Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2883 More discounts

Lu Chen drew a tricky arc with his right hand, and at the moment the wild crocodile monster rushed over his body, a blue light suddenly appeared, and a cold light crossed the belly of the wild crocodile monster, and blood spattered out.


The wild crocodile monster slammed into a thousand-year-old giant tree in front of it, the whole tree collapsed, and the ground shook, but the wild crocodile monster screamed crazily, its intestines With blood gushing out.


The severe pain made the wild crocodile almost go crazy, relying on the smell in the air, he turned around and hit Lu Chen frantically.

But the Lu Yu on the side is not easy to provoke, although it is a cub, but it also knows how to read the situation, and directly spit a flame to the wound of the wild crocodile.


The terrifying magic fire directly burned the blood of the wild crocodile, and this time the wild crocodile became even crazier because of the pain.

However, facing the crazy wild crocodile, Lu Chen seemed quite calm, stepping on his feet, letting the wild crocodile rush past him crazily, and every time the wild crocodile rushed past his body, the sharp The Red Flame Knife will bring up blood like ice.

At the same time, Yuluan also slammed the manghuang crocodile with his magic yuan.

Gradually, as the blood flew, the rush of the wild crocodile became slower and slower, apparently beginning to exhaust itself, while Lu Chen took advantage of its staggering, and rushed forward fiercely, with the flaming red flame knife in his eyes. , was so sharp that one could feel chills on the skin, and then pierced into the heart of the wild crocodile as fast as lightning.

At the same time, Yuluan's magic power and Lu Yu's magic fire fell on Manghuang crocodile at the same time.


The barren crocodile let out a shrill howl, and finally its body was reduced to a pool of ashes in Lu Chen's law fire and Lu Yu's magic fire.

Lu Chen put away the Chiyan Sword calmly, Yu Luan looked at Lu Chen in shock, and shook his head in shock.

She knew very well that it was basically thanks to Chase Lu that he could get rid of this wild crocodile so quickly.

"No wonder you can leapfrog the battle." Yuluan is now happy and has a lot of helplessness.I am happy that Chase Lu has such a powerful means, but I am helpless because I am higher than him in terms of strength alone, but if I want to compare him in actual combat, it is too far behind.

Lu Chen smiled, then got up and walked towards the Lu Yu.

Although this guy is completely dark, he has to say that he is quite cute, especially since he just became a very good teammate.

Lu Chen gently stretched out his hand to touch the guy's head.


Lu Yu gave a brief cry, very happy.

Yuluan's beautiful eyes flashed, and he asked, "You seem to know this little guy?"

"This is the legendary Lu Yu."

Lu Chen said: "I am fortunate to have seen Lu Yu's book, so I know a thing or two."

Yuluan looked at this dark little guy, and couldn't help reaching out to stroke it gently.

Lu Chen sighed: "It's a pity that this little guy is very small, otherwise, if we rode it, the journey would be much faster."

"Come on, this is just the beginning."

Lu Chen tilted his head and said to Yuluan, and then walked to the depths at a high speed.

Lu Chen and Yu Luan walked forward together, and Lu Yu followed them curiously. As written in the book, this race really has a natural affection for humans.

In fact, Chase Lu hoped to meet a few more deer yu. In this case, he might be able to ride a ride and travel faster.

"However, we have to be more careful in the future." Lu Chen said, "I'm afraid there will be more dangers waiting now."

Yuluan nodded: "I have never seen such living creatures in a cemetery, and they are all ancient monsters that have disappeared for a long time."

This shows that there may be more terrifying existences on the road ahead.It was just because she and Lu Chen had been wandering around the edge before, so they didn't meet each other.

The two walked together for a while, and Lu Chen felt a little tired. He said, "Let's rest here for a while, and continue on our way later."

Yuluan nodded with a smile.

Seeing this, Lu Chen glanced around, his figure swept over a boulder, and then quickly sat cross-legged.

As Chase Lu gradually entered the state of cultivation, a vast amount of magic energy also gradually diffused out of his body, covering a radius of 50 meters.

Seeing that Lu Chen recovered with his eyes closed, Yuluan's toes were also a little bit, and his delicate body floated to another part of the boulder, his eyes were slightly closed, and all the movements within a radius of ten feet were taken into his heart.

Seeing this, the deer simply lay down beside Chen Lu, as if he had also dozed off.

Following the quietness of the two and one beast, this world became increasingly silent

However, when this dead silence lasted for about two hours, a cold breeze suddenly swept into this silent place.

When this cold breeze appeared, Lu Yu stood up directly from the ground, and Yu Luan on the boulder next to him suddenly opened his eyes, looked forward with cold cheeks, and said lightly: "Lu Chen, something is coming .”

Accompanied by Yuluan's cold voice, the space in the distance was also turbulent, and the ground suddenly trembled violently. Immediately, a figure full of violence came slowly, and the gloomy atmosphere quietly permeated the air. .


The visitor roared fiercely, and Chase Lu also stood up, and looked in the direction of the roar, only to see a cloud-swallowing beast about several meters high with wings, with a violent and fierce look. The wind and sand suddenly swept in from a distance.

"I'm going to swallow the cloud beast!"

