Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2882 Ancient Warcraft

In the misty world, it seemed that there was no alternation of day and night, and there was no anger at all. Looking around, the whole world was extremely quiet, except for Lu Chen and Yuluan's own voices, nothing could be heard.

Practicing in this dead and silent world is indeed of great benefit to Lu Chen, but here is also several times more boring than the outside world, where you can't know the time of the sun, moon, and Lu Chen has no idea that you have already stayed here. how long.

But he is also very fortunate, if there is no Yuluan to accompany him, he will probably die of boredom.


Lu Chen spat out a breath of foul air, he has now unknowingly reached the realm of the sixth level of the demon, and he still uses the energy here to cultivate, which must be stronger than the outside world.

At this moment, Lu Chen is very grateful for the exercises contained in this key token. This magical magic skill is completely tailored for the environment here. It is really very enjoyable to practice.

"How is it?" Seeing that Lu Chen had finished absorbing it, Yuluan also stretched his waist, his beautiful curves were undoubtedly revealed, and there was some seductive and lazy flavor in his tone.

"Slightly improved." Lu Chen smiled slightly.

"Hmph, I don't know what kind of abnormality your technique is, but you can improve so quickly." Yuluan smiled sweetly, and she was also in admiration for Lu Chen's speed of cultivation in this tomb.Her own kung fu is very powerful, but here, it is five times slower than Lu Chen.

That touching smile quietly dissipated some of the boredom in Lu Chen's heart, and he said: "It's so-so, anyway, we're here together, maybe your luck will be better than mine in a while." not sure."

"Let's go." Yuluan waved his hand.

Lu Chen nodded, then took the lead and walked quickly towards the depths.

He didn't know that behind him, Yuluan followed closely with a smile, his eyes were full of unconscious tenderness.Although the world here is boring, being able to be with him, even in a boring place, will become extremely warm.

This place is filled with dense energy mist all year round, which suppresses the cultivation base very powerfully.Usually, after walking for a while, people feel very tired due to the huge energy pressure in the air, so they have to take a rest.This further enhances the dead silence and boring here, and under this boring, it seems that the concept of time has become much weaker. Moreover, Lu Chen and the others never thought that they would still be here, and encounter something interesting the existence of life.

Therefore, when Lu Chen and the two traveled long distances for nearly four months, crossed the vast classical tomb, and looked at the monster that appeared in front of them, they couldn't help being a little stunned.

At that time, Yuluan and Lu Chen were walking forward one after the other.

Lu Chen was in charge of watching the road ahead, and Yuluan was in charge of guarding the back. Although it felt like he had been in for a long time and did not find any danger, it was always good to be careful. They did not forget the sinister traps they encountered outside.

The current strength of both of them is considered good, so the speed is much faster than before.

While Yuluan was watching her surroundings nervously, Lu Chen's body in front of her suddenly stopped, she was caught off guard and bumped into it, the soft and plump part of the woman was attached to Lu Chen's back, the soft touch, Lu Chen couldn't help blinking.

Behind him, Yuluan's embarrassing face turned red instantly, and his whole body was burning hot, especially his face, which seemed to be burned.She backed away quickly, but Lu Chen grabbed the warm jade hand.


Yuluan struggled a few times, but Lu Chen didn't let go.

She looked over, only to realize that Chase Lu was looking straight ahead through the jungle.Yu Luan also looked along, only to see that in the open space, a few deer-like creatures with dark bodies and strange wings were flapping their wings leisurely, and the ear-piercing humming sound came out continuously.

"Living thing!"

Yuluan was very surprised, and Lu Chen was also very surprised.

None of them thought that Gu Gu would raise living animals in the cemetery.


Before Lu Chen and Yuluan could recognize what it was, they saw the winged deer suddenly throw its head back, and then vomited vigorously in front of it.


A strange mouthful of flaming spittle was sprayed out like this, and shot straight into the grass.

Lu Chen and Yuluan were surprised when suddenly, in the jungle, two green monsters rushed out. These two monsters also dragged a long tail behind them, which looked very much like a crocodile.

Where does this seem to be seen?

Lu Chen quickly recalled in his mind, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind. Suddenly, Lu Chen's hair stood on end, and a huge chill flashed in his heart.

This is a wild crocodile!

The wild crocodile is a magical beast that has been extinct tens of thousands of years ago!

An amphibious beast, carnivorous and brutal.At birth, there is a level of demon king, and the talent is to spray ice.At the beginning, it was because the armor of this reckless crocodile was really suitable for refining magic weapon armor, and because of their cruel temperament, they were too easy to hurt people and demons, so the ancient powers joined forces and cut off the pursuit.

Unexpectedly, this kind of thing would appear in the classic tomb?

And the deer with wings, Lu Chen also remembered.

It is also recorded in classical books that her name is Lu Yu, she likes darkness, eats magic grass, has a gentle and pleasing temperament, is gifted with the ability to spray magic fire, and was born in the realm of a demon king.It is precisely because this kind of monster is too close to people and has a gentle temper. It was once domesticated and driven by the monsters. Later, in a great war, unfortunately, it almost became extinct.

