Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2993 Chi Yan Clan

"So fast."

?The lake water would fight back automatically, and Chase Lu was immediately surprised.

Immediately, he volleyed under his feet, and his speed also increased instantly. While dodging, the majestic magic element swept out from his hands, and swept out as fast as lightning, directly turning into a shield to block the rapid water arrows, and then Quickly jumped to the ground.

Boom!Boom!Those water arrows collided with the shield, and immediately moved crazily, with a small burst of extremely ear-piercing sounds, and the magic element shield released by Chase Lu swayed as if it was about to shatter.

"What a powerful force."

Lu Chen's face finally turned solemn. After experiencing it himself, he just realized how difficult it is to subdue these waters of life and death.

"Master, I just said that this water is very difficult to get."

Fen Tianjiu shook his head and said.

Lu Chen raised his brows and didn't speak, but the magic energy of his body began to circulate in his body, ready to make a move.

However, just when Lu Chen was about to make a move, a whip shadow suddenly came through the air and entangled directly towards Lu Chen. At the same time, there seemed to be a light and shadow flying towards Lu Chen, and a cold and arrogant female voice , then sounded.

"Stop! I want everything here!"

The woman's coquettish drink sounded suddenly, and there was an undeniable meaning in the words.

And the light and shadow that flew towards Lu Chen was a sharp palm wind, carrying an extremely cold air.

This kind of change was too sudden, and the attack was extremely swift and violent, and no one could react at all, everyone was stunned for a moment, staring blankly at the flying whip shadow and palm wind.

Lu Chen's rotating magic yuan turned with his mind, and he directly swung his left hand horizontally, and the magic yuan was sent out immediately, aiming at the palm wind that attacked from behind.

Then he stepped down, summoned the Red Flame Knife with his right hand, and slashed at the whip shadow.

Under the urging of Lu Chen, the terrible flames surged directly from the red flame knife, turning into a flaming knife and slashing at the whip shadow. Crack open.

Lu Chen's expressionless blow counteracted the palm wind, and then he waved his sleeve with his left hand, and a gust of wind swept out, directly rewinding the violently shot figure.

The figure quickly shot back, and at the same time brought a muffled groan.

At this time, Yuluan and the others also came back to their senses, and immediately everyone was angry, and they looked angrily at the figure that flew back backwards.

"Deng dong dong" the figure retreated dozens of steps before bumping into the pillars in the corridor and stopped. Only then did everyone see clearly that there was a woman in red staring at them in shock and anger.

The woman in red has curly red hair, which looks charming, and her face is quite delicate, but on her cheeks, there is an undisguised arrogance.

This kind of arrogance emanates from the blood of his bones, from his own arrogance, overlooking the world, aloof and disdainful of all beings.

In Lu Chen's eyes, this kind of pride is really uncomfortable.

After Lu Chen hit, he didn't attack back one after another, because there was no murderous aura in the previous palm wind and whip shadow.

So he just stared at the woman in red with cold eyes, and said indifferently: "What are you doing, you want to grab the treasure?"

The woman in red froze for a moment, then raised her brows slightly.


This is the tomb of classics, if you can grab it, can't I? "

The woman looked around, as if she had just noticed that there were many masters present here, and her momentum weakened slightly, but she still refused to give in and said: "You are robbing classic treasures, why can't I rob classic treasures?" treasure?"

"Pretty unreasonable."

Lu Chen's eyes were cold, and there was no sympathy in his words: "Go away!"


The woman in red was so angry that her delicate pretty face turned blue, and immediately the fire whip in her hand turned into a fire dragon and roared out, sweeping towards Lu Chen with incomparable arrogance.

Although the woman in red is arrogant, her strength is not weak. When the magic element explodes, it is obvious that she has stepped into the seventh-level realm of the demon king, and even in the seventh-level realm of the demon king, she is not considered a weak hand .

Lu Chen looked at the roaring fire dragon with cold eyes, and just punched out, hitting the fire dragon as fast as thunder.

boom!The fire dragon exploded at the sound, turning into a sky full of flames and dissipating away.

Seeing this, the woman in red immediately focused her beautiful eyes. She was about to attack again, but saw Lu Chen swung a knife at her in the air.

Seeing this, the woman in red immediately tapped her jade feet, and her delicate body flew away quickly.

At the same time, the woman in red vigorously urged the magic energy all over her body, and then chanted words in her mouth. As she chanted the spell, the magic energy she circulated turned into a sea of ​​flames, and then swept away towards Lu Chen with her heart .

The flames emitted by the woman were extremely domineering, directly causing the rocks on the ground in this area to be incinerated into ashes by the flames.

Swish!Just when the woman thought that the flame would instantly restrain Lu Chen, Lu Chen directly penetrated the flame, appeared in front of the woman in red like a ghost, and punched out.

While the magic yuan was surging, Lu Chen directly shattered the space with a punch.

This caused the pretty face of the woman in red to become completely dignified, and her jade hand formed a seal like lightning, and it was also a horizontal shot with her jade hand.

The crimson flame condensed crazily on his jade hand, and the overbearing temperature was enough to burn the sky.

Boom!Under the watchful eyes of everyone, punches and palms collided with each other heavily, and a hot air wave rolled out immediately.

Lu Chen's body was shocked, and the woman in red shot backwards for dozens of steps, and a large bruise appeared on the jade hand, causing a faint tingling pain.

