Tianyin Pavilion, known as the No. [-] tavern club in Buluo City, is a place for dignitaries and upper-class people to eat and relax in Buluo City.

It is also a place that countless ordinary people yearn for in Buluocheng. It is said that the per capita consumption in it is already tens of thousands of middle-grade magic stones.

Having a meal in the Tianyine Clubhouse will cost you at least 10,000+ medium-grade magic stones, which is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

However, Lu Chen came here this time not to have dinner with Shen Wan'er, but to invite him to the City Lord's Mansion.

However, he just walked not far from the Tianyin Pavilion clubhouse.

Lu Chen saw the entrance of Tianyin Pavilion, a group of young men and women were standing there, waiting anxiously for something.

Although many boys have female companions, they still involuntarily look at a girl among the crowd with fiery eyes. As for the boys who are alone, they are more direct, looking at that girl with admiration.

"Brother Lu Chen, why are you here?"

Shen Wan'er in the middle showed a bright smile when she saw Lu Chen, and then trotted towards Lu Chen: "Brother Lu Chen, do you decide that we should have dinner together tonight?"

"No, I was also invited." Lu Chen had already pushed back the dinner invitation with Shen Wan'er before, and now he didn't expect to see Shen Wan'er here.

As soon as they saw Lu Chen, the boys around wanted to beat Lu Chen severely.

At this moment, they hate Lu Chen very much. The goddess in their hearts is now actively supporting Lu Chen.

If you come to look for Shen Wan'er, you will come to look for it, and you still pretend to be like this!

No student at the scene believed Lu Chen's words.

"Hey, is there a new character from our academy?"

A tall man walked by and looked at Lu Chen with hostility. This man was Zheng Shan who had been resenting Lu Chen in the audience.

"However, it seems that no one here invited you here? This is me, and I specially invited everyone to have a meal and relax together. How did you get wind? I forgot to introduce, I am Zheng Shan, the president of the student union."

Lu Chen nodded lightly, and then said: "Then eat well and have a good time. I still have an appointment, so let's go first."

"An appointment? You have an appointment here, what are you kidding?" A boy said, "Don't think I don't know. Apart from being the disciple of Elder Chu, you are Dong Jing with no background at all. You are not Dong Jing at all. People. Who would ask you out here for dinner?"

"Yeah, what are you, are you qualified to come here to eat?"

Hearing Lu Chen's words, these boys and girls felt a little upset for a moment.

Most of them have never been to Tianyin Pavilion, and now they come here thanks to Zheng Shan, a super rich second generation. Lu Chen's seemingly random words made them feel embarrassed.

"Oh? That's it. Then, may I ask, which box in Tianyin Pavilion do you eat in?"

Zheng Shan asked aggressively.

"I invited him here, you forgot?" Shen Wan'er immediately retorted.

While everyone was talking, an extremely luxurious magic car slowly descended from the sky at the door.

A handsome, luxuriously dressed man came down.

"Hua Shao, are you here?"

Looking at Hua Yu who made a cool appearance, Zheng Shan greeted first.

Hua Yu is one of the four young masters of Buluocheng No. [-] Middle School, and was specially invited by Zheng Shan in order to show off his connections and strength in front of Shen Wan'er.

As soon as this man arrived, everyone immediately became excited.

"Hi everyone, I'm very happy to be able to gather with the talented scholars of Ksitigarbha College."

Hua Yu looked around and greeted everyone politely and gracefully.

However, when Hua Yu looked at Lu Chen beside Shen Wan'er, he paused for a moment, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, almost no one noticed.

"Who is this new student?"

Hua Yu said with a slight smile: "I don't think I've seen this student before, it's really unfamiliar."

Lu Chen glanced at Hua Yu indifferently, but didn't speak.

"Lu Chen, you came here uninvited." Zheng Shan said directly.

"It's an honor to meet new talents!" Hua Yu said very politely.

When Huayu arrived, a group of students walked into Tianyin Pavilion one after another.

Lu Chen said that he had to wait for someone, but Shen Wan'er said, "Brother Lu Chen, come here to have a look first!"

In the end, under Shen Wan'er's stalker, Lu Chen was pulled into Tianyin Pavilion by Shen Wan'er.

To be honest, Lu Chen came here too early, the city lord Wan Ao hadn't come yet, and Lu Chen's invitation did not specify which private room.

Originally, Lu Chen was not good at rejecting girls, but Shen Wan'er kept persuading him. He thought it would be fine to go in and sit for a while, saving himself from standing outside and waiting.

Tianyin Pavilion really deserves to be the No. [-] clubhouse in the city. The decoration inside is extremely elegant, and there is a devilish energy everywhere, which makes people feel very comfortable after entering.

Moreover, the ornaments and various decorations here are extremely meticulous, very elegant and refined, which is very in line with the tastes of those dignitaries and high-class people.

"I'll go, is this the Tianyin Pavilion?"

Many teenagers and girls who came in for the first time were amazed at the decoration of Tianyin Pavilion, with longing in their eyes.With their family background and background, it is not enough to enter here.If they want to come here for consumption, I am afraid that even if they have worked hard for more than ten years or even half their lives after graduation, they may only be able to come here wantonly.

Lu Chen silently followed behind the crowd, and beside him was Shen Wan'er who was holding on to him.

"Are you all ready?" Qing Wan's voice came, and a stunning woman came down from the second floor.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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She was wearing a tight-fitting black cheongsam, which highlighted the perfect figure of this stunning woman to the fullest. Her long black and beautiful hair was gently pulled up, giving people a sense of nobility and elegance.

All the male students couldn't help but stare dumbfounded.

Lu Chen frowned, it was Yu Luan, why is she here?Could it be that this is a property of Shaking Sky Auction House?

Yu Luan passed by the crowd with anxious face, and immediately compared those girls who were not bad in appearance, their brilliance dazzled.

"Huh? Are you? Are you Mr. Hua?"

Yu Luan stopped when he saw Hua Yu, and seemed to have some impressions.

"Yes, I'm having dinner with my friends today." Hua Yu said flattered, he didn't expect this stunning woman to remember him.

"So that's the case, then, please go to the second floor for dinner, it's my kindness."

Yu Luan said to Hua Yu that the second floor was originally reserved today, but it was pushed away because of something else.So she made a favor.She knew this Hua Yu. Her father, Hua Yuan, was one of the biggest underground forces in Buluocheng. Hua Yu had followed his father to the Doutian Auction several times before.

Hearing this sentence, Hua Yu was very excited. The rules of Tianyin Pavilion are as strict as those of the Doutian Auction. to go.

People at his father's level could only go to the first floor.

Now that they were able to go to the second floor, everyone present was very excited and excited.

Lu Chen had Shen Wan'er beside him, and Yu Luan took a quick look at it, feeling familiar, but couldn't remember who it was for a while.He ignored it and went straight out.

Hua Yu and the others were brought into the second floor.

"I'll go, this is the legendary second floor?" When they came to the second floor, even the young masters and ladies who were usually pampered looked surprised when they saw the decoration inside.

Zheng Shan was very happy: "Thanks to Hua Shao this time, otherwise I might not be able to enter a place like the second floor in my whole life!"

"Yes, it's really thanks to Hua Shao this time."

Many people sighed and said.

Hearing everyone's flattery, Hua Yu was also very helpful. To be honest, it was also the first time he came to the second floor. When he came with his father, it was only the first floor.

Hua Yu happily explained: "You don't know, the stunning beauty just now is named Yuluan, she is a famous goddess in the city of never falling, she is not only the behind-the-scenes director of Douyin Auction, but also the director of Tianyin Pavilion."

"What? She is Yuluan?"

"She is Yuluan!"

The Douyin auction site is the first auction site in Dongjing, and Yuluan's name has spread throughout Dongjing.

Therefore, many people have heard of Yuluan, so they are extremely shocked to know that they met Yuluan today.

Moreover, in the entire Buluocheng, if the beauty is ranked, Yuluan is enough to be ranked in the top five.No wonder they thought this beauty was peerless just now.

Hearing this, a group of students also opened up the chatterbox:

"She is Yuluan. It is said that many people in Buluocheng are planning on her."

"That's right, I think a man would like it!"

"But she is too difficult to deal with. Thousands of years ago, no one has been able to kiss Fangze!"

"Who said that, I think Hua Shao might have a chance."

"Shut up!" Hua Yu's expression changed when he heard that someone was chasing after him, he looked around very vigilantly, and then said sharply.

"Don't talk nonsense! Yuluan's background, even my father dare not talk nonsense." As soon as Yuluan's background was mentioned, Hua Yu was extremely taboo and strictly ordered everyone not to talk nonsense.

The atmosphere was a bit dull for a while, Zheng Shan quickly changed the subject and said: "I heard that only the absolute people can enter the third floor."

In a word, the topic was changed immediately.

After seeing the second floor, the students were even more fascinated by the third floor.

"I really don't know, what kind of big shot can be on the third floor?" Someone exclaimed, "If I can go in one day, that would be great."

"The characters who can go to the third floor are not something we can imagine." Hua Yu also said with a sigh, "I guess it is not related to the city lord, but also related to the middle realm. Like a giant like the Zhu family in the city, I heard that you can only go up to the second floor."

"Hua Shao doesn't need to sigh, I think it won't be long before you will become that kind of big shot."

There were flattering voices.

"Yes, when the time comes, Hua Shao, don't forget us!"

Facing the compliments from everyone, Hua Yu was very happy and benefited, as if he had already seen the day when he reached the top!

It was his lifelong dream to become a master!

This is also the dream of every man in the world!

"By the way, when the time comes, it's better for some people not to come uninvited." Zheng Shan said unkindly.

"Okay, everyone, sit down quickly." Zheng Shan thought of something and said with a sneer.

However, when everyone was seated, they were shocked when they saw that Lu Chen, who had been silent all this time, had already sat down, and Shen Wan'er was pouring tea and cutting fruits for him.

Seeing this scene, Zheng Shan's eyes instantly turned red!

They didn't even sit down, but Lu Chen, this trash, actually sat down?How dare you let Wan'er serve him!

"Lu Chen you"

"Forget it, forget it, they're all classmates." Hua Yu looked at this scene, and a hint of malice flashed in his eyes, but in order to show it in front of Shen Wan'er, he stepped forward to make peace.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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