Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2846 Catch the Killer Alive

"You two go over there, catch the living!"

The leader in black swooped over while giving orders, and then, the man in black who attacked Lu Chen immediately left the two

Lu Chen became impatient now, those evil races were all ruthless, Shen Wan'er must not be caught by the man in black, otherwise everything would be over.


The majestic magic yuan exploded violently in this land, and the fierce offensive of the black-clothed leader covered the vital points of Lu Chen's body, and the grass on the ground also exploded into powder all over the ground in an instant.

Lu Chen's body jumped, his fists were continuously swung, and the magic elements gathered on his fists. He squeezed the air with one punch, like a dragon chant, and the air formed a pure white dragon shape between his fists. Although the dragon shape It is not solid, but it contains terrifying power.

The claws of the man in black were like lightning, flashing phantoms in the air. In the blink of an eye, the two came into contact, collided continuously, and the sound of bang bang burst out continuously, like gold and iron clashing.

The two separated in an instant, and stood intently. The leader in black still had claws in his hands, but he didn't dare to move rashly. Although Lu Chen's strength was much smaller than his own, he exuded a huge demonic pressure from his body, which made him His strength was suppressed by nearly half, which made him have to pay attention.

Hearing the voice of the man in black chasing Shen Wan'er over there, Lu Chen looked at the men in black with cold eyes: "You want to die."

Just now, he was worried about Shen Wan'er, and the number of people in black was too many, so it was not easy for the demon soul to be suppressed for a while. Now, he wants all these people to kneel down and beg for mercy!

In Lingtian World, there will be the final burial place of these bastards!

Lu Chen had already thought about this, but the black-clothed leader naturally didn't know. He was still thinking at this moment that Lu Chen must have suffered serious injuries.

Thinking of this, the black-clothed leader took a deep breath, his body shook suddenly, and a fierce aura suddenly erupted, his eyes flickered, "Boy, I will let you see the horror of the Transcending Tribulation Realm"

After finishing speaking, the man in black raised his fists suddenly, and saw that between his fists, a majestic magic element enveloped his fists, which contained terrifying energy, and Lu Chen's white dragon The shape is only formed by condensing the air. Although it also contains a lot of power, it is probably far worse than that of the black-clothed leader.

"Bang bang!"

Lu Chen's eyes were slightly cold, and the magic yuan was running at the fastest speed. He clenched his fists tightly, and punched him with a dodge!


After a loud noise, the leader in black and Chase Lu disappeared in place.

An extremely terrifying force, following the fist, violently rushed to the surroundings, the leaves were flying, and the big tree was shaking.

"Boy, don't be caught obediently!"

The black-clothed leader had a hideous face, staring at Lu Chen closely, with a greedy expression on his face, "If you take the initiative to kneel down, I will save you from suffering!"

"Is it?"

Lu Chen sneered, his aura rose steadily, he looked at the black-clothed leader as if a demon god was alive, and shouted: "It's up to you?"

"If you kowtow to me now, I might be able to give you less pain."

The black-clothed leader only saw that the surrounding environment had changed during Chase Lu's speech. It was not a grass field, but a forest!

How is this going?

How could it be transferred instantly?

The black-clothed leader quickly recovered, his face changed drastically, and he shouted coldly: "You are the first person who dares to talk to me like that, do you know who I am? I am the deputy leader of the evil alliance!"

He stared at Lu Chen, like a poisonous snake that was dispatched at the right time, vicious and vicious.


However, all he got in response was a hard kick.


The leader in black slammed heavily onto a big tree, and then fell down suddenly.

Lu Chen gave him a cold look: "I don't have time to talk to you now!"


"Yes!" Cai'er, who had arrived at the side earlier, fell from mid-air.

The black-clothed leader's pupils shrank when he saw this woman falling from the sky, but he didn't even sense it at all!

"Look at him for me, don't move. I have to clean up myself."

"Yes, Master!"

After explaining the good things to Cai'er, Lu Chen came out of Lingtian World in a flash.

Less than 2 minutes had passed, and a group of men in black were besieging Shen Wan'er.

In addition to the original man in black who was seriously injured by Lu Chen, there are six more who are entangled with Shen Wan'er.

Fortunately, it was Lu Chen who seriously injured their demon souls, otherwise Shen Wan'er would have been defeated even if they were besieged by so many people who had half-stepped through the tribulation realm.

The fierce palms of the six people slammed heavily on the shield of magic essence propped up by Shen Wan'er.

"Ah!" Shen Wan'er was forced by this powerful magic element, her face was as pale as snow.

There were some cracks in the magic element shield, and two of the seventh-grade magic weapons she was carrying were also destroyed.

Now, she couldn't hold it anymore.

"Brother Lu Chen"

Shen Wan'er murmured as she looked at the six people in front of her, a tear rolled down the corner of her eye.

"Haha! Go to hell!"

Seeing the shattered magic element barrier, the man in black immediately cheered up and prepared to join forces to attack.

And the moment their palms touched Shen Wan'er, the complexions of the six people changed drastically almost at the same time, and they could clearly feel that an extremely terrifying force passed through the defense and violently charged into their bodies , directly to the devil soul!

