Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2844 The Academy

"That's right, giant pythons in the realm of the devil are not uncommon in the deep mountains and swamps. The skin all over the body is green, and the teeth are extremely poisonous. Even a master who has half-stepped through the tribulation realm will be bitten by him. He died from the poison within a breath, and the strength of the python body is infinite. If he is entangled by him, the rocks on the entire mountain can be strangled." As a teacher, Mo Ran's knowledge of phantom beasts is very profound, explaining to the students behind him The power of the giant python, the people around were also stunned when they heard it, showing envy.

"Teacher Mo Ran, where is the essence of this giant python? Why didn't I see the magic pill?" a student asked.

"Hehe, his magic pill is on his head." Mo Ran said with a gentle smile: "This magic pill is very precious, let the craftsmen refine it into a magic tool for avoiding poison, which has the effect of avoiding poison."

"Ah, isn't something like avoiding poison something that can be met but not sought after?"

Everyone's eyes on the giant python became particularly enthusiastic.

Mo Ran nodded when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "That's true, so let's buy this giant python."

"Wait a minute!"

Just as Lu Chen was about to open his mouth to stop drinking, another eager cold drink came from a distance. The person who made the drink was a cold and arrogant young man who looked 27 or [-] years old and was flying fast.

"We want this giant python, please donate your hand!" The young man flew all the way in front of everyone, his arrogant and tough attitude made people feel uncomfortable, and his tone was even more unnegotiable.

"What kind of attitude, why should we let you!" A group of students were very angry.

The young man showed a token: "The city master of Star City is in charge, idlers get out of the way!"

"City Lord?" Mo Ran paused immediately when he saw the sign, but he didn't expect the City Lord to want it.

"That's fine." Mo Ran nodded and said, "If the city lord needs it, he will naturally agree to it."

"What did you say?"

Before he finished speaking, another cold voice suddenly interrupted Mo Ran: "What qualifications do you have to say that?"

Everyone around was startled, and looked over in surprise—what audacious bastard?How dare you even sweep the face of Yiming Academy and City Lord Stan!

Looking over there, I saw an extremely young and beautiful woman who looked like a fairy walked forward coldly, glanced at everyone, and said, "Why do you assign? I asked the owner who killed this giant python." Is it? When did we say we were going to sell this giant python, stop wishful thinking here!"

Everyone was almost scared to death by her. Is this woman crazy?How dare you talk to people from Yiming Academy and City Master Stan like that!

Mo Ran and the young man didn't expect such a sudden appearance at all, their eyes almost popped out at the same time!

They have always been rampant in the southern region, and any nobles want to give them face, and some even send spoils of war to curry favor with them. I never thought that someone would be so bold as to give them a resounding slap in the face today!

Everyone was surprised at first, and then their faces turned hideous.

"Who are you? How dare you speak to us like that?"

A student of Yiming Academy said angrily.

"You don't care who I am, but if you want to snatch my spoils, I can't care less!" Chase Lu followed up and glanced at them, his cold and tough tone remained unchanged.

The student was so angry that she almost ran away, and the young man on the side stared at her fiercely: "You are looking for death!"

With that said, he is about to start.

"Master Stan, do you like robbery so much? There are so many eyes watching here, you better think about who is unlucky if it spreads out." With a sneer sneer, Lu Chen shrugged indifferently and said, he knew it clearly Very much, the city lord can't rob clearly for the sake of reputation, and he has to find an excuse to rob.

Sure enough, when Lu Chen said this, the young man's complexion immediately darkened a lot, and he was speechless for a while.

"You said that you defeated this giant python, but I see your age, how can you have such a strong strength? Don't make false claims!" Mo Ran, who is kinder, couldn't help but rage, which can be seen in this tone How uncomfortable it is to hold back.

"I saw it, and I defeated him together." At this time, Zhu Xin also stood beside Lu Chen without hesitation, and said loudly.Her whole body exudes the aura of half-step crossing the tribulation realm, which is so majestic that it makes people tremble.


The people nearby shouted: "Yes, yes! It was the two of them who defeated the monster and saved the camp. We all saw it!"

The people around came from the four realms. Although they didn't dare to confront Yiming Academy and the Lord Stan, they didn't dare to testify collectively.

There were shouts from all sides, and it was obvious that things could not be faked.

Lu Chen directly put the giant python that was still alive into the ring. Although the Yiming Academy and the young man were full of anger, seeing this scene, there was nothing they could do.

Lu Chen installed the giant python, and went back directly with Zhu Xin, ignoring the sharp gazes behind him.

He will not be afraid if he asks for trouble.

After returning, it happened that Chu Yu and the dean also came back.

Fortunately, they came back from another direction, and they didn't meet that Yiming Academy at the door, otherwise it would be really annoying, and they would probably be entangled for a while.

"Boy! You still know how to come back!" Chu Yu was annoyed, "I told you not to leave the team without authorization, can I save you?"

