Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2884 Ancient Magic Flower

"Didn't you say that the magic weapon was auctioned by an Eldar?"

Yuluan said in surprise.

Lu Chen smiled slightly: "Yes, that Spirit Race is my friend, he told me that your service is not bad."

Lu Chen originally wanted to tell Yuluan that he was that person, but he changed his words when the words came to his lips.

"By the way, there is also my Golem, you remember to help me repair it at a discounted price."

Lu Chen's voice fell, but Yu Luan lowered his head unnaturally and did not speak.

"what happened?"

Lu Chen was a little strange. This Yuluan had an exquisite temperament, and he was affectionate and righteous. He had never seen such a side.

"Well," Yuluan said a little embarrassedly, "I forgot to tell you, your puppet, I used it in the underground palace before."

"What? Used?"

Lu Chen didn't understand very well for a while, even if the puppet was used for a short time, Yuluan would not talk like this, at worst, he would just repair it, anyway, it was broken anyway.

Yuluan nodded: "Yes, when I was in the underground palace, I was entangled by a spirit clan, and in the end I encountered Xuanbing, which was like the quicksand we met. I used it to get rid of the entanglement. Your puppet, in the end, it was frozen together by Xuan Bing."

Lu Chen: ""

Yuluan thought Lu Chen would be a little angry, after all, this puppet is very important and rare.

Instead, Chase Lu just sighed, and said, "Forget it, as long as you are safe. Let's go, keep going."

"Forget it, you're safe"

Lu Chen walked forward, and Lu Yu followed.

Yuluan stood there without moving, and Lu Chen's words echoed faintly in her ears, very light, also very warm, flowing lightly into her heart.

The two of them and the beast continued to gallop in this space, running in the jungle for half an hour.

Lu Chen stopped suddenly. He glanced at the unusually red air here, and raised his eyebrows.

"What is this?" Yuluan followed Lu Chen and raised his head, suddenly startled.

Lu Chen also raised his head: "Well, why is it such a big flower?"

There was a hint of surprise in Lu Chen's eyebrows, he had never seen such a big flower.

Like, a flower as big as a small house.

For Lu Chen, although he has lived for several lifetimes, it is still very fresh.

Even Lu Yu, who had been following beside him, couldn't help but follow along.

I saw a very beautiful flower in front of me, and the flowers lined up like a sun wheel.It has an alluring fragrance like orchids, and there are almost ten-foot-large flowers that are in full bloom.

It seems that the petals are almost one meter thick, and there are five petals in total.

it feels bad

As for why, Yuluan couldn't say for a while, but he also raised his vigilance in his heart.

Lu Chen frowned, suddenly remembered something, looked at Yuluan who was a little closer to the other side, and immediately pulled her over with a flying body.

"What's the matter?" Yu Luan was suddenly pulled over by Lu Chen, feeling a little puzzled.


That Lu Yu raised his head and howled.

Yuluan hurriedly turned her head to look, and saw a vine two meters away was slowly retracting where she was standing just now, and the ten-foot-sized petals were trembling slightly and closing rapidly.


There was a snake in the grass, it shot out suddenly, and rushed towards a devil mouse by the roadside.


The slowly withdrawing vines suddenly sped up, entangled the snake suddenly, and then threw it into the suddenly closed flowers.

The flower that was bigger than the house instantly closed and bloomed rapidly, but in an instant, there was no shadow of the snake in the flower, only a piece of snake bone fell from the flower to the ground and broke into several pieces.

Suddenly his eyes widened, even Lu Chen, who was so calm, twitched the corners of his mouth, and he said that there was something wrong with the flower.

Then, he was a little strange, why didn't this flower eat the magic rat?

Taking a closer look, Lu Chen and Yuluan were completely stunned.

What kind of magic mouse is there on the ground? It is clearly a kind of vine that looks like a flower, and it can tremble slightly from side to side. It looks very much like a magic mouse.

It seems that this is a carnivorous flower, and even the vines here cannot be underestimated.

Lu Chen felt a little complicated for a while, why did the classics set up his tomb so complicatedly, even if there is a confusing underground palace outside, there are so many ancient monsters and magic plants here.

That's all, these monsters and magic plants are all highly aggressive. In this case, why did Classic come out with a key token?

The key token is to be left to the successor. Could it be that his purpose is to kill the successor who came in?

Seeing Lu Chen frowning, Yuluan shook his head, and was about to say something, when suddenly a buzzing sound approached quickly.

One moment it was still hundreds of feet away, and the next moment it was almost ten feet closer.

At such a fast speed, Lu Chen frowned, and his eyes rolled twice quickly.


Lu Yu, who had been following him all the time, suddenly patted his wings, nodded to Lu Chen and Yuluan, and then quickly spread his wings and flew up.

"What does this mean?" Yu Luan was a little surprised.

The bad feeling in Lu Chen's heart became heavier, and he said quickly: "Run! Lu Yu told us to run!"

Just as the voice fell, the buzzing sound got closer.

"Magic bee!" Yuluan heard what was coming quickly, her expression changed immediately, and she turned her head to look forward.

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I saw the foggy distance, the overwhelming black in the distance was particularly eye-catching, and it was rushing towards this direction at a high speed, almost covering that side of the sky.

