Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2845 Evil Race Killer

The sun shines into the courtyard with lush branches, forming beams of light. In the beams, tiny spots of light dance with it, making the entire courtyard appear extremely transparent.

Lu Chen stretched and got down from the lotus seat.

That's it, I can't push too hard recently.

After making a thorough decision, Lu Chen also took some time off, chatting with Shen Wan'er every day, making a lot of tricks, and living a leisurely life.

And Lu Chen's cultivation base at this time is still at the peak of the Demon Phase Realm. However, he is not in a hurry. With the experience of the last breakthrough, he knows that only under great pressure can he break through easily, or he can only rely on slowness to break through. It is possible to break through the accumulation.

Neither of these two methods can be completed in a short time, so Lu Chen let the flow take its course and didn't bother to think about it.

In the early morning, Lu Chen ate some breakfast and ran out of the academy in a hurry. Today he made an appointment with Shen Waner to go for a walk in the city together. Leaving the academy, to her compensation.

Walking to the street, seeing the flow of people like water, Lu Chen took a deep breath, Buluocheng is indeed beautiful and prosperous, but he is not the original Lu Chen here, so he is destined not to stay here for too long!

He had just walked to the entrance of the college, and he was still surprised to see no one.

"Lu Chen!" Suddenly, a pleasant voice came from behind Lu Chen, and Lu Chen didn't need to turn his head to know that it was Shen Wan'er who had arrived.

Lu Chen turned around and saw that Shen Wan'er was wearing a pure white long dress. She looked like a blooming lotus flower, pure and charming.

"Let's go!" Lu Chen smiled. Today, their destination is to go around the city first, and then go to the grassland on the outskirts of Buluo City, where the scenery is beautiful and very comfortable.

Shen Wan'er nodded, and walked side by side with Lu Chen. She hadn't been so happy shopping in Buluocheng for a long time.

Passing by some food shops, Chase Lu will go up to buy some. It’s okay to have nothing to eat when you go outing later!

"Brother Lu Chen, why do you like to find me now?" Shen Wan'er asked curiously.

Lu Chen looked at Shen Wan'er's big bright eyes, and felt that they were extremely beautiful.Moreover, the more you look at it, the more familiar it becomes.

After these few days of getting along, that familiar but unfamiliar name was pressed down in his heart, and he wanted to say it but couldn't.

So, Shen Wan'er saw Lu Chen forbearingly glanced at her with familiar eyes, helpless, painful and unspeakable melancholy, which made people feel heartbroken.

"Wan'er, I don't like you that much." Lu Chen said seriously, "To me, you are more like a little sister, you know? You are as kind as my own sister."

Shen Wan'er blinked her eyes: "If you like it, you like it, if you don't like it, you don't like it, I can feel it."

"One day, I will make you fall in love with me." Shen Wan'er giggled, like the most beautiful beauty in time.

Lu Chen was a little helpless, but he didn't explain, and talked about other things instead.

The two talked and laughed, and finally carried a few full bags and walked out of the city. However, they didn't notice that behind them, a pair of vicious eyes were staring at them for a long time.

When they came to the suburbs, Lu Chen and Shen Wan'er sat on the ground, looking at the vast lawn, they were in a good mood.

"Come on, drink some water!" Lu Chen took out a water bottle and handed it to Shen Wan'er.

Shen Wan'er took the kettle, feeling a little warm in her heart. Lu Chen was very considerate and didn't let herself carry things, and handed herself water. Although these were small things, in her heart, she was very comfortable.

"When are you going to the forest?" Shen Wan'er took a sip of water, put the water bottle beside her, and asked with a smile.

"I discussed it with the dean and the teacher, and it is estimated that it will take 20 days!"

Lu Chen thought it over clearly, and he must make his strength stronger as soon as possible.

Only in this way can we better deal with the things in the classical tomb. I vaguely remember that there is a woman who went to the trial ground with me, but in the end, I almost killed myself to protect her ancestor's tomb.

There is an obsession in Lu Chen's heart. To enter any secret realm, trial ground, or tomb, one must have strength, stronger strength.

He was careless before, but he was almost killed by that Jiang He in the forest.

Now, no matter what, he has to buy time to improve his strength.

Starting tomorrow, he will retreat to refine magic weapons, formations and talismans.

These are also great guarantees in times of crisis.

By the way, he seems to have given Shen Wan'er's fan to Zhuqing, and it's hard to get it back now, so he can only refine one.

"Okay!" Shen Wan'er smiled and said, "I must go with Brother Lu Chen."

"By the way, Brother Lu Chen, you recently competed with me, how do you feel?"

Recently, the two have often competed in the yard and the back mountain. Lu Chen was also tossed by this girl's endless skills. Of course, he also learned a lot from it.

Lu Chen said: "Of course I have benefited a lot."

This is true. During the competition with Shen Wan'er, he suddenly remembered that all things have a predestined relationship. Human race's strongest is thinking, which is faintly more active and powerful than other races.

It's not that Lu Chen is bragging, but he found that compared with Shen Wan'er, the time to comprehend something is always faster.very subtle feeling

Moreover, the way of heaven seems to be closer to the human race?This was vaguely sensed by Lu Chen, but it was not very clear. After all, there is something wrong with the way of heaven here.