Lu Chen scratched his head in embarrassment. It was not easy to tell Chu Yu what he was thinking at the moment, so he could only look for opportunities.

Everyone reunited for a small meeting, and Lu Chen briefly told them what happened this afternoon.

"Yiming Academy and they are here too?"

The dean frowned: "A group of old things are also targeting the things in our Buluocheng Forest!"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Lu Chen suggested to go back to the academy to recuperate first, the dean nodded, thinking it was necessary, there are too many messy people coming to the forest now.It's not good for students to stay here.

Therefore, everyone left the second and third elders to stay here, and the others went back first.

In fact, Lu Chen's main purpose of going back is—it is definitely unrealistic to practice in the World of Warcraft Forest. He plans to go back first, and then start to practice, trying to break through the Demon King as soon as possible before the opening of the Classical Tomb!

Ksitigarbha College, in a small unused courtyard.

Lu Chen's upper body was bare, and his bronze muscles protruded, like dead roots, intertwined.

He is practicing the magic power.

However, Lu Chen was a little stunned. He found that after his first move, the magic energy in his body suddenly disappeared in his body as if dispelled by something.


It disappeared completely in the body!

Lu Chen withdrew his fist in a daze, blinked his eyes, and looked at himself in disbelief, there was nothing unusual.

But where did the magic element in the body go?

The magic essence in my body is more perfect than ordinary magic appearance!

Lu Chen thought for a long time, but still couldn't figure out what was going on, so he finally had to give up.

After resting for a while, Chase Lu continued to practice.

"The demon god is alive!"


After only one move, Chase Lu couldn't help stopping his body, his eyes stared like balls, and he didn't blink for a long time.

The magic element in the body disappeared all at once!

Lu Chen blinked his sore eyes, reached out and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, thought for a while, but there was no good way, so he had to continue to perform the magic power.

After the Mo Ming Mo Ming magical skill was performed, Lu Chen felt that his strength had increased a lot, but there was no sign of condensing the magic essence in his body!

"Could it be that the Condensation Pill doesn't have enough magic energy to help condense the magic energy?" Lu Chen scratched the back of his head and thought blankly.

"That's how it should be!"

Thinking of this, Lu Chen gritted his teeth, took out ten Condensing Yuan Pills from the space ring and swallowed them in one gulp.

Immediately, a huge wave of magic energy rushed directly into Lu Chen's body, like a torrent, menacing.

"Shouldn't it disappear now?" Lu Chen moved his body and performed the magic power again.

Lu Chen's body went up and down, with extraordinary momentum. This time, the magic energy in his body hadn't disappeared, there was more than half of it left, but he couldn't successfully condense the magic energy.

"It should be that the heat is not enough, continue!"

Lu Chen continued to perform the magical power of Mo Ming Mo Ming, and began to circulate the magic energy in his body, hoping to use this to condense more magic energy.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sound of fists was deafening, and the air was blown away by the strength of the punches. However, just after the Mo Ming Mo Ming magic skill was performed, Lu Chen's face turned red, like a piece of red-hot iron.

"Fuck!" Lu Chen couldn't help it anymore, and yelled.There is not even a trace of magic energy left, let alone condensed magic energy!

What exactly happened here?

Lu Chen's face was irritated. He didn't know when the classical tomb would be opened, and his own strength still couldn't break through, which made him restless.

If you lose such a great luck, then don't live, just crash to death!

"If you fight hard, you will die!"


Lu Chen let out a soft roar, endured the pain, and directly performed the magic power of Moming Moming. Immediately, the magic energy in his body eased a bit, but there was still no trace of condensing the magic energy!


Lu Chen continued to use the Moming Moming Divine Art. He didn't believe that he would not be able to condense the magic essence today!

Over and over again, Lu Chen crazily performed the magic power, and the magic energy in his body decreased rapidly. At this time, there was still no sign of condensing the magic energy in his body, but the strength of his physical body was still increasing. , but he didn't pay attention!


Lu Chen stopped his punches, his face was dull, and he still couldn't break through!

"Where is the problem? Why is this move so expensive?"


Lu Chen couldn't help but punched the ground, he was really anxious.

"No!" Chase Lu was startled suddenly. The punch he just punched made a huge hole, and there seemed to be something wrong with the strength of his physical body!

Lu Chen opened his mouth and swallowed with difficulty, a terrifying thought involuntarily emerged in his mind.

Could it be that he tempered his body just now?

After practicing like this for a few days, Lu Chen gradually understood that this exercise is to temper the physical body first, and only after reaching a certain strength can it assist the cultivation of the magic element.

However, Lu Chen seemed to be pushing himself a little too hard. After all, he needed to be comfortable in cultivation.If he is in a hurry, it will be harmful to his cultivation instead.

Lu Chen decided to practice some moves. Shen Wan'er's moves were cunning and changeable, and she was most suitable for practicing counter moves, not to mention that he had promised Shen Wan'er to practice with her.

So he stopped, and Dang even went to find her.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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