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This guy actually appeared in the classical tomb?

Lu Chen's sleeve was pulled by Yu Luan, and he immediately felt a chill.

That terrifying wild crocodile is staring at this side with a pair of giant eyes!

This crocodile was born in the realm of a demon king, and now that he is so big, can he be a demon king or a realm of transcending tribulation?

Now here, the realm is suppressed, and you can't fly

Lu Chen was dripping with cold sweat at that time, and whispered to Yu Luan, "It's the wild crocodile."

Yuluan paused, she had heard of this rare monster before.But, why did it appear here?In a tomb?

After Lu Chen finished speaking, the monster seemed to hear something, and suddenly woke up. At the same time, the skin on its back trembled, and the space trembled for it. A big monster had already landed in front of their eyes.

When the two of them took a look at it, they felt startled. This is a reckless crocodile with a great consummation of the Demon King!

Now, its two huge eyes are staring at the two of them!


Before Lu Chen and Yu Luan started to fight back, Lu Yu from behind also jumped over. Standing in front of Lu Chen and Yu Luan, he spit a mouthful of magic fire directly at the Manghuang crocodile.

The wild crocodile raised its huge head, and then exhaled icy breath to meet the devil fire ball.

Both Lu Chen and Yuluan stood, and their bodies began to move the magic energy quietly.

Lu Chen was also about to take out both the magic weapon and the talisman. In the end, this Lu Yu was really as recorded in the book. It first looked at Lu Chen and Yuluan curiously, then raised its head and turned around, like a protection Ordinary, standing in front of them.

This time, it officially confronted that wild crocodile.

Lu Chen: ""

"How is this going?"

Yu Luan was a little puzzled, she didn't know anything about Lu Yu, so she didn't understand what was going on.

"It's okay." Lu Chen said softly, "Lu Yu is a monster with a gentle temperament and a natural liking for people in the records. It seems that it is interested in the two of us and wants to help us. No matter what it is, deal with it now One is one. It seems to be the peak of the Demon King Realm, and it is still a little guy. This wild crocodile monster seems to have the strength of the Great Perfection of the Demon King Realm, and when it is mad, it is also extraordinarily fierce. The two of us help this Lu Yu, let's deal with this guy first."

"How to deal with it?" Yuluan was a little surprised, how could he help when two monsters were fighting.

"The wild crocodile is very weak in intelligence, and the key point is the belly. The two of us attack together, I will first distract it's attention, and then you and the deer will attack when it comes to attack me, look for opportunities to shoot It's critical, anyway, don't challenge it head-on."

Yuluan nodded, looking at Lu Yu who was snorting and spitting with the wild monster, her pretty face turned slightly pale.

This is the magic fire, if she is accidentally injured by Lu Yu, she will be burnt to ashes in an instant, and there will be no demon left.Moreover, she knew about the wild crocodile, the breath it exhaled was no different from Xuanbing, it could freeze everything.If she got caught by that breath, she would also be seriously injured.

Although she usually goes out to hunt for treasures with the people from Shaking Sky Auction, and has experienced all kinds of life and death, but she has never experienced this kind of death that may not even be left behind if she is not careful. .

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Lu Chen comforted with a smile.

"Hmm." Yuluan gritted his silver teeth lightly, grasped his jade hand, and a short eighth-rank low-level magic weapon dagger slipped from his palm.To deal with this wild crocodile, a soft sword will not work.

"here we go."

With a soft drink, Lu Chen's body circulated the magic energy to the extreme, leaving afterimages in his figure, and rushed to the side of the wild crocodile monster.


As soon as Lu Chen appeared, the wild crocodile monster projected its green eyeballs and roared.

All I saw was that it let out a breath of icy air at Lu Yu, and then its tail spun 360 degrees, unable to get close.At the same time, it opened its bloody mouth wide, and spit out a breath of cold air at Lu Chen.


Lu Chen had been prepared for a long time, and at this moment, he also attached the fire of law to his body, just like fighting against the people in Qisha Pavilion that day, burning on the surface of his body.

Compared with the magic fire, although it is not so powerful against non-evil people, demons, and beasts, it should not be underestimated.

Lu Yu raised his head and spit out a mouthful of magic fire, aiming at the tail of the wild crocodile.

The Manghuang crocodile flicked its tail to avoid it, and then directly took the steps of shaking the earth, like a green shadow, rushing towards the dust storm Lu as fast as thunder.

This is, Yu Luan on the other side held a sharp short sword, wrapped in the magic element, and hit it fiercely on the tail that it threw, which made it stop immediately.

Green eyes looked at the slender woman who appeared, the reckless crocodile, and rushed over with a roar.

Lu Chen stared at the wild crocodile monster that was facing Yu Luan, not only did not panic, but a touch of excitement flashed across his eyes. He stomped the sole of his foot, flew straight out, and slid close to the ground. .

The strong wind whipped up dead leaves all over the ground, and at the moment when the wild crocodile was about to hit Yuluan, Lu Chen jumped up from the ground violently, holding his right hand, a sharp black sword slipped from his palm, a faint blue color The magic element quickly wound up.

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