Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2793 Defeating Tiger King

"come here!"

Seeing that the magic leopard and magic tiger were staring at the carriage, Lu Chen quickly moved in the air.

At this time, Lu Chen in mid-air became the thorn in the eyes of all the magic leopards and tigers, and was chased.

Sending the devil to shoot and use the sword that pokes so-and-so to see the gap in the sky, Lu Chen flew directly far away, leading a group of tigers and leopards to the distance of the forest.

Every time he saw the magic leopard and tiger preparing to stop, he would fall down and run a few steps pretending to be weak.

Just like that, Chase Lu teased a group of tigers and leopards out of the sight of everyone in the carriage.

Even the most powerful Devil Tiger at the Demon King level followed under the lure of Lu Chen with Dividing Demons.

Finally arrived at a place, Lu Chen felt that his magic energy was running low, he fell down and landed directly on the back of a magic leopard, almost crushing the magic leopard.

The magic leopard jumped up suddenly, trying to throw him off. Lu Chen lifted the magic soul to suppress the surrounding tigers and leopards of the level of magic appearance, while pressing down on the magic leopard under him, and then beat the magic leopard hard s eyes.

This kind of primitive hand-to-hand combat is the most enjoyable way to play.

Deliberately not suppressing the devil's soul of the leopard under him, Lu Chen dodged the leopard's turning attack. Occasionally, when he couldn't dodge in time, the air was filled with the smell of blood. He clenched his fist and beat the leopard's head loudly.

Boom!Demon phase, right?

Boom!I will hammer you to death with my fist!


Chase Lu found that his fist was useless to a powerful monster like the magic leopard, so he simply wrapped his fist with some recovered magic energy, and punched the magic leopard's head with all his strength.

Magic leopard, pawn.

It seems that the magic element is still easy to use.

He stopped his movements, and instead of taking another look at the tigers and leopards that were being pressed down by his demon soul, he looked in the direction of the demon tiger in the realm of the demon king.

The demon is also exhausted

When the fierce tiger was pounced on him, he tried his best to dodge to the side, and passed the tiger shoulder to shoulder.

It was another miss, Mohu seemed to be enraged, his mouth was drooling, he stared at the two of them, his pupils gradually became darker.Its claws came out, and the huge magic element surrounded the claws, drawing sharp scratches one meter deep on the ground.

This is the strength of the devil tiger in the realm of the devil king.

It didn't pay attention to this weak human at all just now, and planned to play with it for a while before killing it according to the habit of teasing its prey.

Seeing the movement of the devil tiger, Lu Chen didn't dare to underestimate it. He turned the devil's energy into energy again, and flew into the sky at the speed of the wind.

The two confronted each other, but the tiger didn't use the tactics of pounce. He raised his head and exhaled an extremely cold air.

Moreover, the speed of this icy cold air was comparable to that of lightning, and it was so fast that the exhausted Demon Separating Demon Lu Chen was shot before he had time to dodge.


Fenmo Luchen turned into an ice sculpture and fell from mid-air.


The Demon Tiger didn't care about the main body of Chase Lu on the other side, but continued to spit out thick icy air at the falling demon body, freezing the demon body directly into a thick small iceberg!


Mohu looked at Lu Chen, a pair of vertical pupils showed a human provocative emotion.


Seeing it in mid-air, Chase Lu's heart skipped a beat after he hadn't been angry for a long time.

He directly mobilized the devil soul in his whole body, surrounded the devil tiger below, and then quickly imprisoned it. Even if the devil emperor-level devil soul couldn't completely imprison the devil king-level devil soul for a while, it could still interfere with it.


Demon Tiger's whole body trembled suddenly, and then his movements became sluggish.It doesn't understand what's going on, it just feels like its limbs are a little out of control, and even the magic energy in the body is running much slower than usual.

"go to hell!"

Lu Chen raised the Red Flame Knife, poured all the magic energy into it, and slashed at the slow-moving Demon Tiger below.

A shocking wave of flames streaked across the night sky, and the devil tiger was hit hard, and its fur was covered in flames.


Shaking off the flames, the tiger was already on the verge of rage, roaring angrily, and a burst of bad breath filled the air. It seemed to think about it for a while, then jumped up, and threw its claws at Lu Chen again!

However, Lu Chen's tens of thousands of years were not in vain. When it comes to fighting, he has a lot of experience!

He flipped deftly back to avoid the tiger, and then somersaulted.

A man and a tiger chased each other in the night sky, so fast that no one could see clearly

Finally, Lu Chen got over his addiction to teasing the tiger, turned around, and threw himself on the back of the devil tiger.

Before the devil tiger could react, Chase Lu pulled it into Ling Tian's world in an instant!

Buddha talks about cause and effect, Taoism talks about chance.Everything must have its own reason and law.

For example, this tiger, what's wrong with being a majestic tiger king, he insisted on going to this forest to grab some "Ling Xinghua".Then I met a stronger giant python and was chased away. Then I ran to the edge of the forest to vent my anger on a few humans. By the way, I had a supper, and was caught by Lu Chen into Lingtian World.

What is this indicating?

It shows that this is the retribution for the Tiger King's dominance in the first half of his life, and he has never met an opponent-now it has fallen into the hands of a small human race, and now it is pressed on the ground and rubbed repeatedly, but he can't even move a single hair .

However, Lu Chen was thrown into the devil tiger and quickly left the Lingtian world. There were still demons outside, so he had to treat it in time.

