Lu Chen threw the Xie Clan people into Lingtian World in just an instant.

"This is where!"

The Xie clansmen's eyes widened, and they felt that they suddenly came from the forest to this grassland in a blink of an eye. What's going on?Vision or hallucination?

As he asked, he slashed backward with a backhand.

After slashing the knife, he quickly jumped away, then poured the magic essence into his hands, and slashed towards Lu Chen fiercely again!


This time, the saber air hit a snow mountain in the distance.

"Hey, I'm here."

A familiar voice sounded again from behind the Xie Clan people. At this moment, Lu Chen didn't know when he actually stood not far from him.

The Xie Clan's eyes were wide open, as if they had seen a ghost, their voice trembled, and they said in shock:

"You are not dead?"

At this moment, the Xie Clan people were extremely shocked. He had poured all his magic energy into the few stabs just now.Even if I am under this blow, I can't survive.

How could this Chase Lu be safe and sound?

For a moment, this evil clansman was completely confused and at a loss!

"A dead person, there's no need to know so much!" Lu Chen said in a cold voice without any emotion, a slight arc emerged from the corner of Lu Chen's mouth, which looked extremely evil, weird, and chilling!

After all, Lu Chen slammed forward and slapped hard. Suddenly, with Lu Chen's movements, the spiritual power in the sky mixed with the power of thunder was gathering together at an astonishing speed.

In less than a second, an incomparably huge thunder palm was formed with countless auras of heaven and earth gathered together.

Then he violently slapped this evil clansman, as if overwhelming the mountains and seas, it was really unstoppable!

"No, no!"

Looking at the phantom of the giant palm that was shot towards him, the Xie clansman turned pale with shock and said in a panic.

He turned around immediately, trying to run away.

But it was too late, the phantom of the giant palm had already slapped Ma Yong hard.


There was a loud noise that shook the sky.

The Xie tribe was directly photographed into a blood mist by the phantom of the giant palm.

However, under the attack of this giant palm, the sea of ​​grass formed by the green grass in the prairie just flashed a microwave on its surface, and did not suffer any damage.

Lu Chen looked coldly at the Separating Demon who escaped from the blood mist, which he left on purpose without smashing it.

Immediately afterwards, Chase Lu reached out his hand calmly and pulled a bolt of lightning from the sky. The sizzling blue lightning in his hands was almost like obedient wool, and was quickly woven into a birdcage by him.

Looking at the away Fen Mo, Lu Chen's eyes were cold, with Ling Ran's killing intent.


Fenmo, who was fleeing quickly, was glad that he had escaped, but he didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, Chase Lu threw the birdcage in his hand, and he quickly shrank into a palm-sized Fenmo, and then automatically flew into the Thunder Birdcage .

Squeeze thunder and lightning casually, control the law at will!

In this world, Chase Lu is the only ruler!

The Thunder Birdcage was filled with the demons of the evil tribe, and it automatically returned to Lu Chen's hands.

Suddenly there was a golden power of merit descending from the sky and the earth. This time, the beam of merit light was as thick as a bucket, directly turning Lu Chen's upper body into a golden body of merit.

At this moment, it seemed that the whole world was extremely quiet, and Lu Chen was like a crane flying in the clouds or a real dragon swimming in the water, unrestrained and refined.

The breeze slightly lifted Lu Chen's skirt, as if an exiled immortal had descended into the world!

"Master!" Cai'er flew over from a distance and landed gently beside Chase Lu.

"Master, why are you doing it yourself when you come back? Just leave this kind of thing to me!" Cai'er was teaching little Suzaku how to practice, when she suddenly sensed Lu Chen's return, she was about to come over, but Lu Chen directly used the Lord of the World The right to deal with the enemy, she herself is also hindered by the law, and cannot come over immediately.

"It's okay." Lu Chen smiled slightly and said, "I met an annoying fly this time, so I like to do it myself."

He looked at the terrified Xiezu people in the cage, and remembered that he had to return immediately, and said, "I still have something to do, so I'll go back first."

After speaking, he went out directly.

Demon God Continent.

"Grandpa, is it over? What's going on?"

Xiao Man came with a voice of surprise and regret.

They watched helplessly as the people in the lotus platform jumped out, and then they were rescued by the Xiezu people—the two disappeared immediately, and after waiting for a long time, there was no movement, only half a figure.

However, Xiao Man waited for a while, but did not hear Grandpa's answer.


Xiao Man asked anxiously.

But this time, the old man still didn't say a word.

"Could it be that the evil clansmen are causing trouble? Will they come back again?"

Xiao Man just wanted to ask something, but she raised her head, as if seeing a ghost, opened her mouth wide, stared at the front in a daze, motionless.

That boy came back alive!And it seems to have appeared out of thin air!


He was also holding a weird birdcage with terrifying coercion!Inside is a villain who looks the same as that evil clansman just now!

What's happening here?The evil people are dead?

Xiaoman almost jumped up in surprise, dead!

The majestic master who crossed the tribulation in half a step died like this?

How is this possible!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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But that young man appeared on the shore safe and sound, without a speck of dust on his body, like an exile!

"Where are the evil people?"

Xiao Man murmured in incomparable horror.

