Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2800 To the Academy

"and many more!"

Seeing that Lu Chen was about to go out, Zhu Xin blushed all of a sudden and called out softly.

"what happened?"

Lu Chen turned around and asked.

Zhuxin lowered her head slightly, bit her silver teeth and said in a low voice: "Damn the evil race, you actually refined the devil poison sword energy. Now I have been poisoned by the evil race's talus poison. I'm afraid I won't be able to move for a short time. .”

"Talus poison?"

Zhu Xin nodded helplessly: "This is a poison unique to the evil race. Few people in the world know that the poisoned person's limbs will become numb and unable to move after half an hour. Otherwise, why didn't you think I just stood up by myself? Am I unable to move?"

Zhu Xin tilted her head and thought for a while, and after feeling that Lu Chen was indeed harmless, she said softly, "You should help me apply the medicine."

"I'm coming?" Lu Chen looked at Zhu Xin, dumbfounded, "Is it right? This time, you are hurt on the front!"

Zhuxin instantly blushed from her face to her neck. She smiled awkwardly and said, "Yes, I know. Talus poison won't hurt your life, but if you don't detoxify it, you can't move. If it takes more than a day, it will damage your cultivation. Damaged. Come on, the detoxification pill I gave you last time will be able to detoxify this poison."

After finishing speaking, her body visibly trembled, took a deep breath, and unexpectedly closed her beautiful eyes slowly.The slender eyelashes trembled slightly, but the voice was quite flat: "I'm sorry, remember to clean the wound."

Seeing Zhu Xin being so straightforward, Lu Chen felt a little uncomfortable. He healed and walked forward slowly, coughed dryly, stretched out his hand, and gently tore a piece of the shirt on her chest carefully.

Tore off the plain white clothes, deep knife marks, bloody wounds appeared in front of Lu Chen

This woman was injured today entirely to protect him, Lu Chen.

Hey sighed softly, Lu Chen's movements became more and more cautious.

The knife wound was on his chest, and after fully exposing the wound, he quickly stopped his movements. Now at this height, he can already see half of his snow-white breasts and a charming ravine

The venom this time is different from snake venom and needs to be cleaned up.

Lu Chen was very busy for a while before he completely bandaged her wound with medicine.

Zhu Xin looked at Lu Chen's slightly sweaty forehead, with a trace of deep gratitude in her eyes.

"Okay, take a good rest. I'll go outside to have a look. The Devil Tiger King hasn't come back yet." Lu Chen put away the lotus seat, set up a magic circle around the cave, and then went out.

He wasn't looking for the Devil Tiger King. After all, the Devil Tiger King had a heart-to-heart conversation with him. He had already followed his command to leave the dark river and go out to hunt. He just said he was coming back soon.

Now, Lu Chen is going to refine medicine for Zhuxin.

After all, Lu Chen did pick the Lingxing Flower.

If he hadn't been pretending just now, he would have been exposed to Zhu Xin.

Now, this magic lotus should be regarded as compensation to Zhuxin.

Anyway, if she didn't recover her skills for a day, she didn't dare to take her back through half of the monster forest.

Lu Chen looked at the magic lotus in his hand and raised his eyebrows.It seems that the people of the Talisman Alliance also came for the magic lotus, but fortunately, the magic lotus was in the hands of Lu Chen, and together with two other good medicines, it was refined into twelve Nine Demon Pills. It's not a problem, just leave one for the old man when the time comes.

The Nine Demon Pill is made from magic lotus and other magic medicines, which can improve people's cultivation and remove toxins from the body.

Lu Chen waited until the Demon Tiger King came back, ordered him to protect himself, and then began to meditate and refine the elixir.

With this practice, time passed quickly.

When Chase Lu opened his eyes, it was already noon the next day.

Facing the scorching sun in the sky, Lu Chen looked up at the graceful and slender figure standing on a boulder. A ray of sunlight poured on her body from the sky, adding a faint veil of brilliance to her.

"You are really capable of tossing around. I was still waiting for you to cook, but I was hungry until the poison was released in the middle of the night, and you are still busy here." Zhu Xin said slightly reproachfully.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, and collected two of the twelve pills that were successfully refined, and gave the rest to Zhu Xin: "I got the magic lotus, this is the Nine Demon Pill, it's fresh and hot, eat it while it's hot. "

Seeing the young man's serious eyes, Zhu Xinqiao's face flushed with a faint red, and her heart also surged with heat. She stretched out her hand to take the elixir, and nodded lightly: "Thank you."

When the warm sunlight shone on the sleeping Lu Chen, he opened his eyes a little sleepily, and pushed away the tail of the Devil Tiger King that was on his face.

"woke up?"

On the stone bed in the cave, Zhu Xin was sitting cross-legged. Today, she has put on a snow-white plain dress, her beautiful cheeks are indifferent and elegant, as if she is a lady who just woke up and dressed properly.

When Lu Chen heard the reputation, he suddenly felt his eyes light up.


"Thanks to your elixir, it's completely cured." Zhu Xin smiled lightly, and the room was filled with light, "Today, we can go back."


When Lu Chen returned to the academy, he really felt as if he had passed away.

It's just separated like this. It turns out that the time when two people spend time alone is quite beautiful.Shaking his head fiercely, Lu Chen kicked the stone under his feet in a somewhat dispirited manner.

He hasn't gone to the Zhu family yet, after all Zhu Xin has already gone back, so he will definitely tell them.The most important thing for me now is to quickly sell the vacation, but he has stayed in the mountains for eighteen days.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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I don't know if the rules of the Ksitigarbha Academy will be very rigid. Will he have to be punished for serious stays?

With a slightly apprehensive mood, Lu Chen went back to school directly from the place where Chu Yu climbed over the wall for the first time.

Seeing the door of the familiar house open, Chase Lu went straight in.




As soon as Lu Chen walked in and opened his mouth, the instructor fell back in shock, and even a student behind him widened his eyes and screamed.

"Mentor!" Chase Lu flashed behind the mentor like a teleportation, directly caught his body, and slowly put it upright.


The instructor opened his mouth wide, as if he had just met Lu Chen.

After a while, he remembered that the arm that was holding him just now was real, so he hurriedly yelled strangely: "Quick, Wang Er, you go and inform Elder Chu Yu that his chief apprentice is not dead, it's all right! Come back quickly!"

"Oh!" The student agreed, and rushed out like a tornado.

Lu Chen: ""

Before Chu Yu arrived, the mentor told Lu Chen everything about it.

It turned out that since Lu Chen lured away the devil tiger that day, the Zhu clan had arrived one after another after receiving the signal.

The Zhu family searched for Lu Chen and the ancestors of the Zhu family's trial site, but it was very strange. After searching the trial site, they didn't see a single figure of these two people.

Moreover, not only these two people, but even the tiger and leopard that night, they didn't find a hair.

After so many days, they found nothing except that the formation in the trial ground had broken a corner and led to the forest of monsters.

Therefore, everyone had to speculate that it was very possible that Lu Chen was taken back to his lair by the Demon Tiger King and sacrificed heroically.

Now the Zhu family is going to hold a grand funeral for Lu Chen plus a compensation ceremony, while Chu Yu is going to go to the World of Warcraft Forest with the magic knife Huo Huo to find it.

He said that he had to give up if he didn't find it, otherwise he wouldn't believe that Chase Lu would die.

Lu Chen was quite moved when he heard that, he never thought that such a cheap master would have such affection for him

Therefore, in the process of Chu Yu scolding Lu Chen, Lu Chen willingly accepted all the nagging—this reminded him of his family members in many lifetimes. Although the memory was a little fuzzy, the warm love , It is true that he has been with him through time and space, allowing him to persevere in so many difficult times in the world.

"Let me tell you, you will stay in Dizang Academy for me in peace and contentment, and stay in Buluocheng! Don't think that you are great after your cultivation base has improved!" Chu Yu looked at Lu Chen's obedient look, and his tone was soft After that, "In that forest, if you can survive, then you will die!"

"Soon there will be a monthly small competition in the college. This is something you have to go through. If you dare to pass the exam, let's see how I can fix you!"

Looking at Chu Yu who automatically took on the role of grandfather, Lu Chen smiled gently and said, "I don't worry about my strength."

"Bah! Don't worry about returning your strength!"

As soon as Lu Chen said this, Chu Yu exploded, "In addition to your cultivation, do you know potion class now? Do you understand the talisman class? Have you heard the magic sound class? Are you going to compare your cultivation with others? "

"What?" Chase Lu felt his head was big when he heard a series of lessons.

The last few days he stayed in the academy, wasn't he taking some cultivation courses?

There are so many weird courses in Dizang College?

Seeing that Lu Chen fell silent, Chu Yu said with a little satisfaction: "Huh, the inheritance clearly needs to test you, maybe there are some ancestor demon souls left in the inheritance place, if you don't deal with it well, you will be killed soon." It's time to delay a few months to stay and study."

Lu Chen: ""

"Okay, let me tell you, if you want to speed up your remedial lessons, you can go to Xueshu Pavilion to have a look." Chu Yu threw a golden sign to Lu Chen, patted his clothes and went out, "I'll go to the Zhu family to inform, you Guawazi, it's really worrying."

Listening to Chu Yu's words, Lu Chen couldn't help but smile slightly.

Picking up the sign, he curled his lips, well, isn't it just a monthly competition? After all, with his demonic soul, remembering something is not a matter of minutes.

For this reason, Lu Chen settled down and hibernated in the Dizang College every day, attending classes from nine to five every day, and studying the Book Pavilion.

To say that the Xueshu Pavilion of the Ksitigarbha College is really strange. There are obviously a lot of books piled up, and a [-]-square-meter personal study room is built on each floor.

There is a single bed, a table, and a chair in the study room.

Students can freely choose the books they want to read and study, and then go to this study room to read them quietly. There are even books that teach exercises and music theory. practice.

The sound insulation effect of this house is beyond words. I really don't know what material it is made of. Once people enter, they not only look refreshed, but also, no matter how they are hacked, it will hardly damage the house.

Especially the books here are very peculiar. After opening, as long as the spiritual sense and demon soul are strong enough, this knowledge will automatically form a movie and play in the mind.

Lu Chen is more and more fond of this kind of practice and study place, and he never tires of it every day.

The only trouble is - it is a little troublesome to hide from Shen Wan'er.

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