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First, a group of tigers and leopards were thrown to Xiaohei and Xiaobai, and then Lu Chen rescued Fenmo by slashing down with a few red flame knives.

This devil tiger is really powerful, it is worthy of the realm of the devil king.

If Lu Chen hadn't relied on the powerful Demon Soul and Lingtian World tonight, he would have died a long time ago.

Sighing, Lu Chen touched his chin. After this battle, he felt that he had a sign of breaking through.

It's just that for now, his magic power is still a lot worse, and it can't meet the actual hard conditions for a breakthrough.

Now that we have come to the place of trial, and the situation tonight is so strange, according to the inertia, could it be that some treasure is about to appear in the world, so these monsters were driven out by something more powerful?

If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you get a tiger cub; if you achieve great things, you must be brave!

Lu Chen faintly felt that it was necessary to go deeper, but he couldn't let go of the group of people in the carriage.

He decided to go back and have a look first. If the rescuers arrived and everyone was safe, then it would be a good idea for him to go back and look for the opportunity he sensed in his heart.

Turning around and going back to Lingtian World, and ordering Cai'er to find out what happened in the Demon Tiger Forest, and to save the Demon Tiger's life, Lu Chen restrained his voice, made a half-circle quietly, and headed towards the carriage. to explore in the direction.

Chase Lu quickly walked near the carriage, and before he got close, he saw a group of people shouting his name everywhere.

"Lu Chen!"

"Brother Lu Chen!"

Zhu Ling and Zhu Qing directly held their weapons and said, "We need to find brother Lu Chen quickly! He led the tiger and leopard away alone!"

"Yes, a group of people are going to contact the clan, a group of people are going to look for the guardian ancestor, and a group of people are following me. We must find him quickly and ensure his safety!" Mrs. Wen Ya said to a group of people who looked like The reinforcements said.

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows. It seems that everyone is safe and sound now, so he can leave for a while now.

Lu Chen directly entered Lingtian's world, and the majestic Demon Tiger, who was lying on the ground at this moment, howled with tears in his eyes.

"Uncle!" Little Suzaku ran over happily and jumped into Lu Chen's arms.

Seeing Lu Chen, the devil tiger on the ground trembled all over, almost ruining the tiger's life!This person is really too powerful, he cannot be underestimated, he must cooperate well!

"Master, I've already asked." Cai'er said, "This devil tiger said that it sneaked up on the guardian of the Zhu family, and then came here to snatch a millennium Lingxing flower."

"Lingxinghua?" Lu Chen's eyes lit up. This is a heaven-defying potion. It grows an inch in a thousand years, and after it grows up, it will bloom once a thousand years. The function of the petals is to help increase the magic energy by a hundred times.

That is to say, if there is even a strand of magic energy in a person's body, after taking it, the strand of magic energy will be multiplied a hundred times and become a hundred strands of magic energy.

How can such an opportunity be missed?

But Lu Chen asked: "Then the devil tiger came to the edge of the forest to drive us away? It's not like, shouldn't it be guarding there now?"


The devil tiger on the ground quickly roared out.

"Uncle, it said it was kicked out." Little Suzaku quickly translated.

"Roar" the Demon Tiger continued to roar.

Lu Chen frowned and said: "It would be great if this devil tiger could speak human language, it's really troublesome to roar like this."

As soon as the words fell, a golden light fell from the sky and enveloped the Demon Tiger.

After a while, Mohu opened his mouth, and a male voice sounded like a male duck: "Forgive me! I will say what I have to say, I know everything without saying anything, don't kill me!"

Lu Chen: ""

He even forgot that in Lingtian World, he could not speak freely, and now the Demon Tiger can obviously speak by himself.

"Okay, then you can say it."

"It's me..." Mohu nodded just now, and suddenly realized something was wrong, how could he be able to speak?Monsters can only speak when they reach the Tribulation Transcendence Realm. Could it be that they have been upgraded unconsciously?

"Don't talk nonsense, this is my world, I let you talk, so of course you can!" Chase Lu asked impatiently, "What's going on?"

"Yes yes yes, I said!"

Mohu nodded quickly, no wonder this person is so powerful, he actually owns a world.

The devil tiger explained that it was a tiger king in the forest of monsters behind Buluo City. The monsters were extremely sensitive to the treasures of heaven, material and earth, so it knew that there was such a treasure hidden in the Trial Land of the Zhu Clan thousands of years ago. A treasure exists.

After thousands of years, the Demon Tiger finally found the weak point of the trial ground and sneaked in with his men.

I don't want to, when it came in, Zhu's guardian ancestor was fighting with another giant python, both of them were half-stepping through the Tribulation Realm.

The devil tiger was also warned by the giant python, telling it to leave quickly, otherwise it will clean up the guardian, and it will be the next one.

What is the concept of half-step crossing the tribulation realm?

The difference of half a realm, and the devil is almost a sky, a ground.

The Devil Tiger decided it was better not to take any risks. It had finally cultivated to the realm of the Devil King, so what if it fell short like this.

"That's what you saw later. I went outside and smelled someone, so I came over."

With a swollen nose and swollen face, Mohu covered his head with his paws: "Brother, hero, master, may I consider you king? Don't be angry. If I knew you were so powerful, I wouldn't dare to fight you even if I was killed! I Wrong, I am nothing, don't be angry!"

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