feeling all over her body completely disappeared.

"Don't move, just adjust your breath for a while."

Mrs. Bamboo was about to open her eyes when she heard Lu Chen's advice, and immediately had to close her eyes again.

"Lu Chen!"

Seeing that Mrs. Zhu was really forced by Lu Chen, Zhu Qing rushed over excitedly, her big eyes were full of crystal tears, "Thank you, Lu Chen!"

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Lu Chen smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "It's just a fluke, the exercises I'm practicing now have a certain control effect on evil poisons, and this can play a little role."

The third elder was dumbfounded at this moment, he didn't expect that Lu Chen could really cure the evil poison.

Instead, he looked at the expression of the third elder simply and jokingly, and said, "How is it?

I said Lu Chen can cure it, right?

This guy is not only abnormally talented, but also stable? He never speaks about things he is not sure about.

I, who have been with him for a few days, can feel his temper. I don’t know why you, an elder of the academy, don’t trust your students so much? "

A suspicious red flashed across the face of the third elder. He wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth, but he didn't say it.

Instead, Lu Chen smiled, went straight to the back of the second elder, and said, "You two elders don't mind, I'm indeed in the academy not long ago, it's normal that you don't understand.

What's more, this evil poison is indeed extremely dangerous, and it may be useless to just take medicine, because this evil poison can spread to people's meridians and bone marrow, and even contaminate demon souls.

Such a powerful evil poison, it is better for someone to completely expel it, but when this evil poison is dispelling the poisonous gas, it will actually attack the person who dispelled the poison. If it is not for me to protect myself with the fire of law, I will also suffer this time .

I would also like to thank the elders for taking care of me. "

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the two elders to say anything, Lu Chen continued: "Everyone sit down and adjust your breath for a while, and just keep Fen Tianyu as the Dharma protector.

I will detoxify the second elder first, and then detoxify everyone one by one. "

Everyone heard the words, but there was no sound for a while.

Lu Chen is so considerate of others and has been treating everyone sincerely, which really makes them a little at a loss for what to say.

Especially Dean Shen, after calming down, remembered that it was thanks to Lu Chen's protection that all the people could get here to find Shen Wan'er and the elders and save them.

My heart was also agitated.

This Lu Chen is not only extremely talented, but also very lucky, and he is also a good person.

He is indeed a person with a bright future, most likely, he is the one who can break through space and ascend to the upper realm at once! "Okay, let's all adjust our breathing separately."

Yuluan looked at the silent people, and said, "Lu Chen's detoxification can't be disturbed, and the time won't be too short. Let's seize this time and practice hard for a while, trying to restore some cultivation base and spirit.

In this classic tomb, it will not be quiet, and there will definitely be people coming in later. We must work harder to let Lu Chen rest for a while. "


Yu Qingyang also nodded, and said coldly, "It takes a lot of energy and magic energy for Lu Chen to detoxify in this way.

Let's hurry up and recover more now, and he will be able to rest for a while later.

Along the way, we rely on him to protect him every time, and it is time to protect him. "

Everyone stopped talking, and all sat down cross-legged and began to practice breath adjustment.

All of a sudden, the ruined stone palace was silent, as if no one existed at all.

In the entire valley, only the area in front was still noisy, and even joined two groups of people, guarding each other and confronting each other.

They were all looking for the treasure quickly, and no one noticed what was going on behind them now.

After an unknown amount of time, Chase Lu finally let out a breath.

The last poisoned person of the Zhu family was finally cured by him.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Yuluan, Dean Shen, Yu Qingyang, Shen Wan'er and others standing in front of him. The four of them stared at him with big eyes and small eyes. When Lu Chen opened his eyes, the four of them They were all very excited, and said in a hurry: "Lu Chen, have you finally done it?"

"how do you feel?


Or if you adjust your breath for a while, you can sleep for a while! "

Lu Chen frowned slightly: "What's wrong with you?

Has no one found Shidian at this moment? "

Why are all of them a bit weird, this is not resting at home, nor on vacation, what are you talking about sleeping?

Dean Shen chuckled: "It's okay, I arranged a formation here earlier to hide this hall, and ordinary people can't find it here.

You are no longer able to distinguish between day and night, and it took a day and a night to recuperate and detoxify everyone. We are also worried that your demon yuan and demon soul will not be able to bear it.

So I just want to ask if you need to rest for a while now, I still have high-quality potions here, what do you need? "

"Yeah yeah!"

Zhuqing, who was absent-mindedly adjusting his breath, rushed over when he heard the movement here: "Lu Chen, we also brought a lot of potions and witchcrafts, what do you need?"

Mrs. Bamboo got up gracefully from the place where she was sitting cross-legged, walked over gracefully, and said softly: "What Qing'er said is, Lu Chen, you can choose any medicine you need at will.

Or, do you need me to help you adjust now? "

"Lu Chen, don't be brave."

Yu Qingyang also stared closely at Lu Chen with her beautiful eyes.

"Cough cough Lu Chen, do you want to eat something?

I still have some dry food here. "

It was the third elder who said this. He felt grateful and guilty for Lu Chen, and didn't know what to say for a while, so he had to look for the things he had with him.

The potion he brought must not be as good as the dean and Mrs. Zhu, so he had to ask about the dry food immediately.

It was really uncomfortable for Lu Chen to receive so much attention for a while.

Feeling the empty magic essence in his body and the faintly painful dantian, he smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, I'll just meditate and adjust my breathing for a while, and you can just help me protect the law."

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