Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2865 Miscellaneous

Lu Chen nodded: "Where is he now?"

Cai'er said: "He is locked in a deep sea by me now."

"That's the problem." Lu Chen said, "In my opinion, he also needs to have a formal closed place, otherwise every time a guy is locked in, it will take up one of my precious places, which is really troublesome."

"Master, what do you mean?"

"Haha, I think your master is saying that a prison is going to be built now."

Lu Chen nodded: "That's exactly what I mean."

At the moment, Lu Chen stepped directly on his feet and flew into the air: "Then let's go and look around and choose a good place. Let's make a home and give them a home."


Lu Chen took Caier and Zhu Wu to fly around, listening to Caier's introduction of the characteristics of each place.

"God's Mountain came out to the west. Although the other directions seem to have changed recently, but the specifics, even me, the guardian demon, can't sense it."

Looking at Zhu Wu beside him, Lu Chen suddenly had a flash of inspiration and said, "Let's go to the south first."


Lu Chen said: "Since I am the master of the world, and I have some connection with the will of heaven in this world, then many times what I encounter is not a whim, there must be a reason. For example, Brother Zhu Wu, represented by Suzaku The direction is south, so I thought, could it be that Suzaku can live in the south?"


"Yo, I didn't think of this. Brother, are you going to invite me to be one of the demon gods in Lingtian World?"

Zhu Wu looked at Lu Chen, with a flash of excitement in his eyes.Lu Chen is the master of Lingtian World. If he invites him to be the guardian demon, he will definitely be recognized by the will of heaven, and if he turns to practice here, he will have great benefits.

Lu Chen smiled and said: "Yes, it is also a blessing for Lingtian World to live and recuperate in Lingtian World. If your Suzaku World hadn't merged in, Lingtian World wouldn't have known what would have happened. Now, just trouble You helped me guard this world together. When I ascend to the upper realm, if you want to go out, I will let you go out."

While speaking, several people had teleported to the southernmost edge of this continent, but their whole bodies suddenly became hot, as if they were in a furnace.

Here is a basin emitting white smoke, and there are hills and hills in the basin. It seems that there are tongues of red flames emerging from the mountains from time to time, smoky and steaming.

Suzaku was a little stunned: "I don't know, when did such a boundary come into being here?"

Lu Chen frowned, and immediately raised the clouds, closed his eyes, communicated with the world with his heart, and carefully observed this place.

However, under the smog here, there is a fiery red mountain.The mountain is more than 300 kilometers long, the widest part is more than 20 kilometers, the altitude is about 300 meters, and the highest is about 900 meters high.Not a single blade of grass grows in the mountains, and the birds disappear.Lu Chen observed carefully, and he could see that the sandstone here was shining brightly, and the hot air flow was constantly rolling up, like a raging flame, and the tongue of fire touched the sky.

Lu Chen probably knew it in his heart, and he became more and more happy.He opened his eyes, flew to Suzaku and asked, "Brother, is there a place like this in your Suzaku world?"

Suzaku was stunned, and said: "There is, it is my sacred mountain. I named it Queshan, and it is the residence created for me in Suzaku's world."

"Haha, that's it!" Lu Chen said happily, "It seems that everything is doomed long ago. This Lingtian world was formed thanks to the help of your big brother, your Suzaku world. The two worlds merged into one and regenerated. It is also where Suzaku Mountain is preserved. Here, it seems that Brother Suzaku, who is the king of Vulcan, should be in charge."

"How do you live in a place like this?" Cai'er was still a little puzzled, "I think the flames here are extraordinary, and even I, a guardian demon, can't bear it. Brother Suzaku is now the body of a demon soul, and I am most afraid of this kind of flame." It’s on fire. I’m afraid Big Brother Suzaku can’t live here now, right?”

"Cai'er, why are you so confused." Zhu Wu laughed, "Since I can trigger this place even in the state of my demon soul, the recovery speed of my demon soul is three times that of other places."

Lu Chen nodded, and immediately waved his hand: "Brother, just wait for me to build a satisfactory palace for you!"

Because Lu Chen is the master of the world, Lingtian World naturally has everything he says about Lu Chen.Immediately, the entire place burning with flames began to form according to Chase Lu's will.

All it takes is for Chase Lu to simulate the shape inside and outside the palace in his mind, and soon, the sandstone will automatically melt, temper, and fuse into exquisite red bricks like magic crystals, and then they will be automatically stacked on the highest peak in less than an hour. , the glittering and translucent palace exuding scorching heat was actually built on the mountain peak!

Lu Chen waved away the billowing white smoke, and flew to the palace with Zhu Wu and Cai'er.


Cai'er was a little amazed, this hall was not only majestic and majestic, but even the place where Little Suzaku played had an existence covering an area of ​​eighty miles, and even the slides and swings were made of red spar. It can be described as meticulous!

Suzaku was also very amazed and shocked, he had never seen a person with such care for himself and his children.He was even more grateful to Chase Lu in his heart.