Lu Chen's eyesight was better, and he directly saw the black bees that were almost half the size of a person coming overwhelmingly.

He finally understood what he was thinking just now. With such a big flower, there is likely to be a big pollinator bee!

He didn't know this flower very well, but Lu Chen knew that there was a very powerful and famous magic bee in ancient times-the bloodthirsty bee.

"This way." Lu Chen's expression darkened, he grabbed Yuluan, turned around and ran in another direction.

The most notable thing about bloodthirsty bees is their name. How did this name come about?

A bloodthirsty bee can drain a person's blood!Surrounded by such dense bloodthirsty bees, it is unreasonable not to die!

Yuluan only took one step to rush out, his waist tightened instantly, and then his whole body was pressed on a broad chest, and his figure flew forward.

With the whistling wind blowing by her ears, Yuluan could clearly feel Lu Chen's speed, and her heart was also pounding.

"Let go." Pressed tightly on Lu Chen's chest, Yuluan's mouth and nose were completely covered, and his words were vague.

She is not weak and can handle it by herself.If two people are together, Chase Lu may have problems due to lack of physical strength.

"Don't move around." Lu Chen shouted next to his ear, and then the strength on his waist tightened even more, and then Yuluan's entire head was completely guarded by Lu Chen on his chest.

The sound of the bloodthirsty bee was getting louder and louder, and the sound of the rapid flapping of the wings could be heard clearly.

People are fast, they can't fly, and they don't have enough magic energy, so how can they be as fast as flying magic bees.

But Lu Chen didn't leave Yuluan alone, but protected her tightly.

The head and face were tightly guarded by Lu Chen in his arms, and the feeling of being suppressed for breathing was very uncomfortable.The chest was hard, not soft at all, and uncomfortable.However, it was so hot that it warmed the heart.

It turns out that it feels good to be protected by others. Although Yuluan is the number one beauty in Dongjing, she is also the No. 1 behind-the-scenes of Shaking Sky Auction.Everyone knows that she is as powerful a beauty as a man.No one dares to underestimate her, and she doesn't need protection, because of Yuluan's strength, and because of her status, no one dares to mention this word except the guards, because the number one beauty never allows men to get close at will, talk about protection, this, is blasphemy.

However, it's not that she doesn't want to rely on her, it's just that she has no one to rely on. She knows why those men approached her, so it's impossible to let these men approach her with confidence.As time passed, she became completely independent and arrogant, and became a high-cold flower that everyone in Dongjing looked forward to, and she couldn't get close to her.

It's just that when I get along with Lu Chen recently, it feels damn good to be subconsciously cared for, cared for wholeheartedly, the feeling of taking her first at that moment, the feeling of being held in the palm of my hand, really, really good.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, a bright smile hung on his lips, Yuluan said in a muffled voice, "Are you sure we can run away?"

Lu Chen paused, he didn't know why his brain was so excited just now, he couldn't calm down at all.

At that moment, he quickly threw out the fire tower that he had used once, and quickly pushed the magic tower to become as large as [-] feet. Then he put down Yuluan in his arms, and with a thought, he closed the magic tower tightly.

Then, Chase Lu began to close his eyes, and slowly stimulated the fire of law in his body.

This time, Chase Lu ignited the fire of law without leaving anything behind, and he wanted to set fire to burn up the group of magic bees and magic flowers!

Otherwise, there will always be a big hidden danger here!

The magic energy and all the power in the body were turned to the extreme, Lu Chen pulled out the red flame knife, he held the red flame knife burning with red flames, and opened a gap in the magic tower.

As Lu Chen's spiritual power sank, the crimson flame slowly merged with the blade.

what is a knife what is a knife

Opening up the world is just one knife!

Chopping is the way of the knife.

It's also one of the easiest knives to make!

Lu Chen precisely slid a knife against the gap.


The crimson flame knife energy completely escaped from the red flame knife, with invisible waves, burning bigger and bigger, gradually sweeping across the sky.

With a "boom", the red flame knife turned into a wave of flames, engulfing the overwhelming demon bees.

In just a split second, the flame devoured the endless arrival of the magic bees, and was still moving towards the distance. It burned instantly. From a distance, it seemed that even the sky was about to burn at this moment.

And in the sea of ​​flames, huge, flaming giant bees overwhelmingly fell to the ground, and landed on the huge magic flower


The violent and fiery flame ignited everything in an instant, and the scorching heat permeated between the heaven and the earth, as if burning the sky and boiling the sea.As if to melt the earth, an indescribably violent fiery storm raged.

Seeing Lu Chen's flowing movements and such great energy, Yuluan also had a look of shock in his eyes.

Chase Lu is really a rare genius, whether it is his temperament, strength or mind, it is really admirable.

Just now Yuluan just reminded, Lu Chen immediately remembered the way to avoid, and even remembered the way to attack in that short moment.

At this time, Lu Chen didn't know Yuluan's thoughts. He looked at the world of flames outside, but his brows were deeply frowned, no, no.If he didn't go out, and the fire of law burned everything out, then half of this ancient tomb would be destroyed.

Yuluan was still in deep thought, but Lu Chen opened the fire tower in an instant, and the whole person flashed out in an instant.

Seeing this, Yuluan was shocked, and couldn't help shouting: "Lu Chen! What are you doing out? Come back!"

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