It takes time to study anything. Obviously, it is not the time for Chase Lu to study key tokens.

Therefore, he wasted half a day, but got nothing.

In the end, he had no choice but to release the demon on the lotus seat, and left the Lingtian world by himself, ready to continue searching for the classical tomb.

It has to be said that he came out just in time.If he didn't study the key token, but came out directly, he would definitely meet the talisman alliance group who were guarding him here before.

When he came out, it happened that the people here had been gone for a long time.

The moonlight is as cool as water, and the world is like ink painting.

Looking at the forest that had been messed up by their fights, Lu Chen couldn't help feeling a little bit embarrassed.

"If I don't have Lingtian World this time, I will definitely die here."

However, the emotion is the emotion, or the most important thing is to hurry.Lu Chen didn't delay anything, glanced here, and continued walking towards the forest in the direction he remembered.This time he didn't need to fly. After all, the best way to find things is to go deep into the forest quietly. If he flies in the sky, he will definitely become the target of all major forces.

From the climax of the moon to the dawn, Lu Chen had already reached the depths of the forest.

He paused, looked around the surrounding environment, and just about to go deeper, his brows frowned slightly, and his eyes looked to the far right.

Why does it sound like there is a fight there?

Lu Chen twitched his eyebrows, hesitated for a moment, then quickened his pace towards that side, and decided to go and have a look.

It's not that he's a bad guy, after all, he was rescued by people from the Fulu Alliance. It would be great if he could help someone or make a fortune this time.

The dark bushes are filled with the smell of dead branches and rotting leaves, thick roots are covered under the feet, and the sharp barbed thorns leave shallow marks on Lu Chen's body from time to time. These are just some insignificant small stings, for Lu Chen Chen didn't feel much, and he quickly approached the place where the abnormal noise was coming from.

"Who are you? What kind of enmity do you have with us? Why did you come to sneak attack in the middle of the night!"

This is a dark forest where the sky cannot be seen, surrounded by giant trees reaching into the sky.

In the dense forest, dozens of people gathered together, and the leader was a beautiful woman with picturesque features, who was also an acquaintance Lu Chen knew - Yuluan.

Broken tents and kicked messy fires that had already been extinguished were scattered around in the forest.

At this time, Yuluan's usually pretty face was full of gloom, and the group of men behind him looked at the dozens of figures in front with livid colors. There, their figures were leaning lazily against the tree trunk. There was a playful look in his eyes.

A group of people here, wearing red and black patterned clothes, exudes the aura of about the fifth floor of Transcendence Tribulation Realm, and the unusual cruelty and evilness inadvertently revealed between their brows, which is enough to make Yuluan and the others afraid.

"Who? Hehe, everyone now knows that the news about the Tomb of Classics was first known to you at the Shaking Sky Auction House! Tell me everything you know, and I will spare you!"

A young man with long fangs smiled and looked at these people in front of him, inadvertently revealed a red scimitar mark on his wrist, and said with a snort.

The moonlight shines through the leaves in the forest, Yu Luan saw the mark on the young man's wrist with sharp eyes, and his pupils shrank suddenly, it turned out to be them!

"Haha, I forgot, there is also a famous Yuluan beauty here, so how about it! You should tell everything you know obediently, and then let Yuluan accompany us for a day. As long as you are obedient, I can forget the past, forgive you One life, how about it?" The young man saw Yu Luan's eyes looking over, and noticed her face that eclipsed even the stars in the night, and immediately looked at her with a squinting expression and said.

"Don't think about it!"

After that laughing and obscene voice, Yuluan's cold voice resounded indifferently but firmly in this world, and the strong anger and disgust were obviously suppressed in that voice.

"Hey, beauty Yuluan, don't get angry like this. Since you don't drink fine wine for toasting, then I can only catch you." The young man laughed wildly, "Catch them, except beauty Yuluan! Killed as food for monsters."

"How dare you!" Yu Luan's icy pretty face was full of anger, "Do you think that no one will know that you are the lackeys of Qisha Pavilion!"

Behind the young man, there was someone with a playful smile, showing coveted eyes, sweeping over Yu Luan's beautiful face and plump and exquisite body.Some of them laughed and said: "Yo, you can see this, you are indeed the famous Yuluan beauty!"

"Hahaha, so what if you see it? That only means that you can't go back alive!"

"Just because you rookies in the realm of demon kings want to compete with our brothers? You can die easier if you say it, why bother with us?"

Yu Luan said: "You are just lackeys of the evil clan in the Qisha Pavilion, even the people in the Black Territory look down on you, and you dare to intercept us today! Let me tell you, even if you die at your hands today, don't even think about it." Know half a word!"


A man stood up behind Yuluan, his name was Long Jun, he had always been one of Yuluan's admirers, and he was also a noble son of Dongjing.