With a flash of inspiration in his mind, Suzaku asked: "Brother, can I add a magic prison here to detain those people?"


Lu Chen's eyebrows twitched, this is a good place.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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One Sword Sovereign

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Apart from the fact that the flames here were harmless to Suzaku and herself, even Cai'er couldn't bear it.

If that group of people were imprisoned, it would have the effect of suppressing and controlling their strength.

So Lu Chen nodded: "Okay then, build a magic prison next to the main peak."

Immediately after the words were spoken, countless rocks began to automatically land on Lu Chen's fantasy to create a magic prison.

However, the magic prison this time is very strange, it is actually just a room with five small circles inside a circle.

Lu Chen teleported directly into the magic prison, and used his own materials to arrange the magic circle in the center of the magic prison and in each room one by one.

Finally, Chase Lu arranged various magic circles, large and small, on the outermost side, and set the rules here.

"Master, what's the name of this place?"

Cai'er looked at Lu Chen's layout around, a sacred mountain, which would soon be visible to the naked eye, and asked immediately.

Lu Chen said: "Let's call it Queshan."

"Queshan?" Zhu Wu was a little surprised, "No need, after I slowly recover, a small world will still be born slowly. I will keep this name for myself."

"Okay." Lu Chen nodded: "Then it's called, Guardian Mountain, how about it?"

"it is good."

After finalizing the matter here, Lu Chen asked Cai'er to bring Xuan Yu and Xue Chi over.

Then he brought the Demon Tiger King and Little Suzaku over, and the Demon Tiger King was unwilling to step into the Dharma Protector Mountain no matter what he said: "Boss, the fire here is really too strong, I won't go."

In the end, Chase Lu had no choice but to send Little Suzaku into the palace, let their father and son arrange their new palace inside, and then took the Devil Tiger King to the middle of Lingtian World.

"This place is called Zhongyue Mountain." Looking at the towering mountain surrounded by demonic energy, Lu Chen named it casually, and then personally arranged various formations for the mountain.

He said to the Devil Tiger King: "Here, now you are here to be the mountain guard monster and help me protect Cai'er. When you are stronger, I will build another mountain for you, and then let other monsters come in. You You are still the king, responsible for helping me teach them."

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Mohu was very excited when he saw Zhongyue Mountain, which was beautiful in Zhong Yun.

It originally thought that being a little Demon Tiger King in the Demonic Beast Forest would be great, but it never thought it would have the opportunity to open up a mountain in this new world.When Chase Lu's strength improves further in the future, he will simply fly into the sky in one step!

Lu Chen nodded, and said to Cai'er through the will of the world: "You come to the Devil Tiger King. I have set up restrictions on this place. From now on, you are the owner of this place. As for the palace, I don't know. What do you like, you can arrange it yourself when you come later.”

Lu Chen just used the world's laws to build a palace in the Guardian Mountain, also to try his ability in the Lingtian world.By the way, let Zhu Wu experience his own abilities in a disguised form, lest he have any wrong thoughts.After all, Lu Chen's tens of thousands of years of experience told him that people will change, and people have to believe it, and they have to guard against it.

As for Cai'er, after all, she was born and raised together with Lingtian World, and he could destroy her with a single thought, so there's really no need to be too guarded.

After Lu Chen had arranged the place, he immediately had a thought and returned to his own sacred mountain.


There was a burst of thunder in the sky, as if Shenshan welcomed Lu Chen back.

Lu Chen smiled, stepped directly into the cave, and entered the small world in the cave.

Here, it is still peaceful, with a strong demonic energy, which makes people feel at ease.

Lu Chen walked up to Fenmo in a few steps, took him into his body with a thought, and then meditated on the lotus seat by himself.

After five days, Lu Chen slowly opened his eyes.


Slowly exhaling a foul breath, Lu Chen checked his cultivation with satisfaction.

These days, there are sub-monsters who are cultivating here day and night, and Lu Chen's current cultivation is actually faintly about to break through the realm of the demon king!

However, this is not a good place to break through the realm, let alone the time.

There are also many differences in breaking through the realm of the devil king. If many people are not prepared and cannot transform the artistic conception into domain control in one fell swoop, even if they have broken through the realm of the devil king, they cannot be regarded as very successful.

Only with the cooperation of the domain can one safely survive the three calamities when breaking through the realm of the devil king.This is a complementary effect, and it is also a symbol of the realm of a demon king!

Lu Chen smiled. After this series of things, he deliberately stayed in Lingtian World for a few days before his whole heart settled down.Now is the best time for him to officially set out to find the classical tomb.

Lu Chen had a hunch that this time, he would succeed.

But before leaving, Chase Lu took out the token key and prepared to study it. It is not easy to take out this thing casually outside.

Staring at the palm-sized golden token, Lu Chen muttered a little, could this kind of thing really only have the function of opening the tomb?Isn't there a map or something engraved on it?

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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