The fight between the two was lightning-fast, and when the woman in red was shaken back, the many people around came back to their senses, and when they saw the woman in red, they suddenly cried out in surprise. Live passed out.

"Can you use fire?

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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What race is this?

so strange? "

"This flame is really overbearing. I just thought that the air here would be incinerated."

"I remembered, this is the Chiyan clan!"

In the crowd, Dean Shen's voice was the loudest and naturally the most prominent, making everyone stunned for a moment.

The Chiyan tribe has always been good at using fire, and the magic element in their bodies has the magic power that is inclined to the fire element.

This is the Yin clan in ancient legends, and it has never been born very often, that is, only in the southern border does it seem that there are so few people from the Chiyan clan.

There are no other four realms, and the world has no idea where their hidden world shield is.

When Lu Chen heard those exclamations, his heart was slightly shocked. This woman turned out to be from the Chiyan clan.

Since he learned how to use the fire of law, he also quietly checked the records related to the use of flame by the devil when he returned to the academy.

It is written in a book that, except for special skills, only special race demons or monsters can use flames to attack or use them otherwise.

For example, Suzaku, such as the rules and laws of the burning fire, and this special race, the Chiyan tribe.

Legend has it that the demon god sat down a descendant of a general, and that general was in charge of all the flames on the demon god continent, so he had a special way to control flames, and his descendants even had a special ability in their blood to be close to flames.

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows. He didn't know if the legend was true, but the Chiyan Clan seemed to be real.

No wonder this woman's strength is also so strong, according to his prediction, I'm afraid this woman's strength will not be weaker than Yuluan.

No wonder, she dared to break into the crowd alone to grab the treasure.

However, although this woman's flame is powerful, it is still much inferior to the fire of law and the fire of burning sky. Otherwise, Lu Chen was directly burned by the flame just now, how could he pass through the flame and fight her.

And when Lu Chen was slightly surprised, the woman also looked at the tingling pain from the jade hand. She seemed a little unbelievable that she would be injured by a punch from Lu Chen, who seemed to be only the fifth level of the demon king. .

How can this be?

The woman in red couldn't believe it. The man in front of her was actually an ordinary human race, and her aura was definitely not wrong.

Why was he able to leapfrog so many battles with ease?

Isn't the human race always very fragile?

The woman in red thought of a human race she met outside, who was obviously at the first level of the Demon King, but was directly whipped away by herself, and then beaten half to death.

Is this in front of you really a human race?

"You're really hiding something."

After thinking for a while, the woman in red stared at Lu Chen with beautiful eyes, and there was a strange color in her eyes. Of course, this could not be some kind of admiration, but a kind of ardor that was eager to try. warlike.

However, Lu Chen was too lazy to pay much attention to her. Even though she was from the Chiyan clan, he still had no interest in wooing or investigating her.

Lu Chen just glanced at the woman in red indifferently, and was about to turn around and leave.

"Wait a minute!"

?At this moment, the woman in red was very unconvinced. She couldn't believe that she was indeed defeated by a young human race, and this human race was two levels lower than her own! ?Seeing that Lu Chen was about to turn around and leave, the woman in red couldn't help it, so she punched Lu Chen.

?"don't want!"

"Lu Chen, be careful!"

"Brother Lu Chen!"

Seeing this woman's sudden attack, everyone was shocked. This woman's realm is not low!If the sneak attack is really successful, Lu Chen will either die or be injured!Immediately, some people shouted loudly, extremely anxious.

?However, it was too late, the punch of the woman in red was already very close to Lu Chen.

?Looking at this scene, the elders of the Dizang Academy who had never seen Lu Chen make a move fell to the bottom of their hearts. It's over, it's over, and Lu Chen must be seriously injured now! ? Lu Chen naturally noticed that the woman was making a move behind him, but Lu Chen didn't get angry. He turned around immediately, and quietly shot out an invisible magic element with his right hand.


This magic element directly hit the lower abdomen of the woman in red.


? Being hit suddenly by this thick magic element, the red clothes who originally wanted to test Lu Chen fell forward suddenly, and they were about to fall face-to-face hard.

? "Ah, help me!"

Just when the woman in red thought she was going to fall, her arm was caught off guard by another wave of magic energy from Lu Chen, and she was gently lifted up in the air.

The woman in red froze for a moment, she was already standing on the ground, steady, as if the wrestling just now was just an illusion.

But just now she breathed a sigh of relief, but Lu Chen suddenly waved his sleeves again. The woman in red couldn't react at all, and sat down hard on her buttocks, and fell to the ground.


The woman in red woke up immediately after falling, and got up angrily, just in time to see Lu Chen who was watching a play with a smile on his side.

"what are you doing?

Don't you know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade? "

She pointed at Lu Chen angrily, and said angrily, "Why did you sneak up on me! Despicable!"


Lu Chen raised his eyebrows, imitating the woman's previous tone and said, "You were the one who sneaked up on me first, why can't you sneak up on me?

Saying, did I hurt you?

Still pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, are you as beautiful as our language Luan or as graceful as jade?

Even our brothers Qingyang, you are not as good as you, so you have the nerve to call me Xiyu. "

"You..." Seeing Chase Lu turn around and point to a few beauties in the crowd, the woman in red immediately exploded with anger.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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