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Then there was a powerful blow, and the ferocious wind spread in mid-air, and then, the six men in black were thrown upside down by the shock, their footsteps moved several times in mid-air, and they were a little embarrassed fall to the ground.

"This kid is so powerful!"

When they landed on the ground, several people looked at each other, and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes. Obviously, they did not expect that they joined forces, but they were all forced to retreat by a boy who was not in the magic state.


Zheng Shan in the distance did not know when he arrived. He was standing by the window of a restaurant by the city wall. Seeing this scene from a distance, the sneer on the corner of his mouth became more intense. The stronger Lu Chen behaved, the stronger he was. The more interested you are, the more boring you will be if you are dealt with in twos and threes.


After Lu Chen struck, he quickly blocked Shen Wan'er behind him.

Then, he controlled the Mountain and River Seal, danced an arc full of power, and with a sudden flick, the Mountain and River Seal in his hand was thrown out fiercely by him.

The mountain and river prints swept across the air, and the strong wind was terrifyingly fierce, as if it could tear apart the space.


Shanheyin's blow was as heavy as a mountain peak, and even a strong person who had a small achievement in the Tribulation Realm couldn't bear it.

At that moment, the faces of the six guys who were knocked into the air turned pale, a mouthful of blood spurted out wildly, and their bodies also shot out backwards, and landed unevenly on the ground in the distance, their bodies curled up in pain, apparently appearing A serious injury.

The magic element wrapped Chen Lu's body, and he rushed to the evil people on the ground in an instant like lightning, his fists were like mountains, and every time he blasted out, there was a deep and explosive sound.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a dull punching sound, and Lu Chen directly suppressed a demon soul, completely stunned them, and then put them into the tower that was refined last time.

Haoxin Tower, an eighth-level middle-grade magic weapon that can hold living things such as monsters.

Zheng Shan, who was in the distance, watched the extremely fierce fight on this side, and finally Lu Chen took them into the tower.In the cold eyes, it gradually became more dignified. What's the situation with Lu Chen?

Unexpectedly, he was able to defeat so many half-step tribulation-level masters by himself!

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

There must be a ghost, there must be a reason!

Zheng Shan stumbled and ran away in horror, he wanted to find out what was going on!

Fortunately, he didn't personally invite these people, otherwise it would be too bad for these people to confess him!

Lu Chen accepted these people, and then walked over to see Shen Wan'er.

"Are you all right? Are you hurt?"

A warm voice rang in his ears, and Shen Wan'er, who had been staring at Lu Chen obsessively, came back to her senses.

Shen Wan'er has always been a treasure held in her father's hands, when did she encounter such a scene?

Even though she has a strong cultivation base and rich combat experience, she still has many ways to save her life.But after all, I have never seen this kind of life-and-death battle with my own eyes. Those evil people are all ruthless and merciless, and there are still ways to kill demon souls with poison. .

In the end, Shen Wan'er almost exhausted all the talismans and magic weapons on her body before dragging until Lu Chen appeared.

It's not hard to imagine what would happen to her if Chase Lu didn't show up in the end.

Looking around in fear, Shen Wan'er threw herself into Lu Chen's arms as if waking up from a dream, with tears streaming down her eyes silently: "Brother Lu Chen, just now, I thought I would never see you again! "

"It's okay." Lu Chen patted her on the back and comforted her softly.

"With me here, it'll be fine."

After comforting for a while, Lu Chen took Shen Wan'er back to the academy quickly.

After all, it was not a trivial matter for him to be assassinated by so many people who had half-stepped through the tribulation realm, and it almost got Shen Wan'er involved.This matter must be let the dean know.


The dean's eyes widened, and his brows were so wrinkled that they could pinch a mosquito to death: "What are you talking about! Someone is chasing you and Wan'er! They are still halfway through the Tribulation Realm!"

"Yes." Lu Chen nodded and said, "And, they are all, the evil race."

"What!" The dean raised his voice eight times and shouted, "What are you talking about?"

He rushed in front of Shen Wan'er with a stride, looked her up and down, and kept asking: "Wan'er, are you okay? Where did you get hurt? Wan'er, you scared Daddy to death!"

Shen Wan'er broke free from the dean's big hand, frowned and said, "Father, I'm fine! Thanks to brother Lu Chen and the magic weapon you gave me!"

"Father, you must investigate this matter to the end!" She put her arm on the head of the hospital and said, "That person knows that it is Lu Chen, and he seems to know me. He dares to do it under such circumstances, I think Eighty percent of them are aimed at Ksitigarbha College!"

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows. Originally, he was also wondering about this matter. Who could invite so many evil masters to come with such a big deal.He even suspected that the old man and his party from the Fulu Alliance had leaked their identities.

However, thinking about it carefully, it seems impossible.Because the group of members of the Talisman Alliance did not know his true identity Lu Chen.

Lu Chen suddenly remembered the human trafficker who he and Zhuxin arrested in Buluo City that day.He seemed to have left the bag with Zhuxin that night, and recently forgot to ask what happened.When I go back to the forest this time, I must ask.

If it's other colleges' entanglement, could it be that the people from Yiming College hired the killer?

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I'm really not a Gescher

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