Disappearing with Lu Chen, apart from the Xie clansman, there is also a formation enchantment that has never been dissipated!

Everyone was stunned for a moment, staring blankly at the empty sky for a while before someone asked, "What's going on?"

"My God, he won't be the same as before, and went to a duel with that evil clansman somewhere alone?"

"Impossible! With him like that, how can he deal with an existence at the small peak of Transcending Tribulation Realm? Ten him, even a hundred him can't handle it!"

"That's true! I'm afraid this man named Lu Chen is willing to take the initiative to lure the demons away to die in order to repay our life-saving grace?"


Everyone was discussing behind him, but the old man was silent, his eyes were shining brightly.He knew that this young man named Lu Chen might really have the ability to defeat the evil people in one fell swoop.

No matter how amazing or unbelievable the conjecture is, that's what he thinks.Not only his intuition, but also his judgment after observing Lu Chen.

"Elder, where are we going now?"

After discussing for a long time, someone finally came to ask this question.

The old man raised his eyebrows and said lightly: "Renovate in situ."

"Oh, okay. Restoration in place?"

Everyone was a little surprised. They couldn't stay where they were if they wanted to rest. Wouldn't it be good to go back to the camp?You have to report to the higher-ups about your encounter with the evil clansman!

not to mention

Shouldn't the biggest problem now be to find the whereabouts of the classical tomb in time?It has been delayed for so long!

The old man nodded: "Renovate in situ."

He didn't explain too much, but he was determined to stop here for a while, because that Chase Lu was likely to appear from where he was, and making friends with Chase Lu was also very important.Even making friends with Lu Chen can be compared to the matter of looking for the classical tomb in the heart of the old man.

Lu Chen didn't know that the old man had such a strong sense of judgment. Not only could he see his own ability, but he could also guess that he would appear on the spot.

Right now, he is busy with experiments.

He had guessed before, and judged that the golden light of merit was not as threatening to the evil people as it was to the monsters.After all, when the Yaozu encountered this golden light of merit, it was like throwing ice into a boiling water pot, and they had almost no resistance.

But this evil race seems to be in pain, and the reduction of the demon energy is not very strong.

So just now he threw the black horned evil clansman in, and began to slowly confirm his conjecture.

First, I simply used the golden light of merit and virtue to try it on the Xie tribe, and then tried it with the fire of the law of the demon-slaying Dafa and the law of thunder and lightning. restraining effect.However, their evil power and breath will be reduced, and the energy of demons will also be reduced, but they are not very affected.

How should I put it, simply using the golden light of merit to beat the evil clan is like reaching out to beat a person. To a certain extent, you can beat him half to death, but you can't completely kill him.After their evil and evil spirits are purified to a certain extent, the remaining power is the same as that of ordinary demons, and the golden light of merit cannot dissolve it.

However, Lu Chen smiled. After all, the ancestors were superior in their skills and created the Dafa of Slaying Demons.The power of this demon-slaying method lies in the fact that the flames and lightning can not only eliminate evil spirits, but also be used in actual combat. For the remaining pure power of the evil race, Lu Chen can directly use the law of flame or law of thunder and lightning. It's better to use Mo Moyuan Quan, it can be directly confronted.


Another thunderbolt flashed across the black horn, and he couldn't help but scream out in pain.As far as he is concerned, besides directly tearing up his physical body, this thunder and lightning with the laws of heaven will infiltrate his body with an indescribable force, wandering around in his body, searching for evil power everywhere, Slowly peel off and dissolve these evil powers that have long been fused with his demon soul, demon essence, and physical body!It's the same as peeling a cramp!

Looking at this scene, Lu Chen had a new judgment on the use of the power of thunder and lightning.

"Lu Chen!"

In the distance, a figure rushed over like a shooting star.

Lu Chen asked without turning his head: "Brother Zhu, are you awake?"

Zhu Wu rushed over excitedly and said, "Yes! I woke up earlier and sensed that you came back, but I don't know exactly where you are. It was Cai'er who told me your location, and I rushed over here. This Ling Skyworld is running better and better now, and the place is getting bigger and bigger! Haha"

After Zhu Wu finished speaking, he saw the Xie Clan man humming like a half-dead man under Lu Chen's feet, and immediately asked, "Why is there another Xie Clan guy? Didn't you just catch one?"

Lu Chen shook his head: "I don't think so either. Aren't these guys trying to chase me down? I have to ask. By the way, why hasn't Caier come here yet? How is she doing?"

Zhu Wudao: "It seems like we're about to finish the job, I guess I'll come over later. Bah, I'll be angry when I see their demonic aura, whether they're human or not, and I'll ask you!"

Lu Chen looked at Zhu Wu's increasingly solid soul body, and was also happy in his heart. He nodded and said, "Okay, I guess you've been bored here recently."

Seeing Lu Chen nodding, Zhu Wu directly made a complicated handprint, and then Lu Chen saw a red flame similar to the fire of law popping out from Suzaku's hands, and jumped directly onto the evil clansman.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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When the Xie clansman, who was already covered in bruises and bruises, encountered the flame, he uttered a more miserable cry than before, and was completely engulfed by the red flame!