Having said that, this is the advantage of the human race.

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long night fire

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Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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It's as if I can use my brain to defeat enemies that are countless times stronger than myself one after another.

If this kind of advantage is used innovatively, the advantage will be great.

He is now more at home in the use of the magic element and the use of the devil soul!

The reason is that she was inspired by Shen Wan'er.

When he has time, he will also look for Yuan Hao and the others. After all, he really wants to find out about Yuan Hao's hidden strength, and the fighting methods and usage of magic elements of other races will definitely allow him to understand the newer magic elements. How to use

"Brother Lu Chen, what are you thinking?"

Seeing Lu Chen answering a word, Shen Wan'er sat in a daze and asked very puzzled.

Lu Chen woke up from his contemplation, and couldn't help but want to slap himself. He agreed to come and play, but he remembered this again.

Lu Chen turned his head and looked at Shen Wan'er, knowing what she was thinking, but he couldn't accept her.It's not because I don't want to be emotional, and it's not because I'm worried about Wang Qimeng, but

"You two have a good relationship!" Just when Lu Chen was about to speak, there were a few gloomy voices behind him.

Lu Chen's heart skipped a beat, and he turned his head immediately. There were more than a dozen men in black who came, each of whom was holding a sharp long knife, exuding a cold murderous intent to cross the tribulation in half a step.

"Half-step killer?"

Lu Chen's eyelids twitched, suddenly there were so many half-step crossing tribulation realms, the demon soul might not be suppressed enough, and he still had to protect Shen Wan'er.

I vaguely felt that these men in black seemed a little weird, too much like the evil race they met in the forest.full of evil breath

Shen Wan'er stood up and stood side by side with Lu Chen.

Lu Chen licked his lips and asked lightly, ""The evil race?"

"Too much talk, do you want to come with me by yourself, or let us do it?" The leader in black danced the long knife in Wu's hand, bringing out bursts of cold light.

Lu Chen and Shen Wan'er looked at each other, and Lu Chen said indifferently: "You are so brave, how dare the evil race show up in the daytime?"

As Lu Chen said, he squinted his eyes, but his mind was spinning rapidly. How can we kill these guys without hurting Shen Wan'er?

"I'll give you three breaths, once the time is over, don't blame us for being rude!" The voice of the leader in black was beyond doubt.

Lu Chen frowned, looked at Shen Wan'er beside him, and found that she was looking at him, there was no hint of fear in her eyes, on the contrary, they were firm!

Lu Chen sighed, knowing that Shen Wan'er did not intend to surrender, did not intend to leave, but planned to face it together with him.

Lu Chen decisively released a thick demon soul in an instant. The powerful demon soul made the half-step crossing the tribulation realm evil race present feel as if they were being targeted by the god of death!

They paused for a moment, then stopped a bit, looking at each other.

"Come on!" The leader gritted his teeth. The reward the man promised was too generous. The internal information of the Dizang Academy plus 80 billion high-grade magic stones

Lu Chen quickly thought about the countermeasures, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and suddenly remembered something.

Mountains and Rivers.

Overweight mountains and rivers, Lu Chen can now change its size at will, it can cover the sky, and it is as small as dust.A super practical brick.

"Go and inform your father, I'll be the queen!" Lu Chen took a deep breath, and finished speaking softly beside Shen Wan'er, his body jumped up suddenly, his fists clenched, and the mountain and river seal suddenly blasted out.

"I don't know how to live or die!" The leader of the man in black snorted coldly, and with a sudden wave of his right hand, the man in black behind him split into two groups, one to kill Lu Chen and the other to chase Shen Wan'er

"Really?" Lu Chen sneered, and the 36-jin mountain and river seal suddenly became seventy to eighty square meters in the air according to Lu Chen's wishes.


Aiming at the group of people chasing Shen Wan'er, Lu Chen slammed down hard, only to hear a loud noise, even Lu Chen and the man in black who was about to make a move almost couldn't stand still.

The man in black turned his head to look, and suddenly his eyes were shattered!

His eight subordinates were all smashed under the magic weapon at once, unable to move!

Lu Chen sneered, and his thoughts controlled the mountains and rivers to rise.

I saw that the eight evil clans were all bruised and seriously injured.

Shanheyin then flew back, ready to hit the man in black here.

The leader of the man in black looked at the huge mountain and river seal, and said decisively: "Scatter! Attack this kid separately!"


With an order, the remaining six men in black all dispersed, and they formed a circle around Chase Lu, and rushed towards Chase Lu like bursting arrows.

Without so many evil people all of a sudden, Lu Chen felt much more relaxed.

He pressed down on them with his thick and majestic demon soul, only to hear a few screams, and blood spilled from the mouths of these men in black for no reason.

Of course, this was not unprovoked, but it was caused by Lu Chen directly targeting their demon souls with the demon soul. The magic pressure was too great for a while, the man in black's demon soul was damaged, and there was a problem with the operation of the exercises.

"Give me death!"

The most difficult thing to deal with was the leader of the man in black. His demon soul seemed to be more than twice as powerful as that of the other men in black, and he didn't have much impact on Lu Chen's suppression of the demon soul.He rushed over to Lu Chen directly, with majestic magic energy and anger.

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Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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