This time, Lu Chen was shocked again. Although he was mentally prepared, he didn't expect such a cloud-swallowing beast to exist here!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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The cloud-swallowing beast, in the wild age, was a magical beast that could swallow clouds and control the wind. It swallowed ordinary thunder and lightning energy for a living. Disappeared.

How could it appear here?

The blowing storm carried a huge thunder and lightning aura. The arc was very strong, and when it burned on the nearby trees, a scorched smell immediately spread.


The two eyes of the swallowing cloud beast were staring at Lu Chen and his party.

Seeing this scene, Yu Luan couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, this monster is definitely not easy to mess with.

Just seeing the fierce light in its eyes made Yuluan feel terrified, so she became very serious at the moment.


The Cloud Swallowing Beast roared suddenly, and at the same time, its prostrate body quickly stood up, and at the same time, it waved that giant palm like a giant mountain, and purple arcs flickered on the giant palm.

The whole thing is like a violent tornado eye with lightning, it rolled over directly.

Lu Chen frowned, this guy is crazy.

I don't know what happened to irritate it?

But now is not the time to think so much. Facing the attack of the cloud-swallowing beast, Lu Chen directly used the monster-slaying method, and a lightning bolt gathered in the palm of his hand, and slashed at it.


The Cloud Swallowing Beast was struck by the lightning in its fur, which made it even more annoyed.

It eats lightning, but this man's lightning is full of law, and it directly cuts its fur!


The Cloud Swallowing Beast was a little crazy, and directly raised its giant palm high. Its giant palm was filled with dark purple arcs. If it fell on Lu Chen or Yuluan, it would definitely be enough to burn its palm to ashes. .

Yuluan quickly backed away, and suddenly shot out a purple thunder talisman from his hand.


The meteor-like talisman directly hit the huge Cloud Swallowing Beast, and a streak of dark red blood exploded on the chest of the Cloud Swallowing Beast.


That Lu Yu had already flown into the air at some point, and spit out a mouthful of flames at the Cloud Swallowing Beast.

At this time, Lu Chen also had chills in his eyes, and then he suddenly let out a low growl, and the red flame magic element gushed out of his body like magma, and was directly guided by Lu Chen with his spiritual power.Immediately, the body swelled rapidly, and finally roared out fiercely.


The fire dragon rushed down, and finally hit the cloud swallowing beast directly, and the fur on the cloud swallowing beast's back split. The flame seemed to melt the cloud swallowing beast, but it did not go out when it reached the cloud swallowing beast. , but began to burn directly along his blood, and also started to burn on it, and Lu Yu's magic fire.

For a moment, the entire body of the swallowing cloud beast was surrounded by crimson flames.

Lightning and flames fought continuously, and the fur was melted layer by layer.

Seeing this, Yuluan directly took out a seventh-grade intermediate magic weapon bow and arrow, and started shooting at the cloud-swallowing beast.


Dozens of arrows transformed from magic elements, catalyzed by this magic weapon bow and arrow, shot directly at the cloud-swallowing beast!

At the same time, Chase Lu continued to bombard the Cloud Swallowing Beast with the law of thunder and lightning.


The sound of battles resounded continuously in this piece of heaven and earth, and the figures of two people and one beast kept entangled with the cloud-swallowing beast, without stopping for a moment.

About half an hour later, the Cloud Swallowing Beast finally couldn't bear the consumption, and its huge body collapsed to the ground like a hill.


Seeing this, Yu Luan finally breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat off his forehead with jade hands, if she was the only one today, or if she came in with her subordinates, it is very likely that she would confess here.

Seeing the Cloud Swallowing Beast fall, Lu Yu raised his head and was ready to breathe fire, but the next moment, he was blocked by Lu Chen standing in front of the Cloud Swallowing Beast.


Lu Yu was a little puzzled.

However, Lu Chen gestured for Lu Yu to come down.

Then he stepped forward in two steps, touched the body of the swallowing cloud beast directly with his hand, and closed his eyes to sense the condition inside it.

Soon, the mental power detected an energy body in the belly of the cloud swallowing beast.

Lu Chen immediately slashed a sharp knife in his hand, the knife passed, and the flesh was cut open.

Lu Chen directly picked it with the blade, and a fist-sized bead suddenly shot out of its body.

White, crackling beads of haunting lightning.

"This bead, your last one was burned right away." Lu Chen glanced at Lu Yu and said, "Even if you can't eat it, I can still refine magic weapons. Why burn it so fast?"

Yuluan: "" She forgot about the magic pill, which is also a good thing, especially the magic pill of this ancient monster.

Lu Chen directly put away the magic pill, and said to Yuluan, "I just remembered, if you go to your auction house to buy or sell things in the future, you should give me a little more discount."

"Last time, when I was selling magic tools, the private room was pretty good."

"Huh?" Yuluan didn't realize it for a moment, "What private room? Did you go to our store for auction?"

Lu Chen nodded, and he smiled slyly: "Do you remember the nine eighth-grade magic weapons?"

"What?" Yuluan lost his composure for a moment, and said with rounded eyes, "That's you!"

Nine pieces of eighth-grade magic weapon, this kind of thing, some auction houses may not be able to encounter it for hundreds of thousands of years, how could she forget it!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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