"Brother, what kind of flame are you?"

Lu Chen was a little surprised.

Zhu Wu laughed and said embarrassedly: "The fire of the Suzaku is just the fire of the main body. I also recovered a lot of soul and body, and I only recovered with this method."

"Brother Zhu, you are too modest!" Cai'er just arrived, just in time to hear this sentence, and hurriedly said: "Suzaku is the ancient god of fire, and Suzaku's fire is naturally the king of all fires. Not only does it contain the power of heaven and earth, There is also the power of law, the power of all beings."

Chase Lu nodded, no wonder he felt that the red flame was extremely terrifying.

"Cai'er, what did you ask about that one just now?"

"Master, the evil clansman just now is named Xue Qi. He was also sent by the Qisha Pavilion. I heard that he was an elite who was transferred after the failure of the last mission. Their goal this time is to kill you, Master. So that we can get news about the commission and the Ksitigarbha Institute, especially the news about the Ksitigarbha Institute, which is very important to the Qisha Pavilion."

"Also, as far as Xue Chi knows now, the most powerful person in the Seven Killing Pavilion is their pavilion master. It seems to be in the small and perfect realm of Transcending Tribulation Realm. He has been planning to ascend to the upper realm, and it seems that he has been planning To overthrow the forces of the four realms, as for the specific purpose, that Xue Qi doesn't know."

Lu Chen nodded, no wonder the killer was so powerful this time.It turned out that he had already made up his mind to kill, and it seemed that the next time he came, he would only be more ferocious.

Lu Chen could even foresee that maybe the one who will come next time might be the so-called strongest one, the Pavilion Master.

Looking at the evil clan howling in pain in the flames, Chase Lu shook his head and said: "Since this so-called leader only knows so much, I'm afraid this guy doesn't know much. There's no need to keep it. "

Seeing what Lu Chen said, Zhu Wu nodded immediately, and the flames rose suddenly, directly burning the evil clansman to death.

Seeing that the evil clansman disappeared without a single hum, Lu Chen asked, "I don't know how Brother Zhu Wu is recovering now?"

"I have recovered three-fifths of it now, but if I want to fully recover, and then restore my physical body, that day is still a long time away."

Lu Chen nodded: "Brother, if you need any other magic weapon to help restore the demon soul or body, but just say it, after I go back, I will try my best to help you prepare."

Suzaku said: "I don't need it for the time being. When the world of Lingtian is growing, both the magic energy and the spiritual energy are quite sufficient, which is just right for me. If you have this idea, you should remind me. Why don't you encounter something? Spiritual magical beasts and magical plants can be put in. Putting the magical plants in can not only preserve its freshness, but also allow it to continue to grow, and also promote the growth of Lingtian World. And it is stored here, It may be of great use to you in the future."

"As for the monsters, now, Xiaotian and your Demon Tiger King are playing together every day, which has also improved a lot of cultivation. I won't talk about Xiaotian, the Demon Tiger King is also a good opponent for you in future battles and so on. helper."

Lu Chen nodded, this is a good idea.

"By the way, Cai'er said back then that there was another surprise for me. What was it?"

When Cai'er heard Lu Chen's question, she immediately smiled softly: "Master, you don't know, this Demon Tiger King has now been promoted to the first level of Tribulation Transcending Realm!"

"First level of Transcending Tribulation Realm?" Lu Chen was also very surprised, "This guy has improved so fast?"

"That's right!" Cai'er laughed, "The world of Lingtian is full of demonic energy right now, it's very suitable for cultivation! Master, you should come back often! I have monitored that many places in Lingtian world are changing now, There are also many rare and rare demon plants to be cultivated. Master, I have an idea, do you want to build a demon temple? It can also be used for you to live in when you come back."

Hearing Cai'er's words, Lu Chen was stunned for a moment.

It was only then that he remembered that he was usually too busy, and he had somewhat neglected the things in Ling Tian's world.It seems that he is really not competent enough to be the master of this world.

"Alright, let's choose a place together later. After the construction is completed, it will be convenient for you to live in."

Lu Chen wanted to inspect this Lingtian world now, after all, he really hadn't visited for a long time.This Lingtian world is his most important place to save his life, and it is also his strongest trump card, so he still has to manage it carefully.This is also a way to increase your strength.

As for the classical tomb outside, anyway, Chase Lu himself has the token key, even if those people find the classical tomb now, they probably can't go in directly, and he is not in such a hurry at the moment.

Today's chasing incident once again reminded Lu Chen that the most important thing is for him to continuously improve his strength.Only in this way can he cultivate and ascend as quickly as possible, and go back to visit his relatives and friends safely.They are still waiting to go back and save themselves, this is the most important thing.

"Really? Master, would you like to stay for a while and choose a place with us?"

"Yes." Chase Lu nodded, "Not only that, I see that Spirit Race, do you remember?"

"Of course I remember!" Cai'er laughed, "I'm on guard every day!"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

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Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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