Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2791 Encountering the peak of the devil king


The Demon Pig King felt the heart-piercing pain and was instantly annoyed, and rushed towards Lu Chen with all four hoofs on fire.

Lu Chen stepped back, and Fenmo was already waiting in front of the Demon Pig King holding his long sword.


The long sword pierced into the Demon Pig King's chest like cutting tofu, and the Demon Pig Lu Chen pulled it aside, and a long bloody gash suddenly appeared.

Then Lu Chen's body fell from the sky, and the big knife took advantage of the pain of the Demon Pig King, and directly slashed down fiercely. This knife was infused with [-]% of Lu Chen's magic energy.

With the blade and the flames, the pig's head was cut off immediately.

The few people who were fighting behind were all dumbfounded, how could the Demon Dividing Realm be used like this?Isn't this pig a demon?Mohou is so brittle?

As everyone knows, the magic knife in Lu Chen's hand is an eighth-grade magic weapon, and the long sword in Lu Chen's hand is the one he used when fighting Yingren. coagulation effect.

The demon pig was first wounded on the back by the eighth-grade demon knife, and then a large amount of blood gushed out from the wound, and its movements slowed down. On the other hand, the neck becomes a vulnerable place without protection.

"Brother Lu Chen is really amazing!"

The bamboo spirit screamed excitedly, and the sharp blade in his hand was mixed with the magic element to block the collision of the magic pig again and again.

They stopped for a while and looked to the side. Under the moonlight, at some point, the ground was already full of corpses of demon pigs, almost forming a big circle around the four of them. No wonder they felt much more relaxed. The demon pigs on the periphery were blocked by these corpses and couldn't rush in immediately.

At the end of these devil pig corpses, there is a figure like Shura, holding a short black blade, and walking with ghostly and peculiar footwork. Go down, and a devil pig will fall to the ground.

Under the moonlight, the delicate face is indifferent and handsome, and the vigorous figure is enough to dazzle thousands of girls!

If any girl can marry her, she should feel very safe, right?Zhu Ling squinted her big eyes, thinking secretly.

Zhang Fan stared at Lu Chen dejectedly. He felt a strong sense of frustration for the first time. Looking at Zhu Ling's expression, he knew that he had lost.

But Zhuqing showed a joyful smile, just happy for Lu Chen's strong strength.

When the three of them stopped like this, they were almost pushed into the sky by a group of demon pigs. When they came back to their senses, they hurriedly continued to kill the demon pigs that were close to them. They were like tofu monsters in Lu Chen's hands, but they still had to fight for a long time. The three of them The more he killed, the more he felt that Chase Lu was simply a pervert.

Lu Chen didn't have much time to pay attention to their thoughts. At this time, he was in a very subtle state. With the help of the silver moon, the whole set of Taoism was running in his body, and with the knife technique, he was as comfortable as flowing clouds and flowing water.

Today's fight can be regarded as enough to make him addicted to group fights. After coming to this world, he has never used a thousand thoughts, and it has been running in conjunction with Lu Chen, who has been in the invisible. Arrived at the mystery of dividing the demon realm.

A shun step flashed behind a demon pig, and the backhand was a knife without turning his head back, and then he turned to another direction with a swirling step, as graceful as dancing, Lu Chen was as light as a milk swallow, in the densely packed Go back and forth easily through the herd of demon pigs.

"It's really powerful." The others were killing in full swing, but Pang Hai sat in the car and watched very leisurely. The big sword in front of him formed a barrier as strong as iron, and all the demon pigs collided with this barrier. Every now and then they would howl and fall back.

In fact, he got an adventure after leaving the Artifact Refining Alliance, and his strength is around the level of Demon Hou.Now it can withstand so many demon pigs, the most important thing is that the big sword refined by Lu Chen is very powerful, and its defense function is exceptionally good.

Seeing Lu Chen's light and elegant steps, Pang Hai was surprised again. He only felt that Lu Chen seemed to be full of mysteries, which was completely incomprehensible.

Time passed little by little, and everyone finally understood why Chase Lu said that monsters are not easy to mess with at night. When people are tired, the magic pigs are like a tide, as if they can't be killed.

"Why do these pigs still fight so hard after the devil pig king is dead?"

"It's not right, it's not right!"

"That doesn't work, let's go back to Uncle Pang Hai first." Gritting his teeth, Zhang Fan swung his two-handed sword again, and said to the two girls next to him.

Zhuqing and the two nodded, the goal of familiarizing themselves with actual combat had been achieved, so there was no reason to spend any more.

Several people retreated while fighting, but they didn't notice a slightly different demon pig approaching quietly.


Zhang Fan was running forward, but Zhang Fan's face was forcefully picked up by a sharp giant horn. A sharp feeling came from his abdomen. Frightened emotions exploded in Zhang Fan's mind, and the shadow of death shrouded his heart. I know that many people were stabbed to death by the huge horns of the devil pig!

"Oops!" Pang Hai in the distance also noticed the sudden change here, and flew over like lightning, but it was only a momentary thing. When he saw something was wrong, Zhang Fan had already been picked up in the air, and it was too late to rescue him!

Experience means that all kinds of situations and dangers are unpredictable. Even if the elders of the family have to take action to save his life, Zhang Fan is only afraid that he will be seriously injured!

"Ah! Don't!" Zhu Ling screamed and covered his eyes, for fear of seeing a person being stabbed to death.

