Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2792 Fierce battle with tigers and leopards

Moyuan Huaqi was just a temporary idea of ​​​​Lu Chen, the reason is that he suddenly figured it out, since one thought can be used in another way in this world, can other fighting methods be used?

The answer is obvious, the ultimate goal of fighting in each world is to kill the opponent or be killed by the opponent.

What fancy moves, mana, and spells, in the final analysis, pay attention to a quick, accurate and ruthless greeting to the opponent and then let the opponent lose blood quickly.

So fast, the wind speed is what every mortal pursues, but here you can't directly extract the wind element and use it for your own use. Then, wouldn't it be enough to turn the energy you already have into something similar to the wind element?

Ordinary people can't activate the wind element in a fight, isn't it also trying to increase their speed?Can't you win without the wind element?

The more Lu Chen thought about it, the clearer his thoughts became. Gradually, he felt that he had entered a mysterious realm.

Pang Hai and Zhang Fan hadn't sensed any monsters yet, but the surroundings suddenly became eerily quiet, so they hurried back and stood under the carriage covered by Qiankun Tower.

Pang Hai looked strangely at the hidden airflow around Lu Chen's body. It was an invisible layer of protection, but it was indeed full of magic energy.


A giant tiger like a hill appeared in front of everyone. It was golden yellow under the moonlight, with a huge "king" character on its forehead.

Just getting close, the magic pressure of the peak level of the devil king all over his body made the hairs of everyone stand on end, and the heartbeat increased suddenly.

In fact, this is because of the protection of the Qiankun Pagoda, otherwise, a few juniors would be forced to the ground by this demon.

The magic element in his body was due to a fight with the magic pig, now Lu Chen doesn't know if he can fight the magic tiger for [-] rounds.

He hastily ordered Pang Hai: "Protect them from leaving the tower!" Then he raised his magic knife and summoned the demons to fight together.

With lightning and flint kung fu, the Demon Tiger made a huge leap and rushed towards Lu Chen from 300 meters away.

The tiger threw itself in the air, and hit the carriage with its red-eyed paw.


The giant claws full of the power of the demon king shook the beam of light covering the entire Qiankun Tower, and the entire carriage and a piece of land suddenly became chaotic, and the cups in the carriage fell to the ground, which was full of mess.

Inside the carriage, Mrs. Wen Ya stood up in shock. Although she was in the carriage, the powerful Demon Soul sensed that Lu Chen was fighting the Demon Tiger!

No, how could she put a child in danger for their safety?

Before she could get out of the carriage building, the next moment, several devil tigers and leopards jumped into this forest, all of them were in the realm of devil appearance.

The tigers and leopards were running extremely fast, and there were no obstacles in the forest, but in the blink of an eye, these tigers and leopards had already approached the carriage.


One after another screams sounded in the carriage.

These ferocious beasts didn't know where they came from, and they didn't know why, as if they were watching their prey, they approached the carriage step by step.

The bamboo spirit uttered a deafening cry for help, and the sound was like a thunderous bell, directly hitting the ceiling: "Ah! There is a devil tiger!"

Now Mrs. Wen Ya didn't bother to help Lu Chen, she asked Zhu Qing to calm Zhu Ling's emotions, and sent a signal to the family, while summoning her own magic weapon, she got off the carriage alone, and ordered Pang Hai and Zhang Fan to go one by one Angle hold the carriage.

"It's weird today. I'm afraid the ancestors guarding this place are entangled in something. I have already asked Zhuqing Zhuling to send a signal to the family. As long as we guard this place, everything will be fine!"

Lu Chen, who was fighting in mid-air, heard the scream, and took a moment to wrap the devil's soul around the devil's tiger. Then he looked over and found that there were several more tigers and leopards here.

"Brother Lu Chen, be careful!"

After sending the signal, Zhu Ling leaned out of the carriage, saw Lu Chen in mid-air and a magic leopard on the ground rushing towards Lu Chen, and couldn't help but yelled.

She screamed and waved her arms.

The instinct of wild beasts is to chase moving animals. A magic leopard in front of the carriage saw it and rushed towards the carriage.


The magic leopard bumped into the light curtain of Qiankun Pagoda, and fell to the ground in a daze.

When another leopard rushed over, Pang Hai had quick eyesight and quick hands, and raised his epee to block it a few steps forward.Zhang Fan took the opportunity to insert a silver needle into the magic leopard's eye!

Pang Hai forcefully pushed the leopard out, then raised his epee and smashed it towards the leopard's head.

Steady, accurate, ruthless.

The magic leopard turned its head slightly, but its legs were broken and it was almost impossible to get up.

"Good!" Mrs. Wen Ya praised, "Let's defend the tower together!"

In order to attack seamlessly, Pang Hai and Zhang Fan used heavy swords to resist each other, and the other directly threw darts such as magic needles.

Lu Chen and Fenmo in the air are still at the speed of life and death, and the devil tiger at the level of the devil is really too fast, and the speed is comparable to the speed of the wind.


The devil tiger jumped up, but Lu Chen barely avoided it.

No, this is too much of a waste of mana!

So, with an idea, Lu Chen simply cooperated with Fenmo, quickly landed on the ground, and started somersaulting both of them.

The cooperation between the demon and the demon has a tacit understanding that is different from ordinary people, and it can always avoid the attack just right. This way, somersaulting on the ground also greatly saves the magic power.

At this moment, the tiger lost all patience and jumped up high——

Lu Chen was standing upside down, and Fen Mo stood on his shoulder.

The two fell directly to the right, and the devil tiger brushed past their left shoulders, and the stench of saliva spread, making Lu Chen feel nauseated for a while.Mohu slapped his right paw, and the two turned around quickly.

Seeing the opportunity, when the tiger jumped up again, Lu Chen leaped into the air with the demon on his shoulders.

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The demon tiger jumped in pursuit, showing its belly, and the above demons continued to fly upwards, but the demon Lu Chen on the ground immediately bent down, took out the knife, and swung the knife with a thunderous force, from the neck to the tail, gave the demon tiger There was a bloodstain.

Blood spattered Lu Chen's face, he couldn't dodge in time, the devil tiger roared angrily, almost swallowing mountains and rivers with anger.

Damn, this devil tiger king is really powerful, if it were an ordinary devil tiger, it would have been split in half long ago, how could it only suffer from such a superficial pain.

Seeing this scene, Zhuling and Zhuqing in the carriage were shocked beyond words. Everyone knows that the demon can be used to fight, but who would know that the demon can be used in this way?

At this moment, the two sisters looked at each other, and saw their shock and admiration in each other's eyes.

After Lu Chen hit it, he immediately flew into the sky, and his eyes scanned the surroundings.

Zhang Fan was fighting a magic leopard, and he got out of the range covered by the Qiankun Tower, and was directly grabbed by the magic leopard from behind, and he was about to die in the leopard's mouth.

With a move in Lu Chen's heart, he directly let the split demon entangle the demon tiger, flying with a knife in front of him.

The flame hit the leopard's abdomen, and it groaned, took a step back, and aimed at Chase Lu angrily.

Lu Chen secretly wrapped the leopard with the demon soul, and while it was eating, he split it in half with a knife.

But there are too many tigers and leopards here, just like the group of demon pigs before, they can almost be said to be inexhaustible.Although Lu Chen was besieged by the carriage for a while, soon, another group of tigers and leopards came forward and hit Qiankun Pagoda.

The mask of the Qiankun Pagoda is definitely no problem for a few demons, but no one can withstand such a desperate destruction by a group of demons!

Seeing that the mask of the Qiankun Tower was a little dim, Lu Chen was about to step forward, but two devil tigers came over to stop him.

Pang Hai at the side of the carriage saw this scene, and was anxiously trying to save Lu Chen, but was blocked by two leopards jumping up from both ends. A magic leopard was snatched up and killed by the people around him.

Inexplicably, Pang Hai's heart tightened, and he turned his head. Beside him, Mrs. Wen Ya came at some time and blocked another magic leopard.

Mrs. Wen Ya held a long sword in her hand, and the blood of the leopard that had just been hacked to death flew out and splashed on her face, making her complexion whiter and she did not blink.

Soon another magic leopard came up, Mrs. Wen Ya and the magic leopard looked at each other coldly - the real Mount Tai collapsed before him and his face remained unchanged.

She flashed the cold light of the blade, and slashed across with another sword. The leopard avoided it deftly, but it was still scratched.

It was already mad, but now it was enraged again, its scarlet eyes glared at Mrs. Wen Ya, and it jumped up.

Originally Mrs. Wen Ya was standing within the scope of the Qiankun Pagoda, and everything was fine, but Zhuqing who was behind Mrs. Wen Ya saw this scene and didn't even want to fly forward, facing its sharp claws, desperate to save her!

Lu Chen slashed two ordinary devil tigers with one knife, and turned around to see this scene.

Then he thought about it, if Mrs. Wen Ya could be saved, wouldn't it be more convenient for him to do things in Dongjing in the future?

Taking advantage of the magic energy to protect his body, Lu Chen rushed to Mrs. Wen Ya, hugged Zhuqing directly, threw himself inward, and at the same time stretched out his legs to kick the magic leopard away!

Zhuqing looked at Lu Chen's handsome face in shock, and stared blankly beside the carriage.At such a time of chaos and crisis, the idea of ​​wanting to marry Lu Chen unexpectedly emerged in her mind at an inappropriate time.

She didn't have time to think about anything, Lu Chen had already rushed out of the range of the Qiankun Tower, and the magic leopard had already stood up on its front paws, turning its head and glaring at him.

Lu Chen directly grabbed the magic leopard's tail, pulled the nine ox's tail backwards, and threw it out heavily.

Zhuqing's delicate little face was completely drained of blood, she had risked her life just now, and thinking about it now, she was afraid.

At this moment, seeing Lu Chen facing the tigers and leopards and bravely guarding them, he thought silently in his heart, in this life, he believes that Lu Chen has no one else.

Lu Chen didn't have time to care about this, he threw the leopard and went to help fight and divide the demons.

At this moment, the demon in mid-air was facing the Demon Tiger King and was retreating step by step.

Fenmo faced the powerful Demon Tiger King, and his right shoulder was injured.

The tiger approached Fenmo Lu Chen step by step, and he almost resigned to his fate.Forget it, anyway, there is this demon, and it can be resurrected.

Suddenly, a leopard came from outside the sky!


The magic leopard flying over from outside the sky also knocked out the magic tiger king in front of Fenmo.

The next moment, Lu Chen had returned.

Although he knew it was him, Lu Chen still patted Fenmo on the shoulder: "Good job, thank you!"

The devil tiger was furious, and rushed towards him with scarlet eyes.

Looking at the endless tigers and leopards, Lu Chen was also a little annoyed. He wanted to use the devil soul battle to end the battle quickly, but he was worried that killing the tigers and leopards under the devil tiger king with one move would expose his trump card.

It seems that it is best to lure them away from the road.

Thinking of this, he turned his head, looked at the carriage behind him, and said firmly:

"Don't worry, I will definitely protect you, and I won't let them hurt you in death!"

I must protect you.

Don't worry, you are behind me!

These few words deeply touched the hearts of Zhu Qing, Zhu Ling, including Mrs. Wen Ya.For a while, even Pang Hai admired Lu Chen.

Although a large part of the friendship with Lu Chen is for the benefit of both parties, but at this moment, Lu Chen is risking his life to protect them-this is impossible for many people who pursue benefits.

At a critical juncture, Lu Chen's words reassured everyone.

Seeing that Pang Hai was scratched in five deep scratches from neck to chest, blood flowed horizontally.

Lu Chen nodded his head from a distance.

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