"Why do you bother to push each other so hard? All we know is that there is an ancient tomb in the forest. As for the others, we don't know. Before it's too late, you should look for it quickly, lest Get ahead of others."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Long Jun said: "Since the loss hasn't happened yet, let's just treat it as if it never happened. You go your way, we go ours, don't hold grudges against each other."

Long Jun looked at these people, although he wished to kill all these disgusting guys in front of him, but he also understood that these people would not get the slightest benefit from these five-level masters of the Tribulation Realm. So I can only try my best to persuade.


This group of people hugged their stomachs and laughed so hard.

"Oh, I'm going, did I hear it wrong? You are such a naive son! You all know who we are, will we let you live?"

"Hahaha, if you kill you, there will be fewer people who will compete with us for the tomb of classics!"

The young man in the front is more suitable for grinning. His white teeth are like monsters, which makes people feel chills: "Don't worry, although we are the henchmen of the evil clan, we are not the evil clan after all, aren't we? We kill people very gently. As long as you are obedient and cooperate, I promise, you will die happily and not suffer!"


Long Jun couldn't help but get angry, and the magic energy circulated between his palms.

"You want to fight? You fight with me, believe it or not, I'll kill you in seconds?" The purple-robed youth glanced at Long Jun, but smiled coldly, with a ferocious smile.

Seeing the young man's dark gaze, Long Jun felt chills in his heart. The latter's aura and cultivation were really beyond his comparability, and those companions behind this guy were all even more ferocious.

Long Jun's eyes flickered, and he looked at Yuluan and the others behind him. After a while, he finally let go of his tightly clenched hands, and said with a wry smile: "You are working with the evil clan only for money and resources. My family It’s the nobles of Dongjing, and we don’t know you anyway. I can promise how much money and magic weapons you want, and I will send them to you at that time. According to your method, how about ensuring safety?”

"Haha, this is the only way to negotiate."

Seeing Long Jun and the others give up resistance, the young man smiled in satisfaction, but the corner of his mouth was full of sarcasm.It turns out that Dongjing No. [-] Auction House is just people who are greedy for life and afraid of death.

"However, discussion is a matter of discussion, if you don't tell the truth, you still can't solve this matter properly!" The young man laughed mockingly, "I see, there are many good things in the magic ring and magic bag you carry around now, right? Then maybe, there is no need for your family to work hard to send things over?"


These people are playing them!

Long Jun's heart tightened, after hearing this, it seemed that he couldn't be kinder anymore.

His face darkened, and he asked in a cold voice, "Are you planning to save us?"

Yuluan also said again: "If that's the case, I will do my best to die with you!"

The young man and everyone behind him stared at Yuluan and the others jokingly, and said with a smile: "It seems that today is a good day for our buddies! The beauty must take the initiative to dedicate herself, hahaha"

The young man looked at Yuluan with a grin, almost drooling, and said lightly, "Don't be annoyed, it's not that you insist on recognizing us, otherwise, we would spare your life no matter what, give us Be a wife for a few more years! Hahaha"

"Get out!" Yuluan looked at the young man with a pretty face and a cold face, and the magic yuan in his hand slowly moved.

Long Jun also took out his magic weapon and began to circulate the magic energy in his whole body.

The rest of the people following behind Yuluan.He also began to pose for battle.

Seeing this, the smile on the young man's face finally subsided a little. He stared at Yuluan and the others expressionlessly, and said, "You have given up your only chance to die. Next, I will let you beg die!"

"You talk too much."

Seeing that there was no room, Long Jun immediately stepped down, and aimed a long spear at the crowd, shooting away like a shooting star.

"Okay!" The smile on the corner of the young man's mouth gradually became a little ferocious: "Don't keep your hands, except Yuluan, I will torture everyone to death."

"As long as there is the sign language Luan from Shaking Sky Auction, I believe that we will get any news. These trash, all go to death!"


The young man landed with a sound, and behind him a group of subordinates exuding a cold air shot together.

The battle between the two sides broke out in an instant!

"Haha" The young man looked at Yuluan who was the only one who didn't make a move, with a trace of ambiguity on his face, "You, leave it to me."

The young man looked at Yuluan, his body moved suddenly, and a fluffy black leopard tail swung out from behind him.He began to circulate the magic energy in his hand to infuse it on his magic knife, but his tail quietly followed the ground like a vine, and walked towards Yuluan.

Yuluan looked at this young man coldly, as if a queen with a phoenix on the world, ruthless and ruthless!

A terrifying storm of demonic energy suddenly erupted from Yuluan's body.

The big tree behind where she was standing was directly under the terrible fluctuation of the magic element, and the tree body gradually collapsed, and huge cracks spread.Yuluan is only at the third level of the demon king, but he actually has the coercion of the eighth level of the tribulation realm!

Then, all the pressure from Yuluan's body rushed towards the young man, trying to suppress him.

The young man looked at Yuluan like this, and there was a hint of amusement in his eyes, okay, interesting.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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