"Zhang Fan!" Zhuqing exclaimed.

At this moment, a hand suddenly grabbed the top of the giant horn of the demon pig from the side. Zhang Fan felt his stomach was cushioned by a soft thing, and his body slid to the side without being injured as expected.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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At the same time, a big knife slashed down with a "shua!", and pierced into the thick flesh of the mutated wild boar almost at the same time as Pang Hai's epee!

Pang Hai's epee cut open the mutated wild boar's belly, but Lu Chen's broadsword chopped off the mutated wild boar's entire head!

This time, neither Pang Hai nor Lu Chen was releasing water. The two of them jointly attacked, and coupled with the cooperation of a fish in water, the wild boars around died in the blink of an eye.

"Lu Chen!"

"Brother Lu Chen!" The two daughters of Zhu Qing rushed forward anxiously, Zhu Qing took the first step to grab Lu Chen's bloody hand stabbed by the huge horn of the mutated wild boar, with a panic expression on her pretty face: "Oh my God , you are injured!!"

"It's okay." Lu Chen shook his head as usual, and glanced at Zhang Fan who was lying on the ground and looked at him in amazement.

"My mother is a wizard with good healing power. Let's go and have a look." Zhuling said, pulling Chen Lu past, pushing and shoving towards the carriage, leaving Zhuqing a little dazed. Stand still.

"Why did he save me?" Zhang Fan, who escaped from death, was still in shock.

If you say that Lu Chen is a good old man full of sympathy, Zhang Fan doesn't believe it. Don't forget that when he just entered the forest, Lu Chen watched him being swallowed coldly, and didn't intend to help him at all. Such a cold person like Lu Chen , he should not take his life and death seriously.

Zhuqing tilted his head and thought for a while, then whispered: "I think it's because you worried about him after he fell into the pig herd alone, didn't you look around anxiously at that time? , he is watching from not far away."

"How is this possible!" Zhang Fan was dumbfounded again.

"Why is it impossible?" Zhu Qing pouted and looked in the direction of the carriage, with a gentle smile in his bright eyes, dispelling hesitation: "Actually, Lu Chen is a very smart and gentle person, killing him Those who protect him, he will definitely take revenge. Those who protect him, he will be rewarded with kindness."

Zhuqing remembered that on the day of the auction, Lu Chen didn't care about Tantai Yuyang, but he was able to return to the tavern to see their sisters after entering the Dizang Academy, and his heart was filled with infinite tenderness.

Hearing Zhuqing's words, Zhang Fan couldn't help but look at the carriage, his expression somewhat tinged with shock.

Pang Hai secretly sighed, perhaps the most convincing thing about Chase Lu is not his superior talent and powerful skills, but his special charisma.

Lu Chen recovered quickly under Mrs. Wen Ya's treatment. He felt as if his whole body had soaked in a pool of hot spring. Under a blue luster, he felt as comfortable as if he had slept beautifully. Even the tiredness after the battle Also all faded away.

He is very curious about wizards like Mrs. Wen Ya. He has been in the Demon God Continent for a long time, but he has never had any contact with wizards.I don't know what's going on with the shamans here. They don't follow the traditional Chinese medicine on earth or the doctors he's seen before when they treat them.It actually relies on drawing spells plus reciting spells, combined with magic elements and gestures.

How is this going?

Lu Chen wanted to ask but couldn't ask. If he revealed that he was not a native of this continent, he would not dare to think about what he would face in the future.

"Brother Lu Chen"

"Shh, don't talk!"

Zhu Ling was about to say something, but Mrs. Wen Ya's gentle expression suddenly became serious.

"Why?" Zhu Ling lowered her voice, carefully listening to the surrounding voices.

Lu Chen quickly closed his eyes, and quickly spread the magic soul around.

In just a short moment, Lu Chen and Mrs. Wen Ya, the two most powerful demon souls here, felt that every pore in their bodies was stiff——

It turned out to be a devil tiger!

It is still a devil tiger whose strength is at the peak of the realm of the devil king!

Isn't this the trial place of the Zhu Clan—how could such a high-level demon tiger suddenly appear on the periphery!

It's too late, it's too soon.

Lu Chen didn't have time to think about it, he jumped out of the carriage, and covered the entire carriage with the eighth-level magic weapon, the Qiankun Tower, which he hadn't had time to sell.

Then he directly dodged and pulled Zhuqing in front of him into the Qiankun Pagoda.

"come here quickly!"

Lu Chen yelled at Pang Hai and Zhang Fan who were watching the movement in a daze, and directly urged the magic yuan to protect his legs, using the magic yuan to turn it into a magic energy similar to the wind element.

All fights are about speed.

With the wind speed blessing, there is more protection for one point.

He never thought of staying in the Qiankun Pagoda to hide his life. This Qiankun Pagoda is just a magic weapon of the eighth rank, and it is good against other realms. I am afraid that it will not be able to last for a long time in the realm of the Demon King.

The most important thing is that he has come to this continent, and he has never fought against the Demon King yet.

Although he is a master at dividing the demonic realm, he has always been able to use the heaven-defying demonic soul as a cheat to leapfrog fights. So, what will happen if he uses his own realm and the demonic soul to deal with this demonic tiger?

There was an urge to try in Lu Chen's heart, and he could grow faster after going through training.Anyway, he still has Lingtian World as his final trump card, if he really can't do it, he will drag this devil tiger to Lingtian World to kill him!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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