Lu Chen didn't answer, and directly took the cage and threw it at the old man's feet: "I will treat it as a meeting gift for the Fulu Alliance. I have something to do today, so I will leave first. I will visit another day."

After speaking, Lu Chen stepped forward and sat on the black lotus, and flew away from the air quickly with a shocked Zhu Xin.

At this moment, Chase Lu is much stronger than before!

In fact, when the Xie Clan people first came, Lu Chen already knew, but because of the strange restrictions of the magic lotus, he could only absorb the magic energy continuously, refine and practice, and could not move at all.

Later, when he saw Zhuxin was injured, his demon soul suddenly rioted, which triggered the lotus to defend.

This lotus seat is really a good thing. Not only does it have a defensive cover that can defend against half-step cross-tribulation masters, but it can also absorb the magic energy between heaven and earth to help refine and absorb it, and it itself is an incarnation of the essence of magic energy between heaven and earth.

After practicing in just half an hour, Lu Chen has already reached the peak of the demon phase!Even the demon soul is more stable, developing towards the demon sage!

With the combination of the two, Chase Lu's overall strength has more than doubled.

Now that Lu Chen has made a breakthrough, based on his own budget, if he doesn't use Lingtian World and Demon Soul as his hole cards, he can now run across half of the Warcraft Forest with only physical cultivation.

"My God! I have defeated the half-step tribulation realm!"

Staring blankly at the backs of Lu Chen and the two of them going away, the old man was incredulously thinking about what happened just now, and his voice was extremely shocking.

"Grandpa, what did you say?"

Because the voice of the old man was very low, no one heard it, and Xiao Man asked curiously from the side.

The old man picked up the cage on the ground in horror, and looked at the half-dead demon inside, the strong man who crossed the tribulation realm in half a step, is the master who is only one step away from reaching the sky!

There are not many such masters in the entire Eastern Mirror, and it can be said that they can sweep most of the Demon God Continent!

However, such a strong man died in front of his own eyes.

Moreover, he was still killed by a boy!

How could he not be shocked and terrified?

And this cage!

The old man spent all his magic energy wrapped around his hands to barely lift the cage, with violent lightning energy flashing on it, Xiao Man and the others dared not approach it at all, and they couldn't approach it. Throwing things!

Who is this boy?The old man was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Xiao Man also felt that her worldview had suddenly collapsed. There are still such people in this world?

"Grandpa, what are you doing?"

At this moment, the old man, who was still in shock, walked down the mountain quickly with the cage in his hands for some reason.


Lu Chen hugged Zhu Xin, who was soaked all over her body, from the lotus seat, trying to avoid her eyes from looking at her fiery figure exposed by the water.

"What happened just now?"

Zhu Xin frowned and asked, seeing that Lu Chen was able to defeat the evil race unscathed, and then disappeared and reappeared in an instant, she had a strange thought in her heart.

Lu Chen put her lightly on the stone platform, sat down beside her, and took a few heavy breaths.

During the rest, Lu Chen took a close look at this beautiful woman for the second time.

She is indeed a beauty with icy muscles and bones. Lu Chen appreciated it with clear eyes, and replied: "Everyone has a hole card to save their lives, and so do I. Although that guy teleported me to the illusion in an instant, but when I play If you die, you can still come back."

Lu Chen's eyes moved down slowly, looking at the chest position under Zhuxinyu's neck, where the wound was still bleeding, staining the clothes blood red.

"You need treatment."

"Where's his magic ring and magic bag?" Zhuxin asked.

Lu Chen frowned: "What do you want this thing for? The evil clan's things are all made from human life and demon souls. It's nothing to use. I ruined it."

"Destroyed!" Zhu Xin stared at her beautiful eyes and said in surprise, "Are you really ruined? How did you ruin it?"

Lu Chen took out a talisman from his bosom, which he created by imitating the previous lives he had experienced, and wanted to refine the thunder talisman: "That's it, it's called the thunderstorm talisman, it was made by my master, and it can be made with one stroke." The power of thunder and lightning is similar to that of the magic thunder. After giving the guy ten talismans, he only has the magic division left, and nothing else - not even the pants left."

"Bah!" Hearing Lu Chen's vulgar words, Zhu Xin glared at him subconsciously.

"Don't believe it? Then let's go back. The demons are still there. They shouldn't have gone far. You can ask yourself." Lu Chen looked at Zhu Xin sincerely and said, "If you want any magic weapon talisman on him, you can give it to me. Say, let me refine it for you."

"You? You can still refine these?" Zhu Xin was a little surprised.

Lu Chen nodded: "My name is Lu Chen, and now at Dizang College, the master is Chu Yu. Refining these is a child's science for me, and now I can refine seventh-grade magic weapons."

"Bragging, it's just you, return the seventh-grade magic weapon." Zhu Xin smiled lightly, but there was a faint warmth in her heart.

Of course, she didn't want any magic weapon, but suspected that the Xie Clan or Lu Chen had taken Ling Xinghua.But now it seems that Lu Chen really doesn't know about Ling Xinghua's news.

"Are you willing to talk about your background now?" Zhu Xin asked.

"When I was in the lotus, you were willing to risk your life to protect me. What can I tell you now?" Lu Chen looked at Zhu Xin and smiled sincerely, "Your wound is really serious. I have to deal with it, I'll go out first, and call me